so i should keep that mage who repeatedly won’t listen to simple instructions, keeps running ahead of the tank, dieing all the time because he tries to tank it himself, and is rolling need on everything?
So should i keep the shaman that’s earthshocking with rockbiter and making the tanks job exponentially harder to hold aggro ?
You’re darn right I’m gonna kick him, i don’t care if it’s Molten Core 40m raid, or if it’s Wailing caverns (which i’ve done already) I’m going to kick you if you’re making things harder for someone to fulfill their role effectively after I’ve explained to you to NOT do what you’re doing .
Those are nice examples of positive community experiences. Now imagine if instead they called you bad and kicked you, whispered you and trolled you after. Then rather than that Warlock giving you a belt, he said nothing, and a couple minutes later he walks by you getting killed by the warrior you saved him from and he just keeps on walking.
The former builds community and success, the latter destroys it.
I get in groups like this a lot, where the tank wants to pull 1 mob every 10 minutes, and cries about the mage pulling another 1-2 mobs (total 3) because he does not want to spend 3 hours in an instance that takes 10 minutes.
I Find this style of game play extremely toxic, disrespectful of my time, but you know what really angers me?
When people complain saying im toxic, because i am one of those mages who does not want to spend 3 hours in an instance.
The word “Toxic” needs to be outlawed as being toxic itself, because alot of the time, bad carebear players (or worse, brazilians) are crying because we dont play wow “their way” all to hide the fact they are bad.
Yes, I did read that. It depends on the reason. If someone is not listening and ruining it for the others then he or she deserves to be kicked. If you’re kicking players because they’re not meeting high expectations in low level dungeons then you’re a d-bag.
Part of the problem is how the game is structured. When gathering nods and quest mobs are not shared, when it takes forever to get a group together because you are waiting for a healer or tank, when loot is fought over, it creates tension, stress and friction between players.
This has long been a problem in WoW, even since vanilla days, but i will admit it’s more prevalent nowadays.
Best advice still applies to sort the problem though. Change the people you interact with, not your own enjoyment from the game. You don’t have to be a min/max’ing no lifer to do dungeons or raids, just find the right guild etc.
Game life is much more enjoyable and rewarding then. Right now people are still finding their feet so to speak, so clashes WILL inevitably occur.
Vanilla was the era of ninja looting and entire guilds being ripped apart by loot drama. I’ve played since, and I think retail’s gotten less toxic over time largely due to lowered requirements and casualization of the game.
The time commitment for many things in Vanilla, BC and even WotLK to a degree mean players are going to grind a lot- whether quest mobs, mobs that drop valued mats like elementals, or in dungeons/raids. But, much of that grind is not the enjoyable part of the game.
There’s much I liked about Vanilla- but stuff like spending hundreds of hours in MC wasn’t one of them. Low drop rates, taking half an hour to get to a dungeon, seeing people drop out of two hour runs before the last boss meaning all that time is wasted- these are realities of Vanilla.
It can put people on edge, just adding to the toxicity.