Classic TBC Servers down with no notice, again!

Think about this, customer service HAS GIVEN NO INFO ON THE ISSUES. LOL they are blaming the DEV team. Like own up and find out and then come back and tell us.

Like what kind of company doesn’t even know what’s going on to tell their clients. Like 0 answers for people, or to tell people if we cant fix it by this time we will revert the xp changes. Go test it more and release it when its ready.


but to be honest there was never a gurantee of uptime

If this is the case, Blizzard should charge based on time spent in-game. Not per-month and just hope the servers are up.


At this point you’re cutting into mainstream raiding hours. If you would have just told us that the servers would be down all day I would have done something else with my day instead of checking every hour while you string me along. Treat us better please Blizzard.

I know u would rather keep the thread open but maybe it would be better to lock this.

They also said they would release content on Tuesdays. Now its Thursday for world first races. Well that’s great for like 10% or less of players, now the other 90% of guilds have to fight with each other over making a new raid day as they missed their raid days when content is released after their scheduled raid days.

This has created a s*** show EVERY CONTENT WEEK RELEASE.

I mean if you guys want me to send all day explaining that you defending them makes you as stupid as the people who run this company then buckle up.

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Look for the blue posts for the info, Vrak been posting such in this thread.


I guess I don’t get to play today.

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Game time has never been sold by the minute, you can access the game any time it’s running. Sadly now it’s not. It’s kinda like your cable subscription. You pay for 24/7 cable, even if you can’t be at home to watch tv.

If you paid in a manner you suggest, you probably would end up paying quite a bit more.


There is no info, he’s blaming some other division for a wrong banner or twitter message. Instead of picking up a phone, calling his super to call the DEV team to get SOMETHING to tell the clients.

Once again you look like a clown for defending this trash company, more people are posting upset then defending. So just let them try and voice their opinions.

its now 1pm PDT & the banner still says the game will be playable & it obviously is not. This is a continuation of POOR communication between Blizz & it’s customers. I mean, this has pushed from annoying/frustrating into the absurd!


If we paid more we woul expect scheduled weeks , properly tested content and communication from customer service.

They did? What did they blame them for? All I see is that CS isn’t typically given details on what the maintenance is for (which has been standard for as long as the game has been up really).

What would knowing which line of code they’re working on or what issue they’re correcting do to make you happy? You’ve made it clear that no matter the issue, you are not happy with Blizz. By all means, feel free to vote with your wallet instead of trolling the forums.


So the servers were meant to be up a few minutes ago according to the banner, lo and behold the only information about it being extended by ANOTHER hour is tucked away in this random thread, absolutely beautiful, keep up the amazing work boys.


I’m stress eating chocolate I’m totally gonna break out

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Banner still isn’t updated


You seem to miss the point that what blizzards doing to the servers is probably proprietary and giving out that information could give hackers an insite of where to attack to harm us or blizzard #ITJOBS

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Yes, that would make me happy. Tell me specifically which person screwed it up. That would make me very happy.

Can I ask you a question? How many times did you call or reach out to any other company about an outage and they have 0 answers for you? Like even the root of the issue.

“All I see is that CS isn’t typically given details on what the maintenance is for”

Read that over an over for a couple minutes and repeat after me “I have no idea how a successful business works”

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Yikes. Well, they’re definitely not going to tell you that. Seems silly really that people after all these years think that knowing the “exact issue” would then 100% de-escalate and there’d be no more issues.

Well, the issue is that they need to do maintenance. That’s the details. So now everyone can be cool :wink: