Classic WoW shouldn't have an armory

^ This is a grinder who gets it

Here-here! All for this idea. We had the in-game inspection option for a reason.

Truth is that depends more on the strenght of the server community…

If the sever has high turnover where you really don’t know who people are then sure I can see a 3rd party site doing so…

However if the server community is even reasonably strong and you do know who people are then this will not make any sense logically to do so because people on your server will already know you’re a good or bad player and treat you accordingly.

Gear in Vanilla is meaningless, the number of raid clears you have are meaningless because it’s possible to get lucky or leech.

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It is a third party application used to assess and dismiss people who aren’t running it and don’t want to be assessed by it.

“We don’t want to let those sorts of addins be introduced, and have people say ‘well just don’t use it’ because they will become part of the fabric of the game.”

Thankfully Blizzard is on board with no armory, in principle. And these addons do create division. We have proof. They did. We were there, we watched it happen, and we tried to avoid it, but it became impossible because of the fabric of the game being changed.

And yet, that’s the opposite of the effect it had in Wrath onwards. People literally checked your Gear Score, then told you to eff off. Thankfully I was in a formed raiding group, but friends that knew the strats perfectly and peformed better in the gear they had than they otherwise would have, still got turned away from groups.

You claim these tools will be beneficial and shoot rainbows out their nether regions, except they didn’t then, and they won’t now. They are the rot.


So your entire argument is based on the fact it didn’t happen to you because your server community was piss poor?

Not actually a valid basis for an argument. Come up with something better, I will wait.

No I could care less about a 3rd party application. Go ahead make a fully independent 3rd party application that looks at in game characters.

But this thread is not about 3rd party applications it’s about ARMORY…

Armory is a TBC feature, not a VANILLA feature and as such shall not be included.

You can garner all the in game data you like, but don’t expect for your 3rd rate addon to get any data from an armory because it’s not going to exist.

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Also, I have to say thankyou to the Blizzard editor that could interpret falafel with a cluster and know they needed to edit it :joy:

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So you are upset if Blizzard does it, but not someone else? Do you really not understand how crazy you sound?

Only Blizzard can deliver talent data, and actual character data that’s truly accurate…

3rd party addons that do not have support of the Armory cannot provide accurate data because they get their data in game and must be present in that raid.

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You really don’t understand how most of these third party applications work do you and yet they provide data just fine. Honestly, if you don’t know how it works at least do yourself a favor and look it up first.

The kind of data that some of theses Addons gather is from the armory.

With out armory you cannot get reliable data because you’re instead gathering it IN-RAID, rather than from the armory…

None of this ACTUALLY matters to me directly because as usual I will be in a guild with friends whom I raid with and trust. Any “raid stats” that are collected will be as usual on the guild web-page… (yes we still have one)

I know how the different methods of data collection work, I have messed about with many of them over the years, this is nothing new and with out armory the DATA collection is less accurate; that’s just a fact.

Some Raid addons that parse data do so only in raid, while boss clears, number of kills, etc… These things typically garner their data on armory…

Without armory stats will not truly be “known” because like DPS meters they’re only as good as their ability to communicate with other DPS meters…

Given Blizzard’s stance on the API, I also doubt that DPS meters will be as accurate in Classic WoW as they are in BFA.

Additionally, there are quite a lot of things that Blizzard has clearly stated that they are against because it’s against the spirit of “Vanilla” and as such I am also against.


Thanks for your comments.
I straight-up admit that my antipathy towards “culture of” that I mentioned earlier is less about the tool itself and more about my own longing for the old days when everything seemed so much more simple and fun to me-- and I didn’t even start playing the game until Wrath, which was in the middle of the Gearscore plague! I do have a lack of understanding about how all of this works on a technical level as well, so it could well be that this whole discussion is, as you and others say, completely moot.

That is mighty generous of you, I think I will take you up on it. :smiley:

Like stated, culture is different then how it was. Doesn’t matter if end game content is ez or hard ppl will still act the same

Even if Blizzard doesn’t have one for Classic, you can be sure someone else will have one made for it.

Could be, but it’s up to use to re-shape culture of gaming back to something far more interesting and civilized.

Blizzard also shares my concern on this, if you watch their interviews they’re not above limiting the power of the API so that certain things are just not possible.

I know specifically what they’re talking about, but at the same time the sort of changes to the API that would need to be made in order to limit the things Ion was talking about would hamper the ability for numerous popular DATA related add-ons to work as effectively as they do now in BFA.

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If they don’t have the armory for classic, someone will just write an app for in game that will automatically create a gearscore/raiderio like score system so people don’t have to sit there and inspect everyone.

We had realm forums… I hope we get those again.

It wasn’t in Classic so I don’t want it in this iteration. I want to feel like it’s 2004 again. But I don’t fully understand how hard or easy it is for some third party to hijack the game’s player info. Can’t Blizzard put something in place that would block people from seeing my character and posting it on their app/website?

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As long as people can inspect you, that means that data is being transmitted. If that data is being transmitted, there’s going to be ways for people to gather that data and either make at bare-minimum, an in-game variant that will read your gear and compile it into some data set.