Classic WoW shouldn't have an armory

No 3rd party tool is required. That’s why it’s 3rd party. If it was required, Blizzard would have made one.

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The only thing I’ve ever used armory for is bragging amongst friends. I’ll take it or leave it.

you can tell a person is good by their gear, that is a really dumb statement. lot’s of characters used twink items for maximum effect. secondly i don’t see how an armory is a bad thing, it’s not actually part of the game, so it’s not a big deal.

Didn’t Thottbot have a section where you could search for players and see there current gear/spec? (this was depedent on addon parsed data so it was inaccurate at the best of times)
Might it have been the initial inspiration for the current armory?

Yes, and I don’t think you could inspect the opposing faction in classic, and armory would allow you to do it.


I wonder if other companies hire people to come play Devil’s advocate on the forums

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There’s a lot of things people here want, but in many cases, one can’t put the cork back in the bottle. In this case, either Blizzard makes an armory, or it doesn’t.

While many wish it to be 2004 again, it is 2019, and what we are getting is not actually the Vanilla experience, but a close approximation built for long-term stability.

As a result, some things are expected changes, which include external changes outside of the Classic WoW client itself. The Blizzard back end and customer support interface. Battlenet/Blizzard launcher capability, and more than likely, that same friends list.

The armory may or may not have a Classic version. It’s not necessary, nor could it be forced on anyone. For me, it’s definitely not make or break, and I laugh at anyone who says it does. There’s a reason why the Tinfoil hat was the April Fool’s Joke when the Armory initially came out.

I’m a roleplayer. In Classic, I’m probably logged out in my RP gear, and not my PVP or raiding gear. You can look me up, but what I’m wearing may or may not reflect my ‘worth’.

Irony. A troll paladin defending changes.

This one time in classic, when my friend and I were putting together a Scholo raid, we actually talked to the people we were inviting to see if we wanted to play with them or not.

Imagine that, actually talking to someone instead of searching them on a site!


If it was hosted outside of US reach what could they do? Nothing. Without a doubt a third party will do it if Blizzard doesn’t.

Couldn’t they just ban you the player?

Gear scoring is neither arbitrary not artificial. Just because some outliers violate the rule doesn’t make the system ineffective. It’s a handy tool.

How about we state our real objection to condensing a characters worth to a single number rather than using emotionally potent over simplifications?

Strongly opposed to armory of any kind, to the point I’d hope that Blizzard outright breaks any addons that provide a makeshift one.


  1. It FORCES you to actually look at people in game. That’s a good thing.

  2. You aren’t pugging raids regardless. I don’t know where people are getting this delusion from, but Vanilla raid lockouts worked like Mythic raids now work. Maybe something fast like Ony gets done, but MC pugs will invariably have useless flakey pug trash bailing before Rag, and the raid being unable to refill because no one wants to be saved to a half completed raid. TL:DR You are going to know the people you are raiding with in nearly every case.

  3. Talent builds where not part of the inspect process in vanilla… This is basically the only way those useless hybrids are going to end up getting into a raid, by sneaking in as a “healer”… It’s not impossible to have a healing set, and perform decently well healing some fights (the main issue is honestly mana efficiency doing it) despite being a dps specced character. You’ll actually have to judge the player based on individual performance. On a personal note, I fully intend on doing any raids on my shaman alt (until I can get decent Enhance gear) in a Ele30/resto21 type build, and there might be times I want to run my lock as a PvP based Nightfall/Conflag vs SM/Ruin (or especially the pure pve DS/Ruin).


Oh my dear Williams. I love your passion and tenacity. Though we don’t see eye to eye on some things, don’t ever change man.

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UHH. Ok I didnt read above you.

BUT. . GearScore WAS completely arbitrary. The first version of it was made using a scoring system they pulled out of their rear. That information was not in game. The toxicity it created is what forced Blizzard to expose an item level to calm that down.

It was founded on the most arbitrary system possible. A bunch of jerks in a forum or irc saying. Yea… this sword is better than that because I say so…

Ok… back to the topic.

I imagine the easy solution (and what I genuinely think Blizzard will do) is to flag all Classic characters as level 9 in the Armory database. Only characters that are level 10 or higher show up in the armory.

If they override it to say that all characters on all Classic servers appear as level 9, then no one from Classic will show up on the armory.

Same thing they always do. Shut down parts of the system, or ban anyone caught using them.

It’s not like Classic is forced to be exposed. The WoW Armoury has no contractual requirement to provide data to anyone.

They don’t need work arounds. They just won’t export that data.

Wrath had homogenised gear. Classic does not. The “outliers” are wide and plentiful.

You clearly didn’t do a lot of casual raiding in Vanilla if you think that people didn’t PUG raids in Vanilla. I personally ran ZG PUGs during the week to get casual players used to raiding (and ZG reset every 3 days, not weekly), and would get Ony PUGs on weekends.

PUGs running partial lockouts was a fairly common occurence up until the end of Cataclysm. A couple bosses and then done for the week. Particularly for alts and casual raiders. By the time 1.11 and 1.12 came around, I was PUGging half of an MC group and downing Ragnaros. It’s not nearly as terrible as some might remember.

20 mans aren’t really raiding in the traditional sense, and where designed to be both pugged and drop overall inferior gear if it was your sole gear source.

And I specifically also mentioned Onyxia being an outlier on account of its very short duration. Molten Core pugs, in my experience, where nearly universally unsuccessful, even when doing alt runs comprised of other raid guilds. The zone just took to long for the average pug to blast through it without people flaking out early and being near impossible to replace because of how lockouts worked.

And Bwl/aq40/Naxx simply took too much coordination for pugs to really handle.

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