Classic + is the only way, doing TBC and onward would be horrible!

Flight in TBC was a rarity for higher levels, it was around epic riding in classic/vanilla, it definetly gave players an edge, but not a penultimate escape. Honestly if you’re flagged for PvP and someone hits you on a mount, you should dismount and fight anyway, not be a weak idiot. Just IMO there. Unless, you just don’t have time to fight an obviously weak player and you’re trying to “Save” them.

Wrath had LFG at patch 3.3, when ICC launched, and it didn’t have all the bells and whistles as normal LFG, so that’s kind of… stretching. LFG was really polished and updated in CATA/MoP as far as… tainting the vanilla feel. But yes, near the end of Wrath a LOT of… bad features were added, and for real… they just kept continuing. Mainly because idiots at Blizz listened to US, people on the forums, people who made up small amounts of the pop. I remember when people clamored for LFG or clamored for balance among class … and thus came homogenization, mana pools capped at 100,000 for all healers/casters. disgusting.

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Except Classic+ would mean new development along side retail development, that’s not going to happen. If there is any expansion it will be TBC


You mean there was more ganking due to lots of people being forced into a smaller space with lots of quests. That has nothing to do with flying. Good try though.

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Oh have you asked most people what they think? No? Then you have no clue


What do you think the mythical “classic +” is if not a third version? I do not see Blizzard spending the money developing an entirely new game when they have two beloved expansions to draw on for the next four to six years after they get two to three years out of vanilla aka “classic”?? Think about it, it doesn’t make financial sense to do that.

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That doesn’t make sense, since most people who “swap” to TBC or wrath, if they HAD any chance of re-playing Classic/TBC, there’s no way they’d rather level a character ALL OVER again, they’ll just stick to TBC/Wrath.

If they do TBC/WRath they’ll have a COPY function (maybe a max of 1 free character, you’r main, the rest, yes, you either start fresh on TBC/Wrath or transfer and lose all Classic progress.). No, you’re not making sense. Thinking is hard. And I’m lit.

wow… swing and a miss


Doing TBC would be following the path of retail which nobody wants. The only other option is them making a third version of the game that’s TBC. You actually think they’ll do it again?


I love flying and I seem to be one of the few 60s even posting on forums. These guys think their opinion is the only one that matters lol


Hardly, nice try though. Most of the ‘world pvp’ that happened there occurred during players already being in combat, not running on a mount to another quest.


Yeah they’re part of the tiny minority who think flying is the reason WPvP died.


NTY, give me TBC, give me all the way through MoP honestly, MoP was the pinnacle of many specs designs


Or, we could get BC and finally get proper hybrid balance…If classic+ doesn’t come with better class balance I want nothing to do with it.


I would enjoy mist, healing on a mistweaver was easily the best time i had healing from vanilla to bfa

Man, MoP mistweaver was awesome, nothing has touched on that since and every current iteration just feels worse

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i don’t understand why some people believe the features of a TBC, Wrath, or any other type of server would affect the classic servers


Legion playstyle was tolerable but bfa is a disgrace. Mop was a beautiful era.


These arrogant, entitled classic players make me sick.


Just stop it already.


The classic fanboys are scared classic would die if BC come out.


So you want to split Up the player base 4 ways? That doesn’t even sound right. LFG and flying killed wow. Tell that to millions of people who quit wow for these reasons. There’s a reason no one plays retail anymore

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