Classic WoW shouldn't have an armory

Its funny watching people who clearly havent played it try and big boy talk about it though. They look stupid as hell.

No lmao, you can’t use dagger sword as sub anymore, I’m COMBAT so I can mog swords. This toon hasn’t been used in a long time.

You can get item ID from the API somehow I’m pretty sure.

Everyone knows rogue 19 bracket has been straight trash for years now

Imagine someone running a quick Mara for Nature Resist pieces for AQ and trying to use Raider .io to “figure out” whether this mage dps is going to cut it for this run…

Trash… seriously, stay in retail if you need a mod for that.


You do realize this toon has classic achievements in the legacy tab right? I raided in Addiction on Spirestone-US on my mage. You could at least attempt to do better here.

Maybe so, but you’d think Blizzard can control it.

Personally, I have no problem with a limited armory, like one that shows the same thing that our character sheer in-game shows. Like others, though, I’m pretty strongly against anything that drags garbage culture into Classic and judging from Ion’s comment at Blizzcon about limiting add-ons that go against the spirit of Classic, I think he’d be for hiding API access to that stuff too. Just a guess.


I dont care what your “achievements” say. Act like you have been there. No one that knows anything about classic would even BEGIN to pretend that’s such a mod is needed or would be meaningful in Classic. The game didn’t work the same way.

Don’t want to be a laughing stock? Stop saying stupid stuff. Until then Ill continue laughing at imagining you using a mod to pre-screen players like a doofus in classic wow for Mara and MC runs. Better make sure that Mage knows how to spam frostbolt!

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.io is built for a game with no social interaction like retail wow… in vanilla there is a server community… you don’t have to look them up to see if they are trash because you already know they are trash.


I hate gearscore culture as well. You will have people nit picking on hardcore levels off of gear and you can’t change that. I am HEAVILY against raid boss kill tracking of any sort.


You have zero AoTC’s, no pvp achievements. You don’t even do end game nor anything remotely challenging outside of your basic playing the game for multiple expansions. I mean the only person mad here is you because I am well aware I will be fine regardless in classic. Even as a casual I get way more done with my time.

Best learn some people skills before you get denied. Maybe you can con some people into raiding since MC is designed to carry 15 people on average with its seriously subpar output requirements.

It will happen regardless and you wont be able to stop it. Welcome to the jungle trash gnome.

Pretty interesting point. Never put it past clever people to not do interesting things. Shame if Blizz breaks it when they do, which is what I would prefer.

This isn’t General Discussion. No one cares.


Ooohh ouch! I don’t play retail!

Yeah, I think that pretty much wraps this discussion up.


Can’t you buy pvp carries and aotc’s with gold that can be bought with real currency? Isn’t that pay to win??


This thread is just what I needed to get through this Friday afternoon. Keep the salt coming boys!!
:salt: :popcorn:

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Reasons why parses exist.

You are an interesting character mon amis.

I can’t really fault your logic in that ones prowess speaks for itself and these kinds of addons do the talking. While I agree that some people play to get carried which I really don’t get at all… could it be that part of the reason why people don’t want this kind of info accessible is because of this kind of post?

Maybe the poster is a trash gnome, you don’t know. You think you do because you looked at his profile I’m assuming. Maybe you think I’m trash too?

Point being you don’t actually know unless we’re in a party wiping on Rag repeatedly.

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Then ask for help, ask for guidance, ask to be friends, ask for a chance. This is the entire point.

You’re trash? Then admit we all were at one point and ask for help. Don’t come to a public forum demanding there shouldn’t be judged because you don’t want to openly admit you might have an issue.

Tbh I know he’s trash because of how he acts in accordance to what he wants. You haven’t blinded thrown insults defending your own poor logic.

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There was an armory in Vanilla. It’s how we manually looked up our guild members to assemble a professions list.