Classic isn't worth playing if you don't do GDKPs

This isn’t the case on Whitemane whatsoever, I don’t play there anymore, but I logged in just to check. Things are about the same price as on Skyfury. 8g for my flask of choice, 5g for speed/wild magic pots, fish feasts for 6g. You can afford an entire weeks worth of consumes with a single round of dailies a week and still have some leftover.


Here you go.

I bought flasks on the AH last night for 6 gold… and speed pots for 3.5g each.

It cost me 200g to raid yesterday. I got 100g back from the raid itself, and 200 gold from quick dailies. and 100g for my titan steel CD.

Sooooo yeah. Doubt X


Fresh be poppin

so many people leveled jewelcrafting for their dragon’s eye cuts and maybe like 5% of them actually understand how profitable it is

on tuesdays i make like 800g/hr literally just prospecting gems and cutting what i get and throwing it back on the AH

making gold off people that buy gold is so easy it’s unreal, and im terrible at making gold

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It definitely is, I’m on Skyfury and it’s going well. But raid consumes seem to cost the same despite being on fresh or not. Good news is that we aren’t spammed with GDKPs nearly as much, at least on Alliance side. There’s maybe one a week and it doesn’t look like they fill.

Huh, another dumb thread to mute.

Grats OP!

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I never see a gdkp listing. Its wonderful. I dont see boosters or any of the chinese spamming waste of oxygen. I think every server should have been fresh. Best thing classic has too offer.

Bold of you, to assume they are actually going to unsub. Browse their topic history, endless bait threads, larping half the time.

Their very first thread was a thinly veiled wow dad joke, mixed with an attempt to stir the classic vs retail pot. Implying all the while that they quit playing years ago.

Later on, they imply that they’re a grizzled wow veteran who thinks private servers are far superior. But also, retail is way better because (current controversial thing).

If you look at their pet/mount acquisition on that character, they’ve never touched retail with that account. It’s dubious they did anything beyond getting a level 10 to bait post on the forums. I am half convinced they don’t play classic either, and exist only to troll the forums.

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Oh it wasn’t an assumption, it was a hope.

I don’t do gdkp

dailies more than provide enough gold to cover the basics.

Edit: what basics can you not afford?

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it’s literally the title of the thread Classic isn’t worth playing if you don’t do GDKPs

Ahh I love being a casual player and seeing nerds whine about a game they’re literally paying to play. Fantastic stuff.

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He can afford basics if he just plays wow a little bit during the week. Flasks are 15g, pots are 5g, food is free if you have cooking and do the daily.

Can count gems and enchants but those are sporadic costs that you dont pay until you get new gear, but consumables are cheaper now than they have ever been.

I assume he didnt do naxx in classic vanilla if he thinks we are spending too much on consumes rn.


tip : don’t join crappy groups

issue solved


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What? I’m on Faerlina and the prices aren’t bad. BiS weapon was 1600. I was able to make that in about 4 to 5 hours of play while doing other things.

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