Classic TBC will completely eliminate class population imbalances

Really, cause I think we took 0-1 paladins. It was almost all aoe healing. We wanted more shamans, we used priests with coh, no one ever said lets fill up those healing spots with some paladins though.

edit - also with 9 classes now available into the new raid size of 25, the average number of spots per class should be 2.78, and by your own numbers shamans are getting double representation, the same as warriors got in vanilla!

I never claimed it did. Balancing something out, and making something completely 100% balanced are two way different things. Maybe you should learn English.

Don’t worry, the content will be undertuned so you won’t ever need cc for dungeons.

Oh you mean for that one final tier of raiding? So that one tier completely defines all of tbc.

The way I remember it, the need for aoe healing got to be overwhelming in BT. Also, I can’t remember a real need for paladin healers or more than 1 restro druid before that, so what will raid guilds recruit in a TBC reboot? Maybe there’s something happening earlier in TBC raids that require some more variety, in all honesty I mostly remember the alliance crush for shamans late in the game getting to absurd levels, but you really need to point out some reason for your point of view there.

Literally go check out some pservers popualtions for classes. The need for shaman population is way lower than you are remembering it to be. From back then and now. Just because one raid was restored shaman heavy, has no bearing on what the actual expansion was like.

Then you were missing out on the absolute best tank healers.

Yes thats true. But it came down to a simple math equation of Can we run heroism on our top meelee group for enough of the fight to melt through the toughest phase of each boss.

But that knowledge will trickle down into the earlier tiers. I know if i formed a guild for TBC i’d be wanting 6 shamans for my raid, same with warlocks and 4 paladins.

Pservers disproved this

initially you’re right Nich, but any drop offs will get recruited with the end goal in mind.

Care to explain? didnt play in tbc

Sure, late in the expansion. By that time we might be talking about classic wrath, in which case we all know the class balance is going to really get swayed.

Horde Paladins had seal of blood and alliance had seal of vengeance (?) and blood hit WAY WAY WAY harder.

TBC helps mitigate it by alot to be sure. I mean going from 3 tanks in a 40 man (why do people take full 40 tho?) to 3 tanks in a 25 man helps, quite a bit.

Cool didnt realize they had faction specific spells

Blood Elf paladins had access to Seal of Blood, which granted their attacks an additional holy damage component that the alliance did not have access to. It also damaged them and their mana regen talents required them to be healed, so it acted as a mana source as well when they got healed (similar to life tap). It made retribution actually decent hordeside. Sadly for alliance this wasn’t the case.

Ret for horde or alliance was sketchy. Until ZA came out. Then their damage was finally… well… viable. It wasn’t great, but wasn’t meme worthy either.

Though when that 3.0 patch hit, right before Northrend unlocked, shenanigans ensued. Balance did like 4-6k DPS and Ret did 3k DPS. With everyone else doing 2.5k max. That was some salty as hell tears. But by 71 everyone evened out for a bit.

Not only that but SoB was 100% consistant damage while vengeance was impossible to stack and maintain and Seal of Command had the moniker “seal of the casino”

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Yup that 3.0 patch honestly was a freaking blast. I took my Paladin out of commission, turned my resto Druid balance, put my mage and warlock on standby, and Jesus was that a blast. Starfire Eclipse procs one shotting people felt so good

TBC will make the faction balance much worse because Horde racials are superior in Arena. As for class population balance, it will get worse if anything because raiding guilds know to stack Shamans and Warlocks, and arena teams are even worse about being picky on the class.

Translation: I don’t have any such data.