Classic is nerfed on beta

Pre nerfed av is like the most talked about thing on these forums or at least had the most posts and most attention but they chose the current because they thought npcs doing more dps are too hard for people.

They certainly got more feedback on wanting an older iteration of av then dire maul being to op to be out launch date and nax. But the people posting that stuff most likely had same mentality as the developers that blizzard has been hiring since wows success.

Well adding a black list feature to random bg finder made it so no one did AV and av was pretty bad because of the changes. Pretty much the same mentality devs had was instant gratification over fun because instant gratification was fun for the devs as it was for complainers.

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No, I want the vanilla game. The experience is born from the game. Instead of needlessly trying to recreate the “experience,” which varied so wildly based on the many subjective experiences of its millions of players, Blizzard should be recreating the game and letting players experience it anew.

If I start to play Chess, have no idea what I’m doing for months, get good after lots of practice, then someone changes the official rules of Chess… saying “I want vanilla Chess” does not mean I want to go back to being clueless.


What’s sad is their motives for not changing AV is that they think npcs are to hard, and they decided we as players could not handle it.

Makes me wonder, what else has blizzard deemed “to hard” that they don’t want to give us.

Really over blizzards hand hold gameplay design and wrapping everything in cotton wool in an effort to shield players from anything that could be considered slightly a challenge.

Sometimes I honestly think they lie about not having earlier data so they have a convenient excuse to make it how they want it.

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I know it’s popular to believe this, but data centers don’t misplace data. They’re also not so cheap that they will over write a backup when they back things up in duplicate and then ship the second copy off site…

They fed the community a half truth regarding their data situation; the truth is more along the lines that 1.12 just makes more sense for the situation because it’s what the private server players want and demanded back in November 2017.

The game was never hard.

Their is a difference between hard and harder…
With the SAME game experience, doing Molten in 1.1 is HARDER than in 1.12

Because of 1.12 itemization/classes/talent. Going into Molten Core in full BiS+optimized in 1.12 make you nearly 20 to 30% more powerfull than in 1.12.

It’s like a +30% which mean content is easier.

About Alterac, the actual 1.12 is just a show, they don’t play for real.
When it’s gonna be released players will just rush boss, to end it as fast at possible to farm it faster.

Yep. Also keep in mind these are level 58s in pre-raid gear. Imagine level 60s with Naxx gear.

A group of 5-10 players with Naxx gear will be enought to rush and end this…
What a real BATTLEground…

Why do you think adding more NPCs and making them 30% stronger would change that significantly?

The minute people start dis mounting and start chasing kills like headless chickens that happens.

Look at all the 1.12 champions around now. Surprised at who they’re catering to?

They WERE that cheap back in the Vanilla days. They didn’t start having more than two versions of the game until TBC.

Seriously, why is it so difficult to believe that a company did something incredibly stupid? I see companies do stupid things every day, specifically the one I work for.

Speaking to Classic in general and not just AV, I fear Classic will be super face roll easy. I hope I am wrong.

I started playing WoW about six months into Vanilla back in 05. I raided as far as three bosses into Naxx. I also played several private servers the last few years. I will say private servers are harder than vanilla was technically but easier in practice due to player knowledge and offline content that one can access that did not exist back in the day. Having said that, the various private servers are super easy and most of them are 1.12.

I fear Classic will be far too easy until AQ and maybe even beyond. Like I said, I hope I am wrong. I know you cannot go back in time and relive the glory days but I was hoping for a “hard” version of vanilla. We will see what happens but if I am right I don’t think I will stick with Classic. :frowning:

So… you were hoping Blizzard would do exactly what they said they WOULDN’T do and tamper with the data just to arbitrarily make it harder than it actually was?


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Who are you again?

Oh right, you are the type that thinks someone expressing their opinion, if it runs counter to yours, is stupid/wrong/evil/etc.

Just offering my 2 cents. Take it or leave it. Hopefully Blizz is reading this and weighing their gains and losses via this feedback loop. If they lose me and gain others that offset my loss and maximize their profits then great. I’m ok with that. I just don’t want Blizz to make poor choices and see Classic fail and lose money. I can find things to do with my time. My whole life does not depend on my definition of success or failure of Classic.

Well Williams, it’s good to see someone else who gets it.

They said they don’t want to maintain 2 MMO’s. So we’re getting the version that requires the least amount of work. Feed 1.12 data through current server code, tweek the code here and there to produce 1.12 output and throw it out to the masses.

No new content, no content progression…stuff is all in there and just needs to be turned on. Since server is base that gets maintained by retail.

It’s a cheap, cost effective way to reproduce vanilla.


Really? EQ’s dev’s backed up everything and they had a 3 million dollar development cost.

World of WarCraft was produced by Blizzard as you know and it was already a massively successful company that produced titles like WarCraft 3, StarCraft, and many more.

World of WarCraft was reportedly a 200 MILLION dollar development.

I can assure you they did not cheap out on backups because if that were the situation they would not have done a server backup and service every tuesday.

This is why if the servers crashed the worst that could happen was you would be reverted back to the Tuesday rollover.

They lost nothing my friend, you should stop believing everything Blizzard claims; it’s often untrue.

Let’s put it this way, they still have source code going back to 1997 for World of WarCrafts development, and have already stated so.


I don’t recall a single patch EVER being rolled back to the previous one.

I get the feeling you don’t know what I am talking about regarding backups. The detail of server backups and version backups is a lot more detailed than what you think it may be.

Each individual server (back then) was backed up every Tuesday. With 3 million players online in the first year they were making a pile of money, and cheeping out on the data center needs is just unimaginable in a company the size of 2004 / 2005 Blizzard.

They were not an Indy developer back then, they were very well established and top tier for the era; the sort of mistakes you’re eluding they made are purely ridiculous to ever consider.

The reason for 1.12 was simply a choice, not because it was anything but that a choice. If anything Blizzard was spoiled for choice when they visited their Data annex.


You’re lvl 58 in greens. Lvl 60 in blues will end much quicker.