I am posting here in regards to my free character transfer. The character has been stuck for over 15 hours now. I have also created a ticket but its been almost 14 hours on that as well with no response. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is the 3rd report I’ve seen, which is odd - because I’d expect to see a LOT more if the system was broken. What has happened is an excellent question, something we’ll look into. This morning is the first I’ve ever seen this come up at all.
I’m in the same boat as you are. 12 hours ago, from Faerlina to Earthfury, and it still hasn’t went through. Really thought the maintenance would’ve taken care of it.
Can we get some kind of update to this mess, or a blue post? Any indications as to how long this issue will continue? Is there actually something wrong or is the transfer service just inundated atm?
My character transfer has also been stuck for nearly 15 hours. The estimated time has been 1h 12m which just dropped to 1h 11m so something is definitely broken.
Or simply clogged, as Orlyia took a guess at. When there is more to update, they’ll provide it here, so keep your eyes peeled! Hopefully everything will be resolved shortly.
Mine went from 29 minutes to 28 minutes in the span of 10 hours. I’m inclined to agree that there might be an issue. Obviously, I know nothing about their internal workings, but I have a suspicion that the quick changes made to the Free Transfers might’ve messed something up (where they made some of the transfers Horde-only).