Classic+ needs actual pvp playtesters, arenas/RBGs, and resilience,

  1. Not doing obviously dumb stuff like fighting on the road, breaking cc caps
  2. Playing the objectives
  3. Performing their role to the best of their ability (lining up cc, focusing dps, etc.)
  4. Not going afk
  5. Playing as a team and cooperating and not screwing off doing whatever they want.

TLDR: just play the bg going for a win the best they can and being a team player.

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Based off of standard observations and group mindset towards the performance of the one in question.

It’s an easy concept to understand if you’re not selfish and entitled, two traits I know you have that’s stopping you from understanding.

Ahh but you see…

None of your criteria applies to this guy :point_up: :point_up: This guy… :point_up: :point_up:

Considers a hybrid spec which I do use in BGs, as griefing.

Griefing is against the rules yes. But what constitutes griefing to him, as enforced through mob rule, through the vote kick systems, that this guy continues to deny that they are completely automated, is determined by players deciding if someone is griefing or not.

The rules of the game do not say that I can’t use a hybrid spec in a BG or dungeon. It’s through mob rule that anything is decided and enforced.

Y’all don’t have this massive troll on mute yet? He does not want to be constructive and his post history proves that

Which is funny because I have a batch of friends who went to cata. The consensus is “there are less buttons:” to sum it all up. they’re just different games and etc, but the hate on classic comes from people who don’t know what they are talking about for sure. The usual “classic pvp is 2 buttons” etc. Why are the bros sitting front page and bored if they are bad because they are classic andys? Why are a few of them farming in arenas if they are classic andys? They all quit to try retail out which I am sure they will eventually get bored of as well. I can’t really blame them though, classic wow has never been in worse shape at this very moment. It will make a comeback, but seems like most people are playing other games, including myself.

There is definitely a superiority complex present from people who believe rated modes = good, I fully agree. SOD is actually the most henious thing for classic pvp players to ever hit the market and I am completely dumbfounded that aggrend hasnt reverted alot of the changes that tombstoned it yet

1 Like LMAO look how lost they are on sod pvp

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Era pvp is doing great

Still not huge but growing constantly and people are having fun!

Thanks for sharing this, it was a good read and I agree with most his sentiment. I had also left wow by that period because each expansion the pvp felt worse and worse.

He mentions drakedog, who is super cool, found out about him recently when I was doing research on warlock stuff.

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Its not super complex but there are more than a couple variables and loads of specifics which I can’t cover without authoring a small book on the forums but I will offer some examples:

Easiest and probably the most obvious is being AFK. Can’t help your team if you’re doing absolutely nothing.

Another example would be being a midiot in WSG or a road warrior in AB and ignoring the objectives. Sure, you’re at the keyboard but if you need to be defending Stables or your flag room you’re not helping.

If you’re defending SHB in AV and call out the incoming one or more times and you see multiple teammates running right by the fight causing you to lose the objective then those people failed to help the team.

Each of the three battlegrounds have very specific win conditions that have to be met to win the game. You’re not going to win every game even if everyone tries too - sometimes the other team is better. Win or lose though you can tell who was an asset to the team and who wasn’t.

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You said it before with the non-vanilla damage numbers, but yeah, I think SoD is a good example of power creep and the problem of ‘exponential growth’ along with retail things, it’s mostly the retail things that make SoD pvp bad, go figure. Then when you have people that were given so much and then had it taken away, if you did that, you have that problem, too, where they feel robbed because you had to do drastic balance adjustments.

I think it’s sad mostly what the PvP culture came to, as well. Even back in the day players like Ming and Happyminti understood there was a difference between skilled PvPers that were duelists and ‘arena’ players or whatnot, nowadays it’s that Akrios thing, people thinking rating and arena = skill. I get some of the anti-premade sentiment from people like Wafectus for sure, especially being that most of the time I like to play Rets in BGs so I definitely run into the elitism/pseudo-elitism-wannabes mindset that’s aids sometimes, e.g. I ran into Venruki when i was solo queueing once in classic era and when he was low mana after finishing someone off I chased him down and killed him and then flexed a grenade at his corpse to show I could over-kill him if I wanted to, then he got triggered and said “this paladin is trying too hard” when he’s in a premade and playing a counter class and as if only him and his pre-selected posse group “are allowed to try.” I get it but at the same time I ran premades and you and Xdrain or me despite being staunch competitive-high-skill-WSG advocates all seem otherwise reasonable. By that same idea I think it’s silly to try to tone police others all the time, if Venruki or whatever wants to be salty so be it, not my loss. Same deal with hybrids or non-meta hate, TBH. I wish people were more smart and flexible in their thinking rather than just following the old playbook of pvp because a lot of the time they don’t even understand why it’s there, but at the end of the day if the top premades hate on Ret and get memed on by a South Korean team on the PTR in WSG because they can’t think out of the box it’s not my loss.

I wish more people could just agree classic, though it may be imbalanced, has a high skill cap and it’s a beautiful game though it may not be their cup of tea, but one of the things this population is suffering without doubt is that age old lowest common denominator thinking of “arena 3’s = skill” it’s really unfortunate. It seems the population of these people that think this is ever-growing.

Thanks for sharing this, it was a good read and I agree with most his sentiment. . .

You got it man. In the case of researching old warlocks I’ll toss out the name Pathologist.

There was a few who were pretty big of which Drakedog belonged to but I think most of the older names/people I can only remember for mages; Gameking, or this guy for example

h ttps://


I feel as though this sentiment aligns well with Retail.

Personally, I found the STV Bloodmoon event to be incredibly fun. Kudos to the Classic team for innovating.

On the other hand, the changes to BG queuing made after Phase 1 (phase 1 was quite fun) made it difficult or impossible to exclude throwers from your team.

I feel like this catering to what I consider to be poor sportsmanship, is enough of a reason to stop supporting the game mode altogether.

Anyway, I would not be in favor of making Classic PVP play or feel more like Retail. Let’s celebrate the differences and highlight them, so people can play according to their preferences, rather that homogenizing all content to be extensions of the same thing, catering to the same crowd, in my opinion.


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My point is that you have to take it upon yourself to decide who’s worthy or who isn’t.

That’s called authoritarianism.

You then cement your authority by inciting others to report.

That’s called mob rule.

Again. Authoritarianism…

You provided examples of players not following objectives. That’s not against the rules. If you’re using your examples as a basis for reporting, that’s you taking up the mantle of an armchair commander.

Where are you arguments in this post? You haven’t made a single coherent point. Just “stuff I like == not retail and stuff I don’t like == retail”. I haven’t even played retail since I quit in OG cata and never turned back lmfao.

Retail pvp as I know it is defined by class homogenization; making everyone the same giving every class all the same fundumental abilities. This is what SoD does and one of the worst things about it. It’s one of the reasons I quit retail during cata and why I quit SoD, it goes against the RPG elements of the original game.

The closest thing to an argument I can gauge from you is you are trying to imply fast 1 shots == not retail and slow == retail. This doesn’t even make sense and is more of a misconception of vanilla retail players possess. Vanilla WoW pre-AQ is relatively slow, and gets bursty as a result of power creep as people start getting AQ gear and start doing 1 shots with naxx gear. SoD is closer to WotLK in terms of burstiness than the majority of vanilla’s lifecycle, and wrath is the retail lite expansion that paved the way for modern retail.

You are going to need to make arguments and points supported by facts and evidence. Ad hominems and strawmans just make you look like a fool. I would reccomend working on your critical thinking skills.

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There is no argument. I was just sharing my opinions.

Happy gaming :slight_smile:


This paragraph is interesting because on the one hand you say early vanilla pvp is good but then fall into the same ‘retail mindset’ you mention just mere words earlier - and claim that phase 6 pvp is too bursty.

I hate to break it to you but phase 6 pvp isn’t that much more bursty than p2 - the big difference in p6 is that everyone has time to get gear - so players that win in p2 (mid progression) because they simply had more time to devote no longer have that advantage.

But regardless you made a thread asking for resilience which is hands down the worst mechanic for pvp and destroys all gear creativity. So like, I hope you really think through why would you ask for such a bad mechanic. It seems the only reason is your experience with game modes that are known to be bad (sod, tbc, cata, etc.).

Bad retail changes also include killing of consumes / eng in pvp, which removes like 20-30 buttons and basically all the class changes they make after vanilla.

This is not a coherent argument. This is amounting to “anything I disagree with is a retail mindset”. You are claiming, even if unintentionally (if i am being charitable to you), that enjoying the pvp in vanilla as it was the majority of its lifecycle is a retail mindset, and not enjoying p6 against naxx geared opponents is the true non-retail mindset? This doesn’t make any sense.

I can cherry pick to you a retail expansion that was super bursty. Wrath for example, which was more bursty than early vanilla. So does this make wrath somehow not retail, even tho it was the transitory expansion to the retail we know today?

Vanilla and retail are not defined by how fast the pvp is. Retail and vanilla are separated by the RPG and old school MMO elements present in the 2 games. Not the numerical values of the spells and gear (lol).

Blatantly untrue. There is zero question that naxx gear is crazy overtuned for vanilla and it chugs through players.

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There is no argument; he presented facts that you’ve failed to comprehend.

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I pvp on Era daily and getting 1 shot is not a problem that good pvpers have.

The burst is totally manageable - and killing good players is very hard if they are trying to live and escape.

You need to reread what I wrote.
In what I quoted you said retail players have a misconception of vanilla.
I stated you have that same misconception but yours is about phase 6, so it is ironic that you call theirs out.

Anyhow I’m done replying to this thread, too much SoD energy for me.


You call this a fact?

I’ll go with the OP’s suggestions regarding PvP over any of yours and your agreeing ilk…

And keep in mind, I’m not a fan of the OP’s views on RDF.

You mean that retaily SoD that didn’t include RDF or LFR; things considered to be staples of retail these days?

Yeah, SoD was surely intended for retailers…

Seek help; serious.