Classic is getting very toxic...and it's dangerous

The best people are the ones who don’t post on their mains. lul

I already met with a ninja on my 2nd run on end game dungeon when a warrior needing my light forge gear…than i remember ya is vanilla crap like that happen so my ignore list starts to grow.

this may be your experience, but i have yet to see this.

yeah no. haven’t grouped with 1 spellcleave group yet.

according to the census 43.4% is playing those classes. so 43.4% is playing one third of the classes.
in retail over 42% of the population is paladin, druid, hunter warrior. meanwhile the other 8 classes account for only 58% of the population. i don’t see you crying about that. despite you know. the percentage being almost the same, and the ratio being the same (1/3 classis 43.4%. 1/3 retail 42%). so are you a hypocrite or you gonna go QQ about retail too?

most people i run into are. maybe this is an issue with your server?

15 year old entry level raid that has been nerfed, while classes were buffed, threat was buffed, and number of debuff slots had been buffed too.
yeah no wonder it went over easy.

The behavior he’s looking for isn’t more than what’s expected of people when they’re in a public settling IRL. How outrageous that being behind your avatar of outrage doesn’t change the fact you’re still interacting with real people and common decency isn’t a foreign language.

You should try things that don’t revolve entirely around you, you seem to be inexperienced.


Spell cleave does not start until SM. You are 28, you are also a Paladin so you aren’t invited to the party = P

Not sure where you are pulling Retail class stats from but on Retail most people have multiple max level characters due to ease of leveling and free expansion character boosts. Also, LFG/LFR tools make class imbalance less of an issue in Retail.

This. I am not seeing too much negativity. Sure you have the ones in a rush being rude but theres a lot of peeps still being cool about the social aspects. At least on my server its more on the positive. Either your server is just filled with negativity or you are just unlucky in your encounters.

the point is this - in classic 1/3 of classes (priest/mage/warrior) is 43.4% of the population (not over half, like your claims), meanwhile in retail 1/3 of classes is 42% of the population. i don’t see you complaining about that. so are you just biased, or are you chewing out people on retail as well?

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How is it indecent to AoE farm dungeons?
How is it indecent to expect excellence from your party members and kicking those who don’t meet that standard?
How is it indecent to play a class that performs well?
How is it indecent to min/max?

Spare me the grandstanding. You’re not morally superior just because you play WoW a certain way.


Technically he is morally superior if he’s not treating people like that.


Last night I pulled too many mobs and some shammy healed me, then traded me all the potions he’d collected in case it happened again

Then I saw a warlock fighting a higher level warrior so I gave him a helping hand, then he rewarded me with a green belt upgrade that he’d collected

Had a very wholesome night on classic and I don’t think I’ve run into much toxicity yet

Only if in your silly sense of morality it is somehow wrong to do those things, thus the questions, “how is it indecent…?”

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no he isn’t your an idiot lol
Gatekeeping and being judgmental about how people play the game doesnt make you morally superior neither does calling people you dont like “toxic”

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Still is, I’m having a blast and helping others when I can…

Remember,anecdotal evidence isn’t evidence… :wink:

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Kicking people from low level dungeons is pretty disgusting.

but back then the majority of nerds had thicker skin. You know, us nerds we got bullied in high school,
(which apparently is a strange thing to Gen Z that I’ve found out)
so dealing with someone passive aggressive online made us tougher mentally.

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It’s kinda hilarious that you’re accusing others of being toxic while you’re calling them dumb and idiots.

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The big issue from what I have seen is that the really fun specs like enhancement isn’t viable end game.

Like enhance is a blast and great in groups for dung runs and leveling but the second you hit 60 and wanna do anything serious its a meme spec.

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This is due to class related issues. People have not caught on that hunterx3 is more op then mages.

I suggested some changes to rogue, and warrior that will fix this issue effectively giving them all aoe potential. This will at least allow for melee.

Wow has always been toxic. With LFD, LFR and cross releams. It was a little easy to forget it. Cross releam bgs always had that one guy saying “you all suck” the moment they die and start losing.

My PvP server has been great so far.

In what classic world is hunter better than mage for dung runs??