Classic WoW PvP servers should be a Free For All

You legit think people will risk having their own accounts penalized (accounts with Classic characters that take ages to level, days to grind, each little bit of progress is important etc…) to report someone for Thunderfury spam?

You legit think that’ll be a problem… lol.

The sky isn’t falling man. RcR is a reasonable solution to something that they see as a business need.

Just don’t get reported enough to get squelched and put into an investigation. The easiest way, imo, is to adjust your attitude from private server to Blizzard server.

And how are you suggesting linking t-fury as a private server thing…that was all over Vanilla. That’s where it originated.

tHeY aRe GoInG tO rEpOrT mE, GuYs…

Yes, I do, given that people have been banned for using the OK hand symbol (you should keep up with the news). Whether it is Thunderfury, referring to a hunter as a huntard, or laughing in dwarvish after killing someone with an Ironfoe proc, people like yourself are overly sensitive and will report players for just about anything.

This attitude is part of the reason why players don’t play on BFA. I don’t play on private servers, so what should I adjust my attitude from? How should I live and act so that I am acceptable for you?

Has nothing to do with being acceptable to me. The game owners decide the ToU man.

And if people report for cheating or abuse, and it isn’t true, the reporter will be penalized. Simple.

Don’t be scared, man. Dry those eyes. It’s a solid system and will perform as it has for years and years!


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If that is the case, we shouldn’t rely on right-click reports for automated punishments. Thank you for agreeing with me. :smile:

Reports draw attention. They’ve already stated they won’t staff like Vanilla. Like I said, it’s a business need solution. A solid one and one that has worked for years and years.

And after attention is drawn (community accountability is awesome) the GM’s will do w/e is required.

It’s be ok fella. You’re gonna be ok!

The account wide penalties aren’t automated.

…any player who is reported multiple times under the Spam or Abusive Chat categories will, after investigation , receive an account-wide silence penalty.

Are you ignoring the topic of automated punishments being in the hands of other players? Are you trolling me, or purposely playing ignorant? I’ll say it one more time: We shouldn’t rely on right-click reports for automated punishments.

What part of ‘after investigation’ is difficult for you. I’m down to break it down.

I think you’re worried about your behavior or overall presence/attitude. Just try and be more positive!

Re-post in case you skipped.

I only use chat for guild/raid/party/whispers and LFG/LFM/WTS/WTB/WTT. I just don’t want to get squelched for pwning in PvP and having some salty victims report to try n squelch me for revenge purposes.

These guys have nooo idea how much hate is generated towards you when you are that PvPer going around all day PvPing to the point where 75+% of the server knows you. Ppl will most definitely go out of there way to exact revenge, especially if you killed them enough :).

Stop being delusional ppl. Take out RcR and just get a squelch addon. Problem solved.

Ppl used to pay 100’s of gold to see someone get camped/killed. That’s worth wayyy more than $15. Heck, I could pay for my entire guilds 2ndary subscription and we can all just log on and squelch whoever we want. For some ppl money isn’t a issue.

Wouldn’t you feel just that more OP, knowing they inappropriately squelched you, and now face consequences on top of you farming them?

RcR has a silver lining and tasty treats associated with it.

Embrace it. It’s gonna be in Classic afterall.

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The RCR system is pointless and stupid when the option to mute players is there. In the age of entitled brats it’s just a method which passive-aggressive snowflakes can use to strike back at people.

I got whispered many times with literal death threats over POAPS and I just laughed it off because I know anyone who is going to threaten human life over a video game is too much of a coward to go through with anything.

I recently subbed to retail because the hype is getting too real for me to handle, and was blown away at what was allowed in chat, lude sexual discussion is cool but saying “bot” is filtered.

Great system, 10/10

Yet where are the examples of this happening? We have many videos and reports of people being unfairly punished from right-click reporting, but I haven’t seen any of right-click abusers being punished.

Those click baity, you tube view, pity seeking vids have almost all been proved to be staged or straight out inaccurate.

The reason there are so few legit examples, for either PoV, is that it is rarely an issue.

You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill, you’ve chosen chicken little as your spirit animal and I suggest simply embracing RcR. After acceptance comes peace. #staystrong

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Thank you for linking all that evidence to help support your statements. I think that’s solid enough of an argument to wrap the thread up.

I know you’ll probably accuse me of lying, but it has happened to my friend. However, let’s put that aside.

There is evidence of right-click report abuse, but no evidence of right-click abusers being punished. Your argument is to call all of the evidence fake and then insult me, without providing any evidence of your own claim? And you wonder why people don’t agree with you.

BLIZZ is just really lazy is why they added rcr. No1 likes rcr, so they should remove rcr and make a squelch addon instead… every1 will be happy.

So where is it? If the abuse is as rampant as you guys claim it is, why is the CS forums are not blowing up about it? People freak and whine there every time they get dropped from a server going down or getting VtK from a group.

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There aren’t any outcries because it is a non issue.

Which is why it’ll be in the game and will be a useful tool towards helping create the type of community we all want to take part in.

It seems you don’t know much about it. Just because whatever you quoted claims that punishment is dealt after investigation doesn’t change the fact it is automated.

Yes, they are going to risk it. They risk in retail, and there’s even less incentive to abuse the system in retail. In vanilla, a mute would be a pretty effective detriment to the recipient.

No, but silences applied to characters are. That’s still a problem.


Nothing I said had ANYTHING to do with private servers. The abuses of the automated system are happening in retail, not on private servers, because private servers don’t have automated punishment systems like retail does.

That’s just it, bud. You don’t have to actually be doing anything wrong to be punished.

Yes, they are. There is proof of this.

It doesn’t have to be rampant. The issue is that it can happen at all.

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lol, those videos have already been debunked…still no proof it’s rampant as you guys are claiming it is.