Classic looks

I am ok with both, if its old models i will play, if its new models i will play. It doesn’t really matter to me when it comes graphics.

No. Vanilla looked better.


False, you can just swim straight up and is actually faster than jumping.

They won’t , do u know why? Because classic is meant to be a copy of vanilla.

Yes there are improved graphics, they can all be seen in the demo.
Better than that it’s not going to get.

the upgraded male nelf walking animation is terrible and their run is even worse. the gnome female running animation looks like a toddler instead of a small adult. and though the updated textures are pretty and detailed on the character models, they look like high defintion plastic mannequins.

Actually, I don’t think it was widespread, but client side modding of graphics/textures had some… significant impacts early on. I believe you could modify maps, like WSG, to go beneath the map (unattackable by anyone) all the way from the enemy flag room to your flag room (at least, for sure, though mid). I think I remember some people using it to avoid some AE effects in some raids, get out of AB sooner, etc. You could also, at one point, modify one of the zepellins from Orgrimmar (I don’t remember if it was the Grom’gol Base Camp or Undercity one) to take you to GM Island. I’m not sure if it would take you to Developers Isle, Programmer Isle, the Emerald Dream, or Outland, though.

Honestly, as long as they make it optional to use updated or original art assets, I don’t care. If they won’t provide that option, I want original art assets. I hate the way human males look now. Yes I realize they’re a higher polygon count/resolution with more animations, but I lost a part of the emotional attachment I had to my character… I, honestly, sometimes can’t stand to look at him because he doesn’t look how I think he should at all. At least with the original models I can have a new character who looks like my old friend.


ahh but there’s a difference!

classic was in retail. retail was not in classic.
technically speaking, of course. :sunglasses:

Some games have the options, at least. I never played it, but I recall one of the Halo remasters let you toggle between the two whenever you wanted.
In any case, I really just want to see how good everything runs with vanilla’s graphics. Another thing I’m interested in is the old animations. The new models don’t have them and if they wanted to add them, it would be quite a bit of work which I doubt they’d be willing to put in, honestly.

yeah they said we can’t have both animation sets. either we have the new animations or the old. apparently the engine software cant have both animation sets attached to the same skeleton model. and the new animations dont work with the vanilla models. they tried but the skeletons of the old models weren’t fitting the new animations.

also some animations attached to things like healing, have no vanilla equivalent. like casting prayer of healing in vanilla did not have the same animation as retail

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You’re meaning you can’t have the new different casting animation types for different spells with the old models and the old model’s casting animation cannot be used on the new models? The old ones were generally more of a “one size fits most” for your race/gender/class. I’m OK with that, I think. The display of whether it’s an old model or new model should be handled locally. I don’t think it would affect game play or appearance for others.

I think for people who wanted an option of a mix of both could be disappointed, but the limited skeletons of classic models wouldn’t be able to support the new casting animations. I think recreating the old casting animations on the new models should be a relatively simple task (compared to most of what they’re doing).

yeah they already tried the toggle idea in retail and the vanilla models (the textures particularly) would …whats the technical word for when the skeleton of the model pops thru the texture skin? clipping. yeah clipping. the vanilla textures would get warped and clipped by the new animations and since they could only have one animation set per skeleton, they just did away with vanilla texture models.

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What’s a disfigured body when attempting activities between friends anyway?! #giveusoldmodelsnewanimation haha

They always could have given us both animations, I have no doubt of that. It’s just, they probably would have to do the animation from scratch for the new skeleton. Which, would probably be too much work. I mean, hell. When was the last time we even got a new animated emote? Look at some other MMOs and they are flooded with them! Blizzard just seems well. I don’t want to say something mean, but it’s kinda lazy~

i remember when i first started playing back in late vanilla, i was a bit put off by the models even then. but i soon forgot all that when tbc came out and i could roll a draenei or belf. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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OSRS IS the new RS?

Man, you crack me up.

Your speculation is fine and dandy, and given that new abilities came and went over the years it’s possible, but it would also be a lot of time to spend for the artists to simply “polish and streamline” the old animations, so whatever.

But about your claim that the “MOP old models” had more polygons: that’s just false. in old Artcraft columns and in Blizzcon presentations, Chris Robinson and others spoke about how old those models were (edit: and gave examples).
I think what you’re seeing is the effect of higher resolution gear on those old models over the years. A lot of gear in WoW fits in a way that it is effectively a texture skin that is painted on the model, giving it a higher resolution texture. So a piece of gear from MoP on a model from 2004 will dress that model up quite a bit.

i play old school everquest. you wanna talk about old models. haha. you ain’t seen nothing till ya see triangle hair and arms that have biceps/forearms composed of 2 sets of 4 long rectangles with a hand at the end (high elf females have this problem)

Yah, I’ve seen videos of those older games. Pretty insane. Like the N64 games with 3d models. Man, things were very blocky!

Wasn’t there an issue with that originally? Maybe still. I remember hearing that old gear via transmog wasn’t “fitting” well on the new models. That’s another thing to consider maybe.

Hmm, something about that rings a vague bell, but I don’t remember anything specific.

Now that I’ve been playing again after about a 2 year break thanks to life, I have to say I absolutely loathe the current warlock casting animations.

I really hope that Classic does in fact have the original casting animations.

RS3 is, Old School RuneScape would be the “new” RuneScape only in the way classic could be considered the “new” WoW.