Classic WoW shouldn't have an armory

Just had a random realisation. Classic WoW shouldn’t have an armory feature where you can go to the website and inspect other people’s characters and see their stats. The same goes for the API that things like Raiderio and other abominations use to assign us some arbitrary ‘score’.

There’s no need for these functions, you can tell if a player is good just by looking at their gear, there’s no need to have an armory or artificial score.

Not to mention that Vanilla didn’t have an armory either.

Let us post on the forums with our classic character, but dear god don’t let people inspect us and put us up on some third party websites so they can assign us some score.

Classic is a social game, you want to copy someone’s talents? Ask them. Want to see their gear? Inspect them yourself. Social interaction is a major part of Classic WoW, crutches like the armory where you can check someone’s gear without even interacting with them would damage that.

Keep inspections in-game!

Edit: Added more clarification and reasoning.


Why? They are going to inspect you regardless if you want to group with them? lol


Couldn’t agree more.
Happy to leave it at r-click inspect in game.


You are a paranoid one aren’t you?

It’s fine. Everything will be fine.

And as Kuljek said, people will inspect you anyway.


Raiderio. As stated.

This happened to retail, I don’t want raiderio in Classic too.

If people want to inspect me, come and inspect me in person instead of looking up some artificial third party score.


What is raiderio for the less informed?

It’s a third party website that scores you as a player. People use it to determine if you’re worth inviting into dungeons and raids.


Don’t you know that raiderio and ‘inspect’ in game are totally the same thing :laughing:


So you are against people on your server, you will see everyday and people whom you have to play with can just tab out and inspect? Do you really want to sit in front of IF in a line of 20 other people?

You literally want to avoid something that will happen regardless more then likely because you’re scared someones not gonna pick you? They are gonna look much closer at your gear in classic then retail. If anything you should be all for armory in classic to get into that UBRS faster and not lose out to someone with subpar gear because they were there first.

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It really isn’t. Raiderio uses the armory to score you.

That’s the vanilla experience, so yes.


I was being facetious.

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Don’t you know I was talking about the armory and not raiderio? Seriously Lrn2read

When did armory come into the game? Was it in TBC, thought it was in vanilla already.

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no we def need armory for classic. I want to search my foes armor and what not before I go hunt them.

I don’t even like that; I would prefer strictly limiting knowledge of characters to in-game visuals. But I’ll take whatever 1.12 had as a matter of practicality.


There’s nothing wrong with the armory and I’d bet my first epic mount that it will exist in classic.

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The only people who care what other people see, are the people who want to get into groups with little to no prep work and get carried.


I don’t mind people inspecting me. But I don’t want some third party retail site to determine my value to the group by giving me an arbitrary score by pulling data from my armory.


I thought they got rid of the armory not long ago anyway?

Nope, it’s still there.