Classic WoW shouldn't have an armory

exactly. and the score is not even really arbitrary . its the same score they use for everyone.

its an experience score. you need to do a m+ in a time that shows top 500? i believe on your server.

but ya . mythic + doesnt exist in classic.

and people can tell what experience you have by your gear anyways. so why are people calling for the armory to be not there?

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I feel that Blizzard need to block these third party websites from obtaining that information. They’ve already announced that they’re going to limit the capabilities of add ons, they need to do this for third party websites too or it’ll all be for nothing.

Things like Warcraftlogs and WoWprogress damage the social aspects that make vanilla tick and I think their relevance would damage the game.

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Not if they’re upset :sleeping:

When I saw armory, I was just thinking about the aesthetics, not some silly gear score that brings with it some selfish meta that could only hurt the community.

Gearscore just wasn’t a thing, nor should it ever be in Classic.

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seriously? you are that butthurt about valid tools people use to improve their own performance cause someone somewhere denied you a group cause you diddnt fit what they believed to be right for their own group?

thats sad.

make your own groups btw. that will solve it.

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As I said earlier I don’t have an huge issue with the Armory being a fixture of Vanilla. I would rather it was left out but that doesn’t mean you’re wrong.

Good insights, someone ring a bell somewhere, a mind was changed in a discussion on the internet #impossibru

It’s been a pleasure chatting.

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Warcraftlogs does not use the API. It gathers its data from people uploading logs.

They will use the API for pulling spec and links to the players, but not for the parsing of the logs.


I think logs were part of Vanilla already though. Just not the heavy analysis.

EDIT: 2.4.0 made them far more useful and requiring parsing.

Logging tools existed in vanilla, didn’t they?

Yes, they were just like really really really basic though and they weren’t common in most places. Mostly used for self improvement and proving you did it iirc.

The combat log was far more rudimentary at that stage, and more text driven. 2.4.0 was where it changed.

hehe i remember you had to join a secret logging channel to do the dps meters. ahh those where the days!

We now have wikis and Discord.

dude… I remember that. The fact I cant remember the name is going to drive me insane.

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This isn’t retail. Classic is a community-driven experience. Reducing players to arbitrary numbers on a web page irreparably damages that.

Keep that crap on retail if they must, but it’s a no-no for vanilla and goes against their goals to preserve it.

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but you dont understand.

there are no mythics to be had in classic.

the only things that are out there are bosses youve downed and logs of dps that you would use to get into a raiding guild. any serious guild is going to ask for logs unless you have the gear from bosses up to or maybe slightly behind what they are progressing on. and even then they will probably ask for personal logs.

taking away a site does nothing to people running personal logs unless you some how break the functionality of dps /hps /threat meters as well.

community driven experience doesnt mean people throw away their standards when it comes to filling a group for raids.

it just means that the community itself dictates what they will accept and disallow .

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Okay seriously.

  1. “If Blizz doesn’t do it, someone will.” Is not a good argument. Blizzard can disable any addon that links to a website, so any kind of “armory” website would be useless to third parties unless you manually enter in your gear. That’s going to require a lot more work on the website developer then just linking to an armory site from Blizzard.

  2. You can make all the claims you want about “How only terrible raiders people don’t want raiderio for classic”. Here’s the rub of it. All allowing anything similar to raiderio into Classic does is allow people to go “LFM MC/BWL/(Pick a raid or dungeon). Link raiderio or no invite.” That’s not a social experience, that a few elitist jerks being elitist jerks. Then it filters down into the mid level casual raid guilds because they get tired of hearing how “bad” they are by the elitist jerks for letting people who aren’t “X on raiderio, raid with them.”


lol what “score” is gonna be for raider io to use? bosses downed?

if so why is that a bad thing? people want people with the relevant experience to do their runs with.

as for “link raider io or no invite”… you have no clue how it works do you?

people with raider io can see your “score” even if you dont have it installed in your addon folder.

Any serious guild is going to be more concerned with your survival performance rate first, and can /inspect you on site, since there won’t be server transfers for raiding. So they don’t need an external site to see if you’ve got any MC gear.

That’s right, there isn’t. There is however, pre-BiS and BiS tables. And it isn’t entirely out of question, that some nerd(s) sits down and assign values to items (however wrong or correct they may be)

Sure, it is all speculation at this point. But one would have thought people learned from the gear-score madness in WoTLK, instead they invented something else shrug

I’m not that worried myself, I rarely pug anything above 5-man’s. But reducing someone to some arbitrary score is an fools errand in Classic. Lower level and undergeared characters could take down higher levels with better gear, sometimes…

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