Classic WoW shouldn't have an armory

I had a job and a family in 2004.
Now it’s 2019, I’m retired and my children have jobs and families.
WoW had, and still has teens playing, but always had working adults with families and jobs as well.
Didn’t need the Armory then, won’t need it now.
I can see the convenience that being able to log into your own characters to check gear and talents when planning would be, but don’t want the ability to see everybody available to addon writers.


survival is fine and all , but if you cant do the dps required to down a boss or to be competitive on the meters why should people take you? people want to play with like minded players who can help lift up their raid and not be a weight around their neck.

and yes. people will be able to inspect you and tell if you have the relevant experience by your gear mostly. so why do logs even matter if not for being able to tell someones personal performance and see if they are a good fit for your raid?

It’s kinda a form of an achievement, and I am opposed to “Achievements” and official stat keeping by an automated system as default to the game.

All of this is POINTLESS in Vanilla because the only people who will progress past Molten Core / Ony are those who’re in a guild… Pug’s will not form to clear BWL, and as much as they may like for this to happen it’s not likely… As for AQ, they can for the most part forget about it.

As for how Classic’s community works, every one knows who the other is. Because of that things like Raider IO are pointless any way.

Achievements and Stat tracking are poison for an MMORPG because it eliminates a community element from the game and that’s risk vs reward. IF you’re so anti-social that you need an automated function to check some ones cred then you have no business raiding in Vanilla er Classic WoW.


It’s not an anti-social thing. It’s a time saving measure. I shouldn’t have to waste my time to invite, trial and blacklist someone and waste everyone’s time.

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I am quite happy to concede that there will be the original style logs. And you’ll try and eke what you can out of them. #NoChanges means including badly formatted and hard to parse information with big gaps :wink:

But the Armory was not in Vanilla, and should not be in Classic.


If you’re part of the community you know who’s a decent player and who’s crap. You should not need a 3rd party addon to do your job of being a part of the community for you.

This is not BFA you will not have 7 alt characters at max level in the first 6 months of the game because it takes time to get to max level…

Everyone on your server, or at least almost everyone on your server will know you and if you’re any good… Your gear and your “raid cred” is meaningless because your reputation as a legit good player or a total dirtbag leech will proceed you.

That Add-on is only useful in a system where everyone is anonymous where community is essentially dead.


lots of whiners waiting for classic.

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People just want classic to be classic and not affected by the norms of BfA.


Preach. All this crying about “It’s not really a QOL change, its just to save time” reminds me of all the “Will classic have mounts at 20? Its to save time”, “Will it have dungeon finder? Its to save time”. Etc etc.

I’m not interested in that at all. Glad that so far based on what they have said, Blizzard agrees.


Time saving measures throughout WoW’s history have been anti-social. Its the rot we’re all trying to get away from in Classic.

“If you want to wake up and do a dungeon before work, Classic won’t have that availble. And we think that’s Ok.”

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But this is just hopefuly wishing. This isn’t 2004-2006 and if Classic is going to be using WoW’s Web API and Bnet integration then you’re gonna be in for a rude awakening.

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Which is why I’m making noise about it now, before it’s too late.

Obviously it won’t be 100% classic, but I’d like it to be as close as possible to it.


Just like Sharding, they’ll use systems as appropriate for Classic. They won’t be sharding every zone in the game, and they don’t need to enable the Armory for Classic. The Web API doesn’t affect it if they don’t publish the data.

You might be in for a ruder awakening when you actually play Vanilla/Classic WoW for the first time.


You should check my armory.

Except there is a giant hole in your logic. Numerous third party services were open to the public in vanilla.
Don’t know how to fish? Al’s Anglin.

You want to show you killed something? You had logs.

You need a talent calculator? Internet had it.

You need a BiS list? Internet had it.

Comparing an armory to LFG or mounts earlier in the game is comparing the mechanical working game play and a service to look at people while not directly in game. Not even remotely the same thing, the only people afraid of a service to track character progress and development. Are people who have bad people skills and are subpar at the game but yet instead of attempting to overcome their issue, want to force others to play with them. You upset someone might get to 60 and require a full MC clear to do UD Strat? The pure fact you are that off your rocker to even suggest people would group with them says alot.

“Waahh, this game is suppose to be social and even I am doing literally 1/3 of the damage output I should with my gear.” That is all people hear from you when you use strawman enlargements.

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Alright let me debunk some misconceptions (damn I leveled a character just to post on the US forum because of you)
I guess a lot of you guys never even checked the API and what it does.

The only way blizzard could prevent inspection of nearby players and thus third-party websites would be to make functions available only through the WoW API and prevent macros and add-ons alike to do this or this function


  • you remove access to the id of an item by add-ons
    => add-ons simply cannot have any info on the item (no atlas loot, no custom UI)
    => add-ons won’t be able to differentiate items in your bag (no gear swapping add-ons)
  • you remove access to inspecting:
    => you can’t have add-ons telling people to remove their damn carrot and put their real trinket (yeah that’s a small thing but people will rage about it lmao)

Logs were a thing in vanilla (are you #nochange or #somechange? make up your mind), so expect people to check their guild’s performances and mess ups, and upload it to a third party website, if a tool doesn’t exist for that it will.
And no I don’t think they will remove the ability of add-ons to sync via raid/guild add-on chats (private chat messaging is another thing, it wasn’t part of vanilla and would allow custom LFD so yeah I’m 99% sure it won’t be allowed)

With all that being said, I wouldn’t mind having no add-ons at all but purist will be against it too

Also I’m fairly confident that people that play on Classic servers are smart enough to not get into the PuGs asking for gearscore or raider io links, the presence of a tool doesn’t mean that it MUST be used by everyone.
Don’t get into those raids, ignore them and they will just die.
(People on this forum know that seriously stop trolling)

And the armory paranoia is just hilarious, raidleaders won’t plan a raid on top of their heads nowadays (they won’t spend all morning recruiting for a raid at noon come on), you can recruit people all week by linking them a discord to have a decent raid composition and the armory could help them check gear.
Yes vanilla raiding doesn’t require a lot of gear, but if you see someone in full green, casters aside ofc, vs someone that is close to prebis it’s fair to assume that the later will be more likely to have the required consumes, and even still they won’t be pushing aside people that have some greens, it’s their choice to test new players out.
And with that setup those that proved themselves to not be keyboard turner standing in fire can get back in the raid and get a spot prio to others, as simple as that.

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But did the boss die?

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So you are literally admitting to the fact you are looking for hand outs. Well thanks for saving my time I suppose.


According to your armory, you went to MC once. Which (because they weren’t recording those stats in Vanilla) definitely occurred during a later period.

Your only feat of strength is getting lots of Achievement points.

And as perfect proof that this character didn’t play Vanilla, you have exactly 500 points with every Steamwheedle Cartel faction.

Therefore checking your Armory, I conclude you are a non-Vanilla Retail player.

Now… check mine.


Who, me? I’m asking a more vanilla-like question, I suppose. We’re talking about Molten Core, dude. Molten Core. Are you going to have a spaz fit because two people in your raid had green parses on Lucifron? Really?