How would they report you? Don’t you have to right-click on the player’s name in chat?
I never said it was a reason or the only reason. Read it again
I’m curious, the last time i actually called blizzard was in 07 in BC i know HR has massively changed, so how would i go about reporting say all those players
And IIRC in retail if you type say something in orcish, it still comes up in chat, so if i said “lol” in orcish and they’re a bunch of alliance they can still right click report me for that. since it comes up as “Say” the white text to them.
Impossible to steal. You either tag or you don’t. Someone can not overturn the tag and take it from you.
There are good players, there are average players, and there are bad players.
They will all get camped on pvp servers. When they get to 60, the good players will justify their camping of other players with, “I got camped and I turned out ok”. And you will say, “see? he’s good because he got camped”
I mean, this is literally the same human psychology that perpetuates things like hazing and abuse, just in a more harmless video game form.
I originally leveled on a carebear pve server with friends and raided. I eventually started pvp’ing.
Then our entire guild re-rolled, from scratch, on a pvp server. The amount of ganking I got in LK was almost nothing. But when I got to 80, I was a wrecking ball in pvp.
Why? Not because I ever got ganked. But because I knew my class, other classes, how to keybind, and invested time in playing. That’s what makes good pvp players, not some juvenile camping them on their way to the level cap.
Mob tag stealing = If some1 is casting frost bolt and I have a faster ability and line it up so I get the tag and the extra damage from the fb. Now do this to them over and over again lol
Its always blown me away the amount of people who argue in favor of PvE servers when the game is literally based on two factions fighting each other. How does it not seem completely stupid to you to be non hostile to an enemy faction?
Some ppl, have never played the game b4.
Not saying you’re wrong here, but i do think getting camped does build up tolerance for wiping in both PVP and PVE. While that may not add to your skill it does add to your tolerance of things you’ll put up with, it may not effect you if you got in say a good guild early on and you failed on this and you can fix it. But it may effect random bob in a ZG pug, when they wipe on Bat boss cus Uka didn’t kick the heal.
This is just an example. I do think, death tolerance in WoW retail is super low, people will leave any pug after any wipe or really almost any reason.
Even if a bad player gets ganked a lot it’s more initiative so improve quit, or just take a break, so if some one is ganked over and over again, he’ll learn how to avoid it or fight it, and if he wins over it he’ll walk away a better person.
Does that mean i support mass ganking for hours on end? Of course not, but to deny that conflict improves humanity in general i’m not to sure.
What makes you think corpse camping is a ban-able offense?
I will agree with that 100%. By the time I started pvp’ing, I had already developed a high tolerance for death from raid wipes.
Not against the rules. it ain’t your mob until you actually tag it. Till then, it’s free for all.
Don’t forget that back in 2004, vanilla WoW was based on a 4-year tenuous truce between Alliance and Horde after the 3rd war. Some people want to play the game in a way that honours that truce, others want to play in a way that dismantles it.
You know that PvP was an afterthought right? It wasn’t planned to incorporate pvp at any level.
All the vanilla wow betas I played before its release were all pvp servers.
You didn’t tag it you don’t own it. It’s black and white. Anything else is applying personal rules.
“pvp was an afterthought” because it wasn’t ready yet. Go watch the cinematic for vanilla wow and report your findings… what does this cinematic depict??
"Four years have passed since the mortal races banded together and stood united against the might of the Burning Legion. Though Azeroth was saved, the tenuous pact between the Horde and the Alliance has all but evaporated. The drums of war thunder once again."
the cinematic then depicts a Night Elf druid fighting an Orc warrior, a Human mage fighting an Undead warlock, a dwarf hunter fighting a tauren shaman…
Sometimes your friends are already on pve servers
The weird issue was that some abilities applied affects didn’t tag the mob but generated agro.
Do you actually have proof of this in blizzards writing, i am curious. Because i hear people say it a lot, but never anything written down by the suits. I mean MC was done in a week if i recall, wasn’t raiding or end game pvp also an after thought?
Personally i just think they didn’t have enough time to implant everything all at once.

The weird issue was that some abilities applied affects didn’t tag the mob but generated agro.
Debuffs are one, like Faire fire and Curse of weakness etc. But if it makes you feel any better Moonfire is the best tag in the game, it’s even better then fireblast from mages.