Classic TBC Prot Pally Threat Issue

thats how all buffs work, it shows the unmodified versions no matter what, but you are still getting the full buff.

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This isnt just a pally issue its a raid wide issue that is causing needless deaths and needs to be fixed asap.


looks like im leveling mining wow

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I have also noticed this issue while tanking dungeons recently and it seems to get worse the more mobs you tank at once, 20k + threat on everything except some random mob that has whatever threat it got from Holy Shield no Consecration threat.


As a level 65 Prot Pally I am not experiencing this issue. So it either only affects players at lvl 70 or while inside a Heroic Dungeon (since a lot of you said it happened in Heroic).

All buff icons in the game work like this. On my shaman if I take the talent that improves how much strength my strength of earth totem gives the buff icon still reflects the untalented version even though I actually am getting all of the strength from the talents

I tested it out right now while in a group and my Consecration worked like normal. So I wonder if it really is a bug while level 70 or if some sort of buff/equipment is causing this bug for some of you.

I came to explain since I ran AC earlier today and saw no issue with my agro.

I was having this issue this morning and prior to this, was perfectly fine with threat. I noticed it in Normal Mechanar with guildies who were just as confused as I was.

Please fix this Blizzard, this is GAME BREAKING!

Thank god i found this post, i thought i was going crazy with how much snap threat i was getting.

I was wondering what was going on earlier… Thought I somehow sucked at spamming consecrate.

Anyone else getting an issue with righteous fury? i swear somtimes i enter a dungeon with it already buffed and it acts asif i dont have it applied.

Getting the same issue here. Damage but no threat

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I have noticed a massive issue here… RF doesnt seem to do anything?

Make more sense if im on my pally writing this… i guess

NOPE. Working on fishing and cooking while DPS are looking for tanks…

Feels bad

was just doing Mechanar and bot. mech went fine. died in bot, when i came back in consecrate was broken and has been doing 0 threat henceforth. small indie company…


I have this exact same issue and it is usually random when it starts to happen. I’ve also noticed that when it does happen. Righteous defense starts being janky as well and not actually taunting. So I end up having to repeatedly spam it to work. Maybe I’m just bad idk.

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Same here, consecrate is generating zero threat.

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make sure to have righteous fury on as it increases your threat generated by holy spells by 60%

Righteous fury is on