Classic WoW PvP servers should be a Free For All

Never mind an RP-PvP server, gimme Mad Max!

I am not making this up you know. Mark Kern said it himself during a Classicast video.

And no idea what a trailer should prove regarding that either. Since it wasn’t until up to the last months they put pvp in.

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Yes but if we are playing Classic wow then we are getting patch 1.12 yeah??? PvP was a part of the game then no?

And was has that to do with the game primarily being focused on pve to do with anything?

Was honor system in from launch?
Was BG’s a thing at launch?

PvP being an afterthought, meant it came in late in the process because of one man advocating for it, and the rest got tired of hearing it, so they basically caved in, and put PvP in the game. As Mark Kern explained.

I’ll see if I can find the moment he said it. It is though, a 2 hour+ video.


I don’t understand what you are trying to say… dire maul and Mara weren’t in at launch… pvp wasn’t in at launch?

Do I think pvp is an integral part of the game in patch 1.1? Absolutely not

Do I think pvp is a core part of the game by the time patch 1.12 comes around? Absolutely

It started with you saying;

And people argue in favor for pve servers because the game is pve centric in its content. PvP is mostly player driven content, apart from the BG’s.

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Yeah that always sucked but Blizzard added a 1 HP damage to every ability they wanted to pull agro. Wasn’t in vanilla but who knows if it will be in classic.

Yes but the storyline of the actual game is based in faction conflict

I agree. But PvP wasn’t the focus when they started making the game. Hence a lot, most, content is pve driven. That’s why PvP is an afterthought.

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Faction conflict exists without PvP.

Should also include one server with half xp removed, call it hades pvp. No character transfers in or out.

No evidence.

I am sure they increased your lag rate/ ms ping.

I know a few times throughout Vanilla all the way to BFA.

Any time I killed a person about 5 to 10 times I had a crazy lag spike or I got d/c out of no where. I log back in all was fine again.
I only did it back in the day for bounties on certain players and I had to include screenshots per kill. One time it did make me quit for a week. Some guild called disturbing the PVE i kept killing him and every time my ms increase about 500ms. I got to 5k ms gave up and log out.
It’s whatever.

You sound like a “fun” kid… i wish you the best of luck.

Because I like this gif…


No, any claims made have been debunked. Look up PvP rules on the Support site.

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The following actions may be considered dishonorable but are considered legitimate PvP tactics and will not be addressed by our Game Master staff:

  • Corpse camping
  • Killing players well below your level

Can I get this tattooed onto my face??

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Commenters wants rCr
Commenters also enjoy playing PvP, but not losing

Gee, I wonder why you’re so for rCr?
Wonder what your battlegrounds look like.

Is this the “Make Classic as similar to my Private Server as you can, Blizz, because it’s about to die and I know Vanilla private servers will never again reach high populations and I’m scared" thread?


…any player who is reported multiple times under the Spam or Abusive Chat categories will, after investigation, receive an account-wide silence penalty.

Silenced Players Are Able to:

  • Whisper to friends (both WoW friends and Battlenet Friends)
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The first time a player is silenced, their chat will be restricted for 24 hours.

There are penalties in place for abusing the system. People aren’t going to risk it, especially with how much Character/time investment is required in Vanilla/Classic. The account wide silences aren’t automated, the bans aren’t automated and the first ‘warning’ is only 24 hours. In no way will it impact progression or w/e your claim is.

You may need to adjust your attitude from private server to Blizzard server. Just a friendly suggestion.

Who are you to determine how he plays the game? Is something like linking Thunderfury in Barrens not acceptable? Let’s say that you are against it. Should players be subject to the whims of others because Thunderfury is, all of a sudden, considered a symbol of white nationalism?

You may think that I’m talking nonsense, but we’ve seen this happen in other Blizzard games, such as Overwatch.