change my mind
In earlier tiers yes.
Towards the end not so much. Sure we don’t need 7 locks and 5 shamans but as we’ve seen with the meta meatheads in this forum it’s going to be the only way to play.
TBC “fixes” a whole bunch of class issues while retaining all their flavour but you’re still going to have get past a whole heap of biases like rets are bad, shamans are only there for totems etc etc.
Wrath in my eyes did alot more for bringing classes together but sadly it came at the expense of alot of RPG elements that made TBC superior.
Hordeside rets weren’t too bad but alliance side yeah
That’s what I mean about bias, No doubt we’re gonna get the usual suspects coming in here crying about how ret wasn’t used by raiding guilds shortly because they didn’t get too raid as ret.
Once TBC comes out the alliance population will take a huge hit.
So will any race on the horde besides blood elf.
How about they fix all the bugged stuff in classic before we get a bugged version of TBC.
Maybe. But they will need to fix the one button dps macro for hunters that dominated live TBC. Make people run their rotation manually.
That whole damn expansion hunters macro’d their entire dps rotation to a single button. The absolutely surreal drop off in average hunter performance from TBC to Wrath was amazing as thousands of casual players suddenly could no longer rely on a single macro to do their dps for them. Early Wrath was “never invite a hunter” for that reason in my circle. You had no idea if you would get a terrible one or a decent one.
I don’t understand why some of you keep going on about a Classic TBC when something like that would be 2 years out at best. Also get a new obsession.
Actual TBC didn’t accomplish this.
Warlocks had a 1 button rotation too and didn’t even need a macro.
There are some caveats that come with BC.
People didn’t want elemental shamans even though they technically were viable AND brought a powerful, unique buff, because they had no recastable CC for ridiculous heroic dungeons.
I remember fondly this LFG advertisement: “LF2M DPS Shat CC”. That means if you’re not a mage or a warlock, you don’t get into the group. Fear was viable because the dungeons were peculiarly linear.
The other problem with BC is viable vs optimal, this might be where that was actually born. Yeah, enhance did awesome DPS and brought Unleashed Rage, but resto was so god damn insane that you just wanted it over both specs.
Resto was absolutely insane in TBC.
And that’s just talking about shamans. You couldn’t even be anything other than a bear tank druid, otherwise you were laughed at, because they were god-like broken, but the other 2 specs sure were viable lol (actually Balance was “bad” for a while IIRC).
Something that doesnt exist can not accoplish this.
How would you expect them it eliminate population imbalance?
Neither Shaman nor Paladin are highly represented class in classic.
Or did you mean faction imbalance? In which case personally I would see it being more detrimental. Horde is the dominant faction in classic, and blood elves and paladins would only serve to make Horde more desirable.
Horde Shaman certainly wouldn’t be transferring in a hurry to play space cows lol.
Yet lots of players who didn’t want to play Horde due to no pretty races would swap for belfs
i would like to have my dranei shaman again. SOON
Class population doesnt matter near as much as ROLE population. TBC still had tank and healer shortages.
Resto druid was completely fair and balanced in BC
Change my mind
All the Mages will turn into Warlocks come TBC.
Half of them will. Mages were still amazing. Which is why I think it will balance out.
Also, a lot of the healers will reroll Druid, especially the ones who pvp.
There will be more shamans because of alliance
Horde will have a lot of Paladins
Not to mention Paladins and Druids become amazing tanks with warriors
And meme specs actually become viable, if not necessary for a lot of tiers.
Objectively incorrect. It balanced it out drastically
And with what we know now, I can wager we won’t hve as many hunters and rogues and that population will split off into classes like locks and Druids.
Maybe try to refrain from spouting off random nonsense before you know what you’re talking about