Classic raiding and know-it-All's

0:26 700 BT (crusader on) (5x sunder, faerie fire, gift of arthas, hemorrhage)
0:34 615 BT (no crusader) (5x sunder, faerie fire, gift of arthas, hemorrhage)

700 - 615 = 85 damage boosted by crusader
Crusader should add 200 * 1.1 * 0.45 = 99 damage.
1 - 85/99 = amount of damage reduced by armour

Solving (x - 2250 - 505) / (60 * 85 + 400 + x - 2250 - 505) = 1 - 85.0/99
yields x = 3660.88 or 39.9621
Actual X=3731 or 40.41% dr

Being within 100 armor = statistically the same.

If you really still doubt me then it’s an issue of you being unable to understand math, not understanding the information paperdollframe.lua gave raiders back in 06, or just not wanting to accept the fact that you’re wrong.

What facts am I missing? How is it that my terrible video evidence gave me an armor value within 70? I don’t know what your hang up is on PEMDAS. After all–we’re just calculating armor values. It’s not hard. Every fury warrior video has impale. Bonuses are known. There is no guesswork with bloodthirst.