Classic Raiding Difficulty

The biggest problem was the polarity ticks were so graphic intensive for the time that it caused huge lag spikes and not uncommonly crashed the server if lots of raids were attempting Thaddius at once. Can’t wait to do the fight on the Classic servers and not have to worry about that annoyance.

And you usually didn’t wipe if only one person went to the wrong side, since a single charge wasn’t enough to kill anyone unless they were already low on health (though of course the person on the wrong side was killed). A second person on the wrong side though, and yeah that whole side is dead.

What about Noth? Is it assumed that with the modern API, stuff like decursive won’t work so the decurses will have to be assigned beforehand, and even one of the players in charge who misses a single curse will cause a wipe.

Yup, decursers need to be on top of things, but as long as you have one per group and they don’t suck you’ll be fine. My guild raided without decursive and he was still one of the easiest bosses in the instance.

You are wrong.

Looking at the armory history for dates of completion of Vanilla kills or achievements is meaningless.

The achievement system wasn’t added until a year after Vanilla was finished. All history listed in the armory only backdates to when the achievement system was added to the game.

Any achievements or feats completed during Vanilla were instead granted the day the achievement system was added. That’s why the earliest achievements listed for any player are October 14, 2008, even though the actual date listed should be earlier.

If you look at any vanilla player’s history, you will see a bunch of feats of strength and achievements all happening simultaneously on October 14, 2008 which is the day the system was added. There will be NO achievements or statistics of any kind that have dates listed on them prior to that date.

Example: If you check my armory you can see I obtained the legacy PVP rank “Field Marshal” on October 14, 2008. But note that “Field Marshal” is a Vanilla PVP rank that it was only possible to obtain during Vanilla, which ended when Burning Crusade came out on January 16, 2007.

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I know you played vanilla but you didn’t raid or very slightly. You PvP a lot though.

Other way around actually. During Vanilla, I mostly raided.

I didn’t do any significant PVP until very late in Vanilla.

I started raiding Molten Core with Leftovers on Silver Hand Server when Molten Core was the top raid instance available in the game. Leftovers was a server-wide organization with a unified loot DKP system. It had 7 or 8 full raid teams plus numerous pug teams.

After Molten Core I swapped to the number 3 guild on the server: Immortality. I did progression raiding with Immortality through BWL, ZG, AQ20 and into AQ40.

Unfortunately, Immortality got stuck on Twin Emps in AQ40. After 3 weeks of being stuck on that fight, the guild experienced the “Death Spiral”. It started with a couple top players being poached by the 2 higher guilds on the server.

But without those players progression was impossible (one was a main tank). We poached replacements from guilds lower down on the totem pole. But they weren’t geared. Unlike in Retail, back then the only place to get gear of sufficiently high ilevel for progression was farming the bosses we were able to down in AQ40. During this farming, more players got bored and quit, forcing us to recruit and gear more replacements.

It rapidly became obvious that Immortality’s place as a progression guild was done. I left the guild 2 months after we entered the Death Spiral. By then nearly the entire original raid team was gone. A new raid team was in place, but nowhere near the quality of the original one.

When I left Immortality, I joined Silence, which was the top guild on the server and at the time a Top 100 in the USA guild. As a member of Silence I full-cleared AQ40 and did progression in Naxx. I forget how many Naxx bosses we got down, but it something like 8 or 10. We eventually got stuck on 4 Horsemen.

Server transfers were out by this point and Silence itself decided to break up. Half the guild transferred from Silver Hand to Lightbringer and joined the top guild on Lightbringer: Eternal Reign (which itself was a top 100 guild for several expansions after Vanilla).

The other half of the guild stayed on Silver Hand and formed a new pvp guild: Fuzzy Wuzzy Bunny, which I joined. By this point we were only 3-4 months from the end of Vanilla. There was no way to progress in raiding without transferring off-server since none of the server’s remaining raiding guilds was capable of progressing in Naxx.

But we did have excellent players, with great teamwork, used to working on teamspeak, and with top-notch raid gear.

When it formed Fuzzy Wuzzy Bunny instantly became the top PVP guild on the server. 4 of its members became Grand Marshals and 4 became Field Marshals. I was one of the Field Marshals.

Prior to joining Fuzzy Wuzzy Bunny in the last months of Vanilla, I had only done sporadic PUG world and battlegrounds PVP. Nothing organized. The vast majority of my Vanilla gametime was spent PVE raiding.


Do you know why my legacy PVP rank shows it happened in 2013? So weird. So wrong.

Did you main switch for TBC and not log onto your priest till MoP?

This is more than likely the only reason those pre-Achievement system Achievements would have a date after October 14th 2008.

I played mainly Nov '04 to Dec '05.

Then played for about a month (different character, not my priest) once TBC came out and then quit again.

I never played nor bought WoD, or Cata or the rest.

I think I may have logged on once (for a minute) for a free weekend and then again one day when classic was announced in 2017.

Well that explains the achieve date.Achieves kicked in just before wrath launched and people had to bounce toons just to get them to pop.

my dates are later because of the break i took in BC to Wrath, but classic pvp ranks are one of the only ways achievements can show someone who played in Vanilla

Just as easy as normal, but each later raid it becomes more difficult.

You ever try to beat Shinobi or castlevania on NES today

I’m sure comparing today’s raids with their mechanics to classics will seem easy

But things don’t always translate
There’s a different kind of difficult that might not be taken into account

I’m not saying anything definitively but we shall see

You could clear MC with less than 40 players, people under 60 in the group and in greens and blues.

Its basically LFR difficulty.

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