Classic WoW has exceeded all expectations

I have seen exactly zero marketing for Classic WoW.
I don’t watch TV at all.

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Most servers are no longer layered and big servers went from 5 to 2 layers. There was a huge population drop off.


Hard for us to know but blizzard could get that data easily. They know how many hours each player spends on each game. Whatever question they want answered they could get an answer for. How many hours does the average player play. How many play only classic or retail. How many play both. Of those who play both which game do they play most. All that data is collected by blizzard. It’s too easy to collect for them not to collect it.

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If you ask anyone what they most dislike about retail, it’s the AP grind. Nobody serious actually dislikes transmog/barbershop etc, because those things are totally optional.


I’ve gotten several ads for classic in my blizzard email log in. I guess that they’re mass emails since they ask me to subscribe when I’m already subscribed.

Same. I got emails about Dire Maul being released when I was logged in playing.

Every time I read a statement like the title of the thread, all I can do is think this guy has no experience with core or advanced mechanics. The game is hallow at the moment. Sure it looks like Vanilla on the outside, but the game mechanics have little resemblance.

Despite all the complaints, Classic is just as fun as I hoped it would be and it has all the best qualities of Vanilla to keep it going for a long time. I’m looking forward to the future raids, BGs, and having my characters preserved “forever”.


Population dropoff or playtime dropoff? Both will reduce the number of layers needed and all of the nolifers have finished their grind to 60.


The dropoff was expected by Blizzard, and more importantly, they expected it to happen in a matter of weeks. Not only did that not happen, but the initial population also surpassed anything they’d apparently dared to dream of. So the fact that nearly two months out, there are still servers with layering active, is pretty amazing.

Edit: I just checked. As of this moment, more servers are layered than are not.


TBC kinda required flying… And flying didn’t happen in greater Azeroth until the pre-Cataclyam patch.


Releasing BGs with the game in the current state would be one of the cruelest things Blizzard could do to the player base and Vanilla purists.

ok cool .?

I’d say, not many of them came from retail. So I don’t see the reason to believe they will land in retail.

The people that are still in Classic probably are not retail fanatics.

Have no mistake about it, its not just classic it is retail as well. Lots of players are waiting for the next big patch and are board until then. My point is the way blizzard did it, it not one or the other both games are now attached to each other. With only one sub to play both there is no way to tell which one is doing better then the other. For example classic has less servers but higher population caps to maintain populations where retail has way more servers. Point is, who knows and just be happy that WoW is doing well regardless if it is classic or retail. If you have not figured out yet, these games will support each other and the nonsense of trying to say one is better then the other is basically you shooting yourself in the foot. It is great the way Blizzard set it up so players can play either classic or retail when they feel like it an that will save classic or retail, have no mistake about it.


Intelligent people (who disagreed with you about future predictions, months ago) are NOT “shrieking haters”. What a stupid, bizarre, idiotic thing to say! You are calling Ion and the entire Blizzard dev team “shrieking haters” because they did layering, which is based on the assumption that many players would quit.

How nice for you. Do you use tarot cards or a crystal ball? Astrology? Zoology? How do you predict the future? Are you starting a future-prediction service? Or did you just get lucky?

How do you explain the constant barrage of forum posts demanding “Classic-plus”? Those posts all say that Classic is NOT good enough by itself – it needs to be improved. Are they all shrieking haters too?

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Not much. Only in a few level 70 spots

Kazzak. TK instances, Ogril’a, Skettis and that floating isle where you farmed the mount.

Most people are fed up with retail dont let GD tell u otherwise

You needn’t buy or use a flying mount if you don’t want to :smiley:


I love every moment of classic. Not even vulpera can pull me back to retail.