Classic WoW shouldn't have an armory

Less about duration, and more about the binary locking. If you killed Ony, you were locked. If your pug was [Edited by player] then you weren’t locked.

The founding data doesn’t determine the degree of arbi…trocity? The accuracy does.

Hm. No i think you got me there, it was arbitrary.

But in the end it’s the accuracy that matters. The relation between gear score and performance. That seems a decent degree of accuracy. As a tool alongside all the standard ones of course; attendance, motivation, trustworthiness etc.

I still disagree highly. I knew WAY to many people with high gear scores that where incompetent. Way to many.

Just because you have the gear does not mean you have the skill. At the same time it also means you at least put in the work. So I will give you a 40/60 in favor of it speaks to experience.

Where the trouble is when people use it as a measuring stick.

You want this amazing job? You have to have experience in that job first. You want experience in that job. You got to have the job.


I certainly agree that different gear paradigms beget different degrees of accuracy in condensed scores. That’s why artificial weighting is used for select pieces; e.g, the level 40 Druid helm.

I’d concede that perhaps weighting wasn’t used sufficiently in early eras, but my point was more broad. As was, I believe, the OP’s.

some of the stupidest things i have seen in this forum.

  1. raider io will ruin classic!!one1!

  2. armory will ruin classic!!!

  3. guild banks should be added!!!one11!

for 1 raider io has no real bearing on classic other than the thing that tells you what bosses someone has done on what difficulty and with there being only 1 difficulty … well ya.

for 2 armory will not ruin classic and it will not turn into a gearscore thing. why? because some of the pre raid bis (which is bis until mid aq in some cases) is lower ilvl items some even being a good deal less lvl required than 60.

the sheer number of items they would have to “score” would be insane.

for 3 guild banks are terrible and you should feel terrible for suggesting them.

Well I’ll have to grant this point as I stopped raiding seriously before hearing of gear scores and only witnessed folks using it as a, “Can they at least complete this raid,” criteria.

Just occurred to me; we may be operating with different definitions of “competent.”

If someone required constant hand holding by a solid raid lead, copied strats verbatim, and got their high gear score alongside a tight knit raid team, id still consider them competent (obv assuming they weren’t outright carried).

They got the gear in the way it was intended to be had…

The score is directly tied to what you have done. It’s not arbitrary.

Meaning they were raids that were PUG’d - casual and lower in rewards they may be. The difficulty curve is low, and the chances for loot were plenty enough to get people into raiding.

As many note, the enchants were always worth it, even for high end raiders.

People didn’t really PUG BWL, but they absolutely did PUG MC, AQ40 and Naxx to farm rep, mats and gear. Kill mobs, make no attempts at bosses, leave, wait for the instance to respawn and kill the mobs again.

If you’re rating pug’s competence and gear levels, to farm trash mobs for rep… there’s issues there.

Such as? Casual PUGging is PUGging, regardless of intent. They weren’t ever going to down a boss, but the whole point is that they PUG’d.

Be it 20 man, 40 man, even the 10-man UBRS. Hell, most people wouldn’t even inspect for Onyxia PUGs, so long as you had your Drakefire Amulet.

See, raiding didn’t become this elitist mindset until late in Classic, when raiding became the focus of a lot of players, who became fixated on it. And that fixation is exactly what changed WoW, and why so many other MMOs tried and failed to learn from WoW.

If you have problems with that, the issues lie with your perception.

If you’re using the armory to reject players to farm trash, then you’re standards are far too high for the trivial activity you’re performing.

At what point was Armory mentioned there?

No, people would find ways to be obnoxious and elitist about PUG raiding even in Vanilla. Armory isn’t required to do that. NOT EVEN FOR FARMING TRASH - but you’d still see people making ridiculous demands.

We’ve all seen it. The fresh max level recruiting for a raid, requiring people to have AotC, when they themselves don’t have it. Before that, there were ilevel requirements. And in Vanilla? You had to have whatever gear they required of you that was above the content they’re PUGging for, so that you can carry them and not be rewarded.

In Vanilla, those carry recruiters might not even be max level - you didn’t have to be 60 to get into Molten Core - you just needed to be attuned.

But those are the exceptions to what was the rule - PUGs are PUGs.

This entire topic is about people wanting an armory so that they can review pugs before they invite them to raid.

Its mentioned in every post.

And you’re replying to me talking about whether PUGs could be casual or not. Follow the thread.

Armory isn’t required for people to be elitist.

Follow the topic.

I was, you decided to just jump into the middle of the thread, without any context, and just say this:

Nothing mentioned about Armory there, was there?

Then, unfortunately, you’re not following the topic. People don’t need Armory to reject players, or casually PUG.

You can contact me through battlenet so I may give you the guide after I finish adding watermarks and designs to it so it isn’t just words.


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Good point.

The realm forums were an integral part of the communications that allowed the communities to function as they did. Not everybody was a part of the forum community, not everybody was in a guild, certainly not in the same guild. Primarily the in game communities (guilds and friends), the realm forums as a sort of bridge between them and, to a lesser extent the in game chat windows, between them created an environment where problem players and trolls became known and could be controlled by the community.

About four years in Blizzard decided to kill any and all social interaction within the realm forums; “calling out” players was forbidden, socializing with other players (birthday or anniversary wishes, condolences, heads up if you wouldn’t be available for raiding for a while due to real life, good bye posts when having to leave the game, comments on the weather, inquires as to the welfare of friends during natural disasters were all actioned by the moderators). The result was the virtual death of the realm forums on servers where they had been active.

I have no reason to believe that Blizzard will allow realm forums like those that existed in Vanilla to exist in Classic. If they don’t, maintaining the sort of environment that we had then will more difficult.

I remain optimistic, and (just to be on topic) still don’t want Armory, and I will definitely be playing Classic at least for long enough to see how the community evolves in the first few months.

It was still a common occurrence in Legion. (Never made it past 111 in BFA.) Doing heroic Antorus and people who are more than geared for the place just can’t stop messing up in pugs. Like seriously… how hard is it to stack purple on the dogs? Or not move when what’s his face points his laser beam at you?

Item levels didn’t exist in Vanilla. And as I said before, any random person can make a website that links to the armory and make a database that each item is assigned an arbitrary value that all adds up to a “score”.

Because lots of work stops dedicated people…

Technically they didn’t exist in Wrath until they made them visibly public. Gear Score originally calculated them based on stats.