Classic TBC Prot Pally Threat Issue

For me it was, I was tanking Gruul fine no issues. We wiped, came back, and suddenly I couldn’t even keep top 10x. I thought I was going insane!

Confirmed this is still an issue. Just occurred in Black Morass Heroic.

I’ve also been experiencing the same issues with threat from consecrate. would work fine until a wipe then once the group is back up, consecrate would no longer work. would have to log out, completely exit the game and the client, wait about 40 sec then log back in for the issue to be resolved (at least until the next death).

ok cause sometimes people forget so I thought maybe you forgot

Not the case for this. Is a bug confirmed by pally discord and is occuring to people regardless if they have RF on or not

Ok, but holy shield looks like righteous fury too, so maybe they are getting the looks of the buffed mixxed

there is a pally discord?

Not trying to sound toxic or anything but Blizzard needs to get it together and fix this ASAP, It is literally removing our ability to play the game. Here is video evidence of the bug:Consecrate Bug Absolutely unacceptable.

This for sure happened to me while tanking Prince first pull my threat was great, second pull my threat was super low and we had no idea why. Lucky it didn’t cause any wipes but we had zero idea what was going on. Please fix.

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I tanked Shattered Halls 2 days ago with Spellfire Longsword +52 SP. Replaced it with Continuum blade +121 SP, enchanted it with +40 SP and used a superior wizard oil for an additional +42 SP and had less threat after the update than when I had a level 63 weapon.

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same issue, struggled keeping threat all through karazhan. herding imps on illhoof was near impossible.

Im having issues aswell, i used an elixir and sp oils, i was top dps yet my cons only generated like 35 threat for the full 8 seconds, lucky if it generated any threat at all. My poor healer and oomkin friends kept pulling off of me it was miserable. :frowning: (im a level 70 paladin, and experiencing this in majority of my dungeons.)

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I too am experiencing usual threat generation and irregular mob behavior regarding consecrate threat.

Not only does a few ticks of consecrate not seem to generate threat on some mobs; I would add that mobs will run across it, get 2-ish ticks of consecrate damage, keep running, then once they are out of it they pause, stand a moment like their confused, then run back to me with threat applied.

I’ve been looking closely at it, and I think the cause is actually when the threat is applied, more than whether or not it is applied. I am finding that the threat gets applied to some mobs quickly, as expected; while some portion of the group (2-6 mobs in a 10-15 mob pull) only get the consecration threat after a long delay (~5 seconds after the tick, despite <50ms ping). Since it takes so long, mobs will literally run past it, stop and change their target back to me without any other source of new threat on the mob, or worse, get the consecration threat, but be out of it before they “realize” it and by then new threat has taken DPS ahead of me anyway.


Same here, mine’s been generating no threat UNDER righteous fury, but will generate normal nonboosted threat with it off

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Cmon Blizzard I’ve gotta tank Nightbane tonight. Consecrate is kind of mandatory.

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Doing a Heroic BoT and threat seems to be ok did they fix this?

I am also experiencing this. It was fine last night and now I can’t keep threat to save my life. I am full pre raid bis and this should not be happening. Please fix!

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I’ve noticed my Consecrate threat being wonky lately too. Sometimes it’s fine and it is applying threat correctly, but then randomly it just breaks until I relog. After relog it’ll be fine for a bit then break again. Not sure what’s causing it to break like this. I have 4 PC Righteouness, Continuum Blade (with +40 SP), and even +threat on gloves. Was able to keep threat fine until yesterday when I noticed my threat generation from consecrate on tiny threat was significantly lower.

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Not yet, I have been experiencing this for the past few hours.

Relogging fixed threat for now.

What causes this bug to occur is dying in tempest keep and releasing resulting in the instant auto rez outside. Once that happens any ground effect aoe (at least consecration) generates zero threat.

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