Classic Raiding Difficulty

The actual difficulty of Vanilla raids comes from organizing 40 people to do their jobs and not screw up.

The actual numbers/mechanics are super easy compared to retail.

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Then I can only assume you never played either of those, because both vanilla and TBC had multiple instances of boss mechanics that could 1shot the raid or at the very least lead to a guaranteed wipe.

C’thun eyebeam being the biggest example.

I wrote a massive wall of text detailing the C’thun fight and just summed all PVE up into a single category because he was asking a more generalized and specific question

I know how quickly a raid can be vapirized by C’thun, but that’s not exactly what he was after
 He was after something very specific if you read his questions.

Something that just does not exist
 Death by eye laser is very easily accomplished, but it’s not something that a single player can actually do by making a simple mistake
 This is excluding the tank on that fight, he can wipe or at least very quickly assuming people know the fight.

Thanks for continuing to prove that you’ve never played vanilla.

One player making a mistake is exactly what causes eyebeam to chain and kill half/entire raid.


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Read my questions troll.

you’re really taking that out of context
 There are conditions that need to be met for that to happen

I was trying to explain that it’s not always a instant death to the whole raid (instantly)
 That’s what he was wondering about

Tried to explain to him that it’s conditional,

So this is a little off topic I guess but I fondly remember main tanking MC as a warrior ar thirteen years old and going absolute ape sh*t at my mom (who played a frost mage) because she pulled aggro off of me during Lucifron.

Long story short it’s hard to ground your guilds main tank on raid night but sometimes the hard choices have to be made


I’m not sure that’s actually more difficult.

On the one hand, yes, if you’re lucky the Geddon bomb lands on one of your more clueful raiders, and he runs out, no problem.

On the other hand, the herd instinct is strong in humans. If the Geddon bomb lands on everyone, the less clueful raiders will still know something is up when everyone else starts running out. When the bomb lands only on one of the less clueful raiders, he has to figure out something is up, figure out that it’s him and not someone else that the bomb landed on, and then do something different from what everyone else is doing, which is considerably more complicated.

For most of Vanilla, threat management was like that. Any DPS could pull aggro at will, so they all had to ride the line without going over it. One person pulling aggro off the tank was a wipe in many fights.

I’m not sure 1.12 was the most difficult patch for threat management, though.

He was looking for a Vanilla / TBC raid mechanic that will specifically instant kill the entire raid if anyone screws up, even once at all in any way ever. He just worded it in a way that’s not exactly so clear.

Most of the fast wipe mechanics in vanilla are very situational and don’t kill every single player at the same time instantly. That’s what he was looking for, because that I assume was the impression he had of the Vanilla / TBC era raid.

Is there really a difference between instantly killing the whole raid, versus taking 10 seconds to kill the whole raid but everyone knows instantly at the beginning of the 10 seconds that’s going to happen?

Evey player does end up dead eventually so no, but he was rather specific about the mechanic he was looking for.

“Hey guys, guess how much i just got hit for 


Eleventy billion more HP then I have.

Oh no don’t get me wrong I raided up till NAXX have a char with 123 days played (PS,LB)so I understand vanilla raids enough. What I was trying to figure out is why someone would say they don’t know of any raid wipe mechanics in vanilla. Then they specifically mention archimond being the first encounter with one.

That’s not how the phase 1 eye beam works at all. It can only kill half the raid if half the raid is out of position, which means the raid screwed up entering C’thun’s room. If one person is out of position during phase 1 it’s only going to chain to 2-3 people.

Phase 2 it’ll only kill a bunch of people if the beam isn’t interrupted. But that’s on the mages/rogues/warriors, not the entire raid.

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But that difficulty is handled by 1/8th of the raid and can be negated by good management outside the actual instance.

Ah, ok. Sorry I was confused by your question. I seriously can’t think of any in any expansion that I played that meet the “instant death” criteria that you asked for.

Although my experience with modern WoW is limited to Mythic+ in Legion and just the leveling experience of BFA if you can call it that

I HEAR they have literal raid wipe mechanics, and I believe it, but I don’t know if they fit your very specific “instant death” specification.

The guy telling you that about Archimond was likely over dramatic or trying to hype up what his guild did.

On Thaddius, everybody had to split into two groups and follow the polarity changes over and over, moving in circles and far away enough from the other group, which happened every few seconds. One person messing it up would instantly wipe the raid.

That fight was nuts enough with 10 or 25 people

I never got to do Naxx in Vanilla, but I can imagine what it must have been like with 40 people.
