Classic WoW PvP servers should be a Free For All

Classic WoW PvP servers should be a Free For All.
-No right click reporting/squelching. (Just get a squelch addon that ignores some1 for an X number of minutes and then unignores them).
-Griefing is not a bannable offense.

You are supposed to go into WoW knowing that things might/will not go your way and that your plans are meaningless compared to what the world has in mind for you.

Any other suggestions?

Edit-adding some extra thoughts.------------------------------------------------------------

I only use chat for guild/raid/bgs/party/whispers and LFG/LFM/WTS/WTB/WTT. I just don’t want to get squelched for pwning in PvP and having some salty victims report to try n squelch me for revenge purposes.

Most ppl have nooo idea or seem to forget how much hate/threat is generated towards you (especially in vanilla) when you are that PvPer going around all day PvPing to the point where 75+% of the server knows you. Ppl will most definitely go out of there way to exact revenge, especially if you killed them enough :).

Stop being delusional ppl. Take out RcR and just get a squelch addon. Problem solved.

Ppl used to pay 100’s of gold to see someone get camped/killed. That’s worth wayyy more than $15. Heck, I could pay for my entire guilds 2ndary subscription and we can all just log on and squelch whoever we want. For some ppl money isn’t a issue.


That’s exactly why I’m playing on a PvE server.

I get maybe 2 hours a night to play, now that I’m an adult with kids and a professional job. I have no desire to lose my night’s effort just because someone wants to grief me.


It is one of the only ways to get better at the game. Some ppl who have been corpse camped became some of the best PvPers on the server. You are supposed to go into WoW knowing that things might/will not go your way and that your plans are meaningless compared to what the world has in mind for you.


You could be the best PvP’er in the world.

If someone is level 60 and semi-skilled and in good gear, and you are level 30 – there is no way you will win.


I didn’t need to do it much so I don’t recall, but isn’t there an /ignore feature in Classic? Seems like it’s really easy to not read trash if you don’t want to.

Camping players until they uninstall is not against the PVP ruleset or ToS. Blizzard’s comment about that back in the day was that there is a PVP solution to any PVP problem. However, this can really backfire, but that is fun too I guess.

Unless I misunderstand what you mean by FFA, that would be a total sh!t show with nothing but Rogues, Mages and Shadow Priests able to walk over the entire server … except each other. No thanks

It’s gonna be fun to level with everyone on PVP.

Wrong. You are supposed to go into WoW to have fun. If the danger of PVP thrills you, then that’s your fun. Other players’ fun might be questing in peace without the threat of ganking. Some might just want to fish for 8 hours. Who are we to tell someone else why they should log into WoW?


Griefing (in the way you’re describing) and camping are not punishable, and never were.

This was updated for Warmode, but the old ToS had the same disclaimer:

The following actions may be considered dishonorable but are considered legitimate PvP tactics and will not be addressed by our Game Master staff:

  • Corpse camping
  • Killing players well below your level

PvP servers were always expected to follow the CoD in chat.

Griefing is still perfectly acceptable on pvp servers, well if you have pvp enabled now.

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I do have fun going in the way I described it. Going in with a plan that can be executed the way you planned it b4 hand every single time is not fun for me… might as well play the same crossword puzzle over and over again… bleh, nt.

Weird… it’s almost like blizzard always knew this and always had more than server design.

OP wants no right click reporting.
OP also enjoys corpse camping someone for hours on end for the fun of griefing.

Gee I wonder why you are so against RCR?
Wonder what your chat experience must be like.


I only use chat for guild/raid/party/whispers and LFG/LFM/WTS/WTB/WTT. I just don’t want to get squelched for pwning in PvP and having some salty victims report to try n squelch me for revenge purposes.

How would someone from the opposite faction squelch you?

Are you suggesting someone would make an alliance on the PVP realm you are on ti do this?

So they would buy a new account and spend $15 extra a month to wait around in chat to see you say something so they could right click report you?

1 report will do nothing.

You haven’t fully thought this out have you? Maybe you should have a nap. Naps always give me so much mental clarity.

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That’s correct.

Exactly. This is why the topic is focused on PvP servers. The PvEers can play Mario all they want.

Gurubashi Arena baby… plenty of ways for both factions to report you. I’m not going to list them cause it’s better left unknown to the majority.

Your concerns just seem very unfounded and a pretty big stretch. However if I see someone being, say, racist in chat, I’ll be glad right click report exists.

  1. what does right click report have to do with world PvP?

  2. is there any evidence that anyone has ever actually gotten a legit ban or suspension from blizzard for camping?

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So your some how worried that the other faction is going to report your general chat if you’re “pwning at PvP”? You understand the massive flaw in that logic right?

I think we have a case of complaining for the sake of complaining.

There is no logic and OP will argue this until the thread dies out.

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PvP servers always had to follow the code of conduct in chat, right click reporting didn’t change that, not sure how you didn’t follow that.