Classic WoW shouldn't have an armory

Ahh if classic wow doesnt have an armory where will we fight Herod.

I havent read this thread but I dont want changes and dont think removing an instance is a good idea. #bringbackdiremaul!!!

Dire Maul was released in patch 1.3 in March 2005. It will be released in Content Patch 2.

So it was out ~3 months post launch? Will classic follow the same release schedule a phase is 3 months… will a phase be a fluid measurement based on the progression of the realm? Will all realms change content phases at the same time?

PS: was semi trolling with the last post, the subtext being silly thread warrants silly response but I guess I didn’t communicate it properly.

Yes, Yes probably, no, yes.

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I really did not see any “Attitude” until Wrath of the Litch king…

I found it truly ironic considering just how damn easy Wrath of the Litch king actually was when compared to Late Vanilla and TBC.

IMO TBC was likely the most exclusive and difficult raiding of all WoW… I HEAR that early Cata was comparable but still easier than TBC or late Vanilla.

How accurate that actually is, I don’t know because I did not play Cataclysm WoW.

I also did not play WoD, and hear WoD was tougher than Legion or BFA.

How true these things actually are, I cannot actually tell because I did not play Cata or WoD to judge them.

It’s my personal opinion that TBC was the the most challenging in some regard to PVE raiding, but Vanilla most certainly had some points where it was truly difficult when you’re doing the content in it’s original incarnation and actually NEED to observe the raid mechanics.

Something that I fear will be possible to cheese due to 1.12 finalized Classes + 1.11+ tanking.

I started seeing the attitude in Vanilla, and it evolved and grew as more people got into raiding and more people aimed and focused on endgame.

Rubbing elbows with the top raiders on my realm allowed me to see how many of them started to change from the progression from BWL to AQ 40 to Naxx.

I started seeing those players who wanted to bypass the leveling process and “buy” their way into raids. This was when leveling services and gold buy was really taking off. And then their attitude was that they were top of the line, when they were just buying accounts on e-bay or buying time from other people.

It’s actually interesting how different the community is from one realm to another…

Curious, were you on a PVE realm? I hear that Gold farmers and leveling services were rampant on imbalanced servers as well as PVE servers where the farmers were effectively safe from the PVP element of the game.

We had a celebrity gold farmer. Pingping would run laps around Tanaris with people following along yelling Ni Hao! to try and get a response. People who got a response felt touched and special.

It was like a streamer playing WoW, but without the video.

Was that a PVE server?

That guy would have been camped straight off my server… The PVP was ruthless.

Roleplaying, more PVE than PVE.