Classic TBC will completely eliminate class population imbalances

its a two word rebuttal… “class stacking”.

I deny the existence of it.

Lol ummm…

Actual vanilla census data

Actual tbc data.

You deny this? Do you also deny that 2+2=4?

I had a prot pally in wrath as well! So fun. My warrior friend was so jelly lol.

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First, prove that you have one (a mind). The title doesn’t.

Uh sure? Real tbc balanced out class population imbalances drastically. You got anything to actually add or…

“Never invite a hunter” was due to the Great BM Overnerf, not to the removal of a rotation macro.

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I could make the same point about you, clinging to a literal interpretation of census data when in fact EVERYONE including Blizzard knew that class-stacking was a big problem in TBC which is why they homogenized everything in Wrath.

Would you care to link me to where I was only specifically referring to raids? Just curious where this argument is coming from because I’m pretty sure you are making it up in your head.

Even still, tbc did have class stacking, sure, but it wasn’t near as bad as vanilla was.

Where else does class balance matter? Raids and arena comps, that’s it.

Everything else no one cares because the difficulty level is so low it doesn’t matter.



Ty for answering your own question. And like I said, even if we want to narrow it down to raids, tbc STILL fixes the class stacking issue to an extent. Those meme specs actually become insanely good. Also, when you’re referring to class stacking 9/10 times we are discussing hardcore guilds who are attempting to min/max.

Casual guilds are balanced WAY more in terms of class populations and specs. Even casual guilds in vanilla won’t bring 3 shadow priests or 3 moonkins in raids because of how bad they are in them. Tbc quite honestly just straight up fixes most specs without the cost of removing that classic feel.

I’m sure during the lull of this next x-pac we will hear something. Eat something.

No one is excluded from pvp because of their class spec. In fact, a lot of these meme specs that people want to “balance” are actually quite good and desired in pvp. So your all-caps rebuttal doesn’t really make any sense.

Try a larger font next time when you want to disguise the fact that your argument stands on quicksand.

Hmm? Excuse me what? I’m sorry but everything is said is meaningless after you just sort of nonchalantly say this as if it’s true. People are excluded from pvp because of their spec just as much as raiding.

Explain to me how people are excluded from pvp in Classic WoW. We don’t even have battlegrounds yet.

This will be interesting.

Once again, you are really trying to make an argument I never said. Did I say you are excluded at this very moment? No, I never said that. But you do understand that battlegrounds are going to be out sooner or later right? That is something that IS going to happen. And when that happens you WILL see people turned away when finding groups for bgs. It’s just as simple as that.

99% of the players in BGs will be queueing solo.

What a reach.

A reach? People looking for groups to grind honor is a reach? What? This is like saying ‘people don’t get turned down for pve dude, I can quest for gear by myself’.

As long as class balance looks like stacking Resto Shamans.

Once again, you are conveniently ignoring the fact that the classes that need “balance” are generally quite good in pvp.