Classic WoW shouldn't have an armory

“Where did ya get that two-hander?”

“Scarlet Monastery. I need something else from there. Wanna group up?”

“Well hell yeah.”

/ signed, Some random cool players who could care less what you were wearing or your achievements.


Your characters would definitely not get in anything considering your previous achievements lol

Armory already exists for private server scene and it has no baring on game play. Raider io takes into account your mythic plus timer and levels not just gear. Vanilla is a totally different game being able to armory someone will not affect anything.

You are only seeing my paladin’s achievements lol I am currently doing all the things because this is my original level 60 before I main swapped.

Also 1789 runs to get Baron rivendares pony got it a few day ago.

You mean YOU don’t want it. And that is fine.

But I am not part of your None of us… In this case anyway. I don’t mind having the armory.

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lol that’s pretty fair.

I still don’t support these kinds of addons but I’ll admit you have a good point, people do take advantage of anonymity and do shady stuff.

Something I just learned about is players buying M+ runs to falsely inflate their scores and shooting for big target groups with no personal skills. Been away, apparently that’s a thing now.

I mean honestly, the real issue with this entire thread is people don’t understand the entire society each server had. Vanilla has poor output requirements as it is and they act as if they need to be a god to do it. To be honest as long as you got your required gear, consumables, and are able to make friends your gonna do content.

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How many of those runs are on raider io? I get denied +5s last season cause of IO score since i didn’t do any mythic+ even at 390 ilvl and 2600 in arena lol

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That’s why thing like parses and things exist, you can also usually see the group of whom someone did a key with and see they the entire group but one player belongs to the same server. In the end there is no 100% promise. In legion I use to do 20-24 keys and I would get people with better gear and scores doing like 1/4 of the dps they should of, it will happen in every game.

The reason we need an armory? If we need to pick up someone mid run for let’s say UBRS, it’s at least nice to know they arent in questing gear.

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a) That would require either opt-in by participants, or invasive players scanning everyone else and uploading their data at the end of a session.

b) If Blizzard didn’t like it happening, they would sue the hosting company into oblivion.

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Well this almost goes without saying, that the armory would be used for doing pick up raids, guild recruitment, and maybe UBRS on the fly for quick groups.

If you honestly think people are gonna use it for something sub 60, you are just figuring out who shouldn’t be allowed to be in your groups at end game.

People are reading way to much into something for simple.

I agree no armory or you cannot inspect talents as well.

Oh man, so many people are in for an education. This entire thread is misguided.

Maybe it would help if you could elucidate.

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UBRS and Questing Gear aren’t so far apart in Vanilla. This isn’t retail where you expect people to be in LFR gear before they enter a Heroic.

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Individual player reputation > Armory profile.

Also Armor is not authentic to Vanilla WoW, so the whole argument for an armory profile is invalid from the start.


The armory can be wrong or out of date a lot. My main fear is players that don’t understand how vanilla gearing works regardless of armory or not. There are greens and blues that are better than some of the tier sets. A lot of pre raid BiS are greens and some who are new to classic won’t realize this.

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Armory/Gear is irrelevant for majority of Vanilla. Blues are good enough in most cases.

Expect to have raid leaders and assistants open trade and ask you to prove what consumables you brought.

No consumables? No spot.

I’ve got no objections with armory, I’m just not going to use it to call people trash, or they must be trash. Competency goes a long way, too.

I ran UBRS several times, and I honestly don’t recall ever inspecting players. I’m not saying that it didn’t or won’t happen, and I get that better gear can make things easier.


Exactly, you people are all up in arms about this delusional we are talking about requiring full raid sets or full specific prebis. The armory would be make sure you arent a damn fury warrior wearing a spirit dress at 60.

I have seen it, we all have even if you do not remember. It’s about time saving not this weird agenda you think everyone has to have.