Classic WoW shouldn't have an armory

My worry is the Blizzard worry though. If they allow it to begin, Raiderio may become part of the fabric, destroying the Classic ethos.

We definitely inspected them when they arrived. Usually to know what we were getting into, not to kick them out.

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We are missing part of the reason Armory existed.

Being able to do off game theory crafting of your toon.

Let’s say you picked up some gear last night late and put it on but went to bed. Then got up to go to work. While at work you want to check your toon out and make some plans for tonight’s session. Without the ability to look yourself up in armory, or look at your paperdool and planning toon on wowhead you have to wait till you get home.

Now some will say THATS THE WAY IT SHOULD BE… But come on. Its 2019 man. We have lives and jobs and family.

I firmly believe GearScore and Raiderio create bad social norms. But that is not Blizzards fault or job to police. They exist because of users who support that kind of addon. And while there is a good argument for using it, its far to often when the culture becomes one similar to


That’s literally only relevant to the bleeding edge fools who are treating Classic like a Race to Kel’Thuzad. The vast majority of players don’t and won’t want to be treated like a number. Its not a coincidence that LFD and GearScore came out at the same time. And thus began the boiling down of players to walking clothes horses.

Sure. For starters, apps have been gathering information long before the armory was ever created. The armory API might make the job easier, but it isn’t required.

Second, having good gear is nice for your personal performance but it doesn’t get you everything. You might be interviewed by a guild to fill a role if someone dies to IRL responsibility or was jettisoned for being a huge jerk, but everyone else in the entire raid will be people who were friends and had grouped with friends and worked in somehow as part of the reliable social network. There are always a few that aren’t, but they exist on a trial basis and get in line behind 40 people accumulating DKP when they eventually join the guild.

Third, there’s nowhere to go to escape who you are. If you really screw up - and if you personally have any question about what this means, you probably will - then your name is out there as someone you don’t want in your raid or on your voice chat. And you can’t change your name, and you can’t transfer servers.

So in summary: Be nice to people, know your role, show up on time and come prepared (repaired, with mats and strats) and you will be valued. Armory or not - anyone who makes decisions based solely on gear value is not a raid leader you want in charge of your farm.


Well I am aware of that but if we are being honest. Most of us want a damn armory so we dont have to spend time going back and forth to inspect people. This is about ease of time and making sure no warrior is in a cloth dress. Mostly that.

Honestly, if all of you actually played classic like “some” of you claim then you would know there is no harm in an armory and if anything if someone attempts to abuse the armory its nothing more then that persons admittance to requiring help.

Develop an addon that stores all that information in your SavedVariables, then allows you to upload your data to your personal account on MrRobot or something.

I don’t want someone else pre-judging my abilities by what pieces of gear I’m wearing. In Vanilla, a rogue with a worn dagger can kill a warrior in PVP. Boiling down people to a number or rating isn’t how Vanilla worked.

I agree, but I also recognize that some players really like to show off their accolades. If they don’t add it, no skin off my back.

Unless they had Seal of Ascension, amirite? Anyway, run your group the way you want, I’ve had success and failures alike running UBRS without doing inspections.

Edit: Misread the part where you said you don’t kick them out. Good deal.

Day One Vanilla player. Have the statue to prove it.

Your attitude is 100% Private Server douchery. If you really played Vanilla you’d know that skill and hard work were far more important than Armory stats and BiS.


Nah, people just don’t want this NON-VANILLA garbage in Classic.


Armory did not exist in vanilla so it does not belong in Classic.


It existed and I forgot what it was called. People linked it all the time in their forum signatures. Since the API didn’t support exporting character gear to 3rd party sites you would dress your profile in the gear you had live and could even create sets for some theorycrafting or a wishlist.

Day 1 alpha player here m8, i got floppy disks 2 prove it

Uh huh. Ever consider your server was just vastly different in terms of average population personality? Also classic in forms of pve has little to no skill value. The toughest DPS check in the game which is patchwerk only requires 350 dps average over 27 people. Which does not include tank dps or anything random healer melees/skills.

You got some real rose tilted glasses there.

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That is a perfectly reasonable thing too. As a matter of fact I researched Mr. Robot and they are thinking about supporting it.

Here is a quote from the AMR support forum

forums.askmrrobot dot com/t/classic-support/6358

We won’t rule it out - depends a lot on how popular it is. But like you said, the options for gear in classic were pretty limited so you didn’t need much gear optimization.

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raider io uses the armory to tell if you have done a mythic + or a raid and doesnt do anything else.

people complaining they dont get picked cause they lack the experience to be picked by random strangers are sad.

how else is the random stranger going to know if you have experience? gear? you can easily get very high ilvl pieces by doing any number of things including lfr . they cant tell by your gear anymore (unlike in classic) what experience you have.

classic wont have a raider io. if it does its only functionality will be to see what bosses in raids you have downed.

taking away a tool from people who are just trying to get the best group they can to actually gasp down content is stupid.

It’s actually “rose tinted”, not tilted, not colored.

This is the crux of it. Vanilla was not a PuG game. If you were taking in randoms for MC, it was because you were desperate for people. If you had 35 people for MC, you took warm bodies and hoped they didn’t stand in the fire. If you didn’t need to PuG and could be picky, its because you had a raider bench, and were selecting from people you already knew about. If you’re taking PuG’s for BWL or Naxx, they’re hand selected from people you know cleared MC. Not because you checked them on the armory, but because you knew who all the raiding guilds were.

You don’t need an armory to “protect” you from people without perfect gear, because that’s what your raiding community was for. And if you’re that stuck up about demanding the right gear for a 5-man, you’re going to get a reputation for being an a**.

Bricklethumb@Anvilmar is about the only argument why an armory would be useful, for your own personal development, and that’s easy to replicate on a site like WoWHead or MrRobot, plugging in the armor pieces yourself, or uploading an addon’s Saved Variables.

I was less concerned about Armory, but after reading the attitudes of Retail/PS players who want it so they can be obnoxious, I’m 100% in the #NoChanges camp on this one.


Like transmogs, I just want a place to show off my outfits. :+1:


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I’m not sure what people are getting upset about because RaiderIO checks to see what Mythic+'s you completed and gives you an arbitrary score based on your leftover time.

There’s no Mythic+'s in Classic. There’s nothing to score.

People are getting hysterical over a tool that won’t even work for Classic because it doesn’t contain the same criteria.

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Photobucket was the site of choice back then. Now its Imgur.