New Account Restrictions?!?!?! This can't be serious?

I created an account to play Classic Anniversary, and I am locked out of using Trade/Auction House/and Mail…I cannot even mail things to my own bank alts?

I paid the same sub as anyone else, but my account is locked out of the economy for 26 days? Why was there ZERO notification about this during the account creation process? Yes I’ve submitted a ticket and maybe I’ll get an automated response in 2 days time. This is pretty ridiculous.


This problem will sort it self out, given enough time.

But yeah, that kind of sucks for anyone who may be coming back specifically for the Anniversary realms, and hasn’t paid for their account subscription in like the last 5 years or however long they care about atm.

If you care about it enough, and have just subscribed in the past 24-ish hours, you can always just ask for a refund and quit playing.



I paid the same amount for my sub as anyone else, why should I be locked out of a significant portion of the game?

This forces people to play solo self found Classic for a month or quit. Does that make any sense at all?


So quit.

Here’s the refund policy.

I mean, it kind of sucks, sure, but who cares? It’s like 26 days. It’s not as if your entire gaming experience for WoW Classic Anniversary Realms is ruined because you can’t use the AH while leveling.

Sure, you’ll miss out on a reasonable amount of gold that could be used for talents, mounts, gear, and profession stuff, but it’s only 26 days. And of course, if that’s a big deal for you, just quit.



enjoy the self found mode :expressionless: it’s a fun challenge


You’re obviously just posting to try and make people mad.

If you can’t see how this policy literally runs “new” or “returning” players away, or that you think thats somehow healthy for a game then I really don’t know what to say.

As for canceling, I’ve already disputed the payment and blocked it. Yeah I probably will quit because frankly yes this does negatively impact the Classic experience significantly.


ngl thats a little heavy handed holy christ lol


I’m not trying to make anybody mad.

Did you read my comment, and feel this was an appropriate response?

Why? You should be able to just get a refund. The refund policy is quite reasonable, and it’s even fairly straight-forward and automated.

There’s not really much else to do. Either this policy matters enough to you to just not play (i.e. quit) or it doesn’t. There have been no exceptions that I am aware of since they implemented it.

You may note that there is no intention of irony, negativity or sarcasm in any of my posts in this thread, and I am not in any way attempting to belittle or berate you. If you are having an experience you do not enjoy, then that sucks. Your options seem to be to either suck it up and play or quit. I don’t think there’s really much else to do.

Best of luck to you!


It probably has something to do with gold farmers opening new accounts, then immediately going out and destroying the economy, chat and trades, etc. So Blizz restricts new and long-abandoned accounts so that can’t happen. (Gold farmers are just hackers, and they hack a lot of inactive accounts and try using those, too.)

Most MMOs in general also restrict trial accounts (I know yours isn’t one) too, for similar reasons.


Thank the wonderful people who buy gold in turn feeding the gold botters that are no joke taking up valuable slots on every server.


I am in the same boat. Can’t even mail items to my own alts lel. They just updated this page today
It used to say you could trade and mail items, just not currency. Now you can only receive items from other players. Ridiculous.


Why do you talk differently on this character compared to Argentia?

You even type differently.

Is that a mental disorder?

Are you RPing on a forum?


One bad apple spoils the bunch. You can thank the gold buyers and sellers


Remember when it was announced that, in addition to GDKP being banned in SoD, Blizzard was also going to employ “A.I.” detection for RMT? I wonder what ever became of that (or not) ((not)).

Sorry this is cutting into your botting profits… Real sorry about that.

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You may note that there is no intention of irony, negativity or sarcasm in any of my posts in this thread, and I am not in any way attempting to belittle or berate you. If you are having an experience you do not enjoy, then that sucks. Your options seem to be to either suck it up and play or quit. I don’t think there’s really much else to do.

Just because you’re being polite doesn’t mean you’re making a helpful addition to the conversation. This is a valid grievance, and this is the place to air valid grievances and give feedback in the hopes that they might be addressed.

As someone who is also affected by this issue (alongside friends who have either also reactivated after long lapses or created new accounts to play for the first time), I would encourage anyone frustrated by this policy to speak up about it. Like you said, it sucks.

Speaking for myself and my friends, it’s killed a ton of excitement we’ve had for returning to WoW for the first time in years by taking away an important avenue for supporting each other’s characters. It’s also a huge impediment to making progress in professions and hitting milestones like earning enough money to buy a mount.

If anyone wants to make an argument that this is a fair price to pay to prevent bots/RMT etc., that’s fair, and providing info on Blizzard’s refund policy might be useful for some. But “suck it up or quit” just discourages people from speaking up if this policy is negatively affecting them.


I am trying to play currently on the new 20year anniv. realms. Do you know how much of a pain in the rear it is to not trade, mail or buy things on the ah is in vanilla wow?
No bronze tube for quest (Actually need another item for quest too) AND not on vendors. Looked for 12hrs on 4 diff ones.
No mats to craft
NO SOCIAL trades to have bags crafted with your own mats
Here is a big kicker. YOU CAN’T EVEN TRADE CONJURED WATER TO SOMEONE. I got removed from group cause no water for healer.

Blizzard you are killing the game for new players. If you don’t gain new players eventually the game will die.
I myself have had this account since 2019 where I played/payed for D3. Just recently added gametime to play vanilla wow.

I feel like I am being punished
I have my phone attached to the account as well as an authenticator.
Anyone who has those attached and ip is in the area of their phone should bypass this horrible restriction.

Gold farmers are not going to have these on their account and actually match their geo location.

UGHHH, just got mad again. guy in general chat making bags for cloth. I NEED BAGS BLIZZARD. You just kill the social aspect of this game with these heavy-handed restrictions.


It’s a necessary evil to help fighting bots. People usually have an account already so most new accounts are usually bots.

It is what it is, being mad won’t change a thing.


Why are you still here posting on alts? :clown_face: