Classic New Account Logic Update Proposal

Gauging new character restrictions based on only WoW activity during an anniversary launch is unacceptable imho. I implore you to consider updating the logic used to make this determination to consider a full 360 view of a player’s account history before locking returning players out of critical functionality for 30 days.

I have been playing D2R, D4 etc etc. This is not a ‘new account’ as far as goes.

Additionally, if you keep this policy as-is it should be made MUCH MORE CLEAR when people subscribe they will be hit with it. As of right now it feels like a complete bait and switch.

I’m extremely confused. What is this topic about?


I think the word missing in this post is “CLASSIC”.

CS told me to post here and maybe a developer will see it? LOL

I understand that, as Customer Support Forum is a peer to peer help desk.

I’m just confused on what the issue is that you’re trying to get attention to. Apologies.

I guess new accounts are restricted from doing certain things, and they are mad about it.

I have an ancient account that I haven’t paid for WoW on in several years. I subbed just to play classic anniversary and can’t trade, use mail, etc for 30 days because it’s ‘new’ despite spending the last few months playing D2R, D4, etc.

I’m simply asking that the ‘new account’ restrictions for classic be revamped.

Oh… I see. Apparently that’s due to degenerate behavior from players. Which is unfortunate.

Thing is, playing Diablo doesn’t mean you’re playing WoW. So it’s probably going by the WoW license and not the Bent license.

Ah, that’s more like it. You should probably have this context in your original post. Most players aren’t new and won’t know what you’re talking about.

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Edited; thank you.

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it’s mostly from this topic

it’s a circus over there lol

Is there something really special on the classic version of the anniversary event? I don’t play it so I’m just wondering why people are resubbing just for that.

I know they are stringing words together… just not sure what about. :rofl:

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