Classic LFG is "banned" What about Gatherer?

Oops! I feex eet!

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Read my other posts dude… I ONLY care about this because 1) It gives Blizz a pass to make changes. 2) Exposes the hypocrisy of people telling others to play the game how they think they should but dont want other add ons to get banned. 3) LFG will INCREASE social interaction in the game and people are so blinded by hatred for retails version of it they cannot see this fact…

or better yet, actually making friends as you level up in the world… if you actually have friends to beginn with, you dont need to stand and spam chat, but there you go, some need automatic tools to fix, things they choose not to do in the first place… its like i want a automated tool to hand me epic, couse i dident get them to beginn with… :roll_eyes:

Or yoin a guild as you suggest !

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Yeah, i know, squeaky wheel and all that. Doesn’t make it any less BS though. lol

You know what LFG can help you find…


as you level up…

This is not retail LFG… it is not cross server… the content cannot be finished without socially interacting…

Honestly, I never liked that feature and in fact it was instrumental in my NOT using it. Why would I want to broadcast where I found some metal? I’m making my circle trying to gather it - I’d rather not let anyone else know about my secret spot!

(I’ll forestall anything about that right here - don’t touch my secret spot!)

In all my years playing WoW I have not made 1 friend through LFG.

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mhmm, you mean like retail, yea we seen how well that automated interaction went, you were lucky to get a hi…

Guilds who want to farm properly will ask all of their farmers to use and broadcast it to the guild so that everyone can get the spawn points loaded in quickly.

I couldn’t ignore the rest of that video. As much as I despise Asmongold for his narcissistic and arrogant attitude, I absolutely agree with everything he said in that video 100%. I never once thought he and I would be on the same page about anything WOW related, but everything he said was totally on point regarding Classic and the necessity to keep the retail features and mindset OUT

Exactly… ClassicLFG is NOT retail LFG…

I know what you are saying and what I am saying is to recreate what was happened for it’s time which is the whole point of releasing vanilla wow is to reexperience whether you are a new player or a vet player. I just think improving an old formula that wasn’t around for it’s time defeats the purpose of re releasing vanilla wow

It’s close enough. The implementation may not be a 1 for 1 but it does things that is not intended within the Classic plan.

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automated game play is automated gameplay…

It is an improvement of something that WAS around… Innkeepers and Meeting stones… did the same thing except they did not filter for roll…

Does it let people’s gatherer know that they gathered that node 2 minutes ago and it is unlikely to respawn for x more minutes? If so then yea I think that is to much for an addon. If it just acts to share node locations then it’s fine.

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Objection! Prosecution is attempting to lead the witness.

Yelling in trade chat for 20 minutes looking for a tank is social interaction. Having an automated bot do it for you in a private chat channel is … not.


But it didn’t auto invite like this addon did. It did take a lot of work to read through spams and having to whisper people. That is just how vanilla WoW was

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If forming a group is automted game play so is
Auction House add ons
Mail add ons
Guild Spam add ons
Healing ad ons
Swing Timers…

all can be considered automation…

Gatherer was always available and it doesn’t intent to recreate features from retail