Classic vs Retail. Retail is a superior game but fails in key areas

Good god, man. If I apologize for spitballing the length of time based on daily follower XP rather than sitting down with WoWhead and a calculator to figure out the absolute minimum time to hit 6k XP, will you manage to let it go?

so just pointing out the other ways to obtain the experience than the 20 days! lulz! causes you that much grief?

No, I find it kind of funny that you’re going on about doing the work when the complaint is that the “work” is chunked into itty-bitty pieces that we can’t meaningfully do more of. It’s like you think the problem is that it’s up to twenty days of hard labor, rather than being up to twenty days of small, highly repetitive and uninteresting tasks designed to make the bodyguard system look like it’s popular.


Horde players are adults with responsibilities. So we had a much harder time completing the content due to our busy schedules.

/shrug i just done them. Was faster than 20 days… And that’s before i found out about the mrrl calculator.

Blizzard is going to be blizzard… Most feedback is ignored. Do i want it to be like the bodyguard system of wod sure (minus the suicidal demo lock) its not going to happen.

This is the same team that brought us azerite and the current classes.

I’m doing them, but it’s not fun, and I say that as someone who normally likes dailies. Truth be told, I’d like the dailies more if I could leave my bodyguard behind and still do them, though Ori and his three dailies of “plug the geysers” is still…way too many geysers that need plugging.


The problem isn’t so much that they take forever, it’s that they drag on. I know those two things might sound the same, but something being a drag is much more psychological than a literal measurement of time.

Say for example I really hate Mario Brothers. I’m decent at it, I get to say, world 4 in a couple hours - but I didn’t have any fun, because I just don’t enjoy that type of gameplay.

That’s how I feel about a lot of the world quests and dailies we’re having to do. I don’t hate dailies, period - just like my metaphorical self didn’t hate videogames, period - but I don’t like the particular style of dailies they’ve been pushing lately.

Running around an entire zone, one which is a pain to navigate, to get about 500 or so experience, and then stop for the day just doesn’t feel very rewarding. Repeating it like a part-time job, instead of feeling like I can do it whenever I feel like, makes this even worse.

The issue, to tl;dr, is that it feels like work. I clock in, I do my 8 hours (or my 10 world quests), and clock out.


I’d be happier if there were just more variety of dailies. Each follower only seems to have six dailies, maybe seven, so when you’re doing three a day there is a lot of duplication. Ori can be entirely “plug the geysers” quests, one with shells, and two with green slime. Copying the exact same quest to a different part of the map really just highlights how uninspired the bodyguard dailies are.

And yes, I know I could change followers, but I’m not particularly hopeful that the other two are the ones with the “good” quests, and Ori’s quests are at least quick.


The lack of variety might be one of the biggest reasons they feel like a chore. It doesn’t take long at all before you’ve seen it all, and you’re just kind of repeating the motions 'til it’s all done with.

… It’s at least a step-up from the WQs BFA launched with, though. Repeating quests you literally just did, except now they’re world quests? They didn’t even have a chance to be new!



Lack of variety has been my big complaint about world quests, too. And some of the mechanically unique quests, like rescuing the cat from the burning building, never became world quests at all. But sure, I’ll go wipe out the yeti population…again.

I think I’ve had the opportunity to do the penguin race WQ maybe twice in my entire time playing this expansion.

But healing Azerite woons? Oh, I’ve practically got a Masters in it.

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I think that if a world quest can tick down to 0 and then reset itself, which I’ve seen multiple times this expansion, maybe, just maybe, you don’t have enough different world quests in your zones.

Not to mention how sad it is to check an emissary and discover the entire zone only has six world quests up.

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Of course it’s a good habit to finish your projects rather than procrastinating.

If devs want to dribble out content and force you to log in every day for 5 minutes then log out and come back tomorrow and for many days, weeks, or months, that in no way resembles a healthy life choice for those on the receiving end.


Fortuna says what we are all thinking

Classic : If you wanted a mount, you just needed to grind 90 - 100g however tedious and boring that would be, and you’d be GUARANTEED a mount.
Retail : If you wanted a BIS Benthic gear with socket, you could be farming thousands upon thousands of manapearls for the rest of you life and still you would get what you wanted.


So tell me how they can keep people playing without increasing the money they spend on the game ?

There is a classic forum, yes? Shoo.

Let what sink in ? That you figure you can determine how meaningful someone else’s character is to them ?

I have very close to 4 more characters at 20 on classic besides my main one. None of them including my main classic character is more meaningful to me than my main 120 in the current game version. Classic is a dead end.

Why would you compare two totally different things in such a manner ?

If you want a guaranteed mount in current version you pay what 10g for the same quality of mount you pay 100g in classic for. (been so long since I have bought one of those low quality mount in retail I am not even sure of the price anymore but it isn’t much).

If you want BiS slot gear in the current version yes you can spend a long long time trying to get it, but guess what if you want BiS gear in classic the same thing can most definitely apply.


I totally agree. The only thing other than 14 months of Garrosh that’s ever burnt me straight out and made me put the game down for a few months was rep grinding AR’s (twice). It’s not fun, it’s just repetition. Rep has always been the lamest thing in the game, in my opinion, and go figure we got the rep expansion where that’s at least half of everything you do.

It would go a long way if you could keep grinding it after your “daily allotment” comes in, but currently you’re just done for the day, which feels bad. Damn it blizzard I’m done when I say I’m done! :slight_smile:

I don’t mind the time gating since I can’t play 12 hours straight.

It really should be called modern or current WOW. The word retail only makes sense if you play a private server, so why use their name? Truly very stupid of blizzard.