My guess is its overcrowding.
i’m not sure what server you are on but i know Faerlina was painfully toxic. I jumped to heartseeker and I am happy there. We all seem to be chill and getting into groups is slower but people are super nice.
The forums however… are a dumpster fire XD they always have been <3
These people don’t exist, that is hyperbole at best…existing in a fantasy world where someone is intentionally griefing you and your party.
Your mindset is part of the problem, everyone not perfectly on the same page as you is a mage who keeps running ahead of the tank trying to tank everything spamming need rolls on everything (whether they are or aren’t).
That right there is the problem, the elitist attitudes.
If you’re able to do that great, but are you critical of others who don’t ?..that’s where the toxic comes into to it.
People need to chill, if someone just upgraded an item and hasn’t had the chance to get it enchanted yet, that doesn’t give others the right to just casually discard players or be rude.
If they haven’t played their class optimally in your opinion, do you try to chat with them AFTERWARDS and help them gain further wisdom ?.. or is this a valid reason to kick someone mid run.
Do you expect everyone to have your skill level or higher at the game ?..if they don’t met your expectations, what are you doing beyond being rude to help others improve.
There’s nothing wrong with being great at game-play, but that doesn’t give you a free pass to be rude to others.
Great players aren’t necessarily great at the game, and being great at game play doesn’t confer you god status either. Each player is a person, with RL issues to content with and various other things they may be a factor in their ability to perform optimally. My own experience when taking these factors into account have been awesome, both in and OUT of game, some of the best people I know around the world, I met through playing a GAME.
This isn’t a competition or tournament, it’s a game to be enjoyed played by real people who deserve to be treated as such.
Let the poopsockers play with each other and group up with other more balanced people who are more interested in having fun than measuring their eP33ns against strangers.
I am on westfall realm, and I dont see toxic players in classic ?. sure…there will be jerks !, but for the most part, I get drive-by buffs every time I am out in the world, some very nice folks from what I am seeing :-).
A more optimistic way to look at it might be this:
Wave 1 (first couple of months) will be the super hype classic players. They know and understand that this is a time sink, so gleaning any advantage in terms of gear acquisition is going to put you in good stead for the rest of the classic experience. They will be power-leveling and they’ll likely know every trick to squeeze out those levels as fast as they can to hit ‘end game (is the real game)’.
Just let them go past. If its not your playstyle chances are you’re not going to encounter them the longer this runs (other than ganking of course).
Some time around blizzcon we’ll probably get phase 2 (likely a month and a half after 8.2.5). As players finish whatever it is 8.2.5 brings, they’ll pop in for another look at classic in the downtime between 8.2.5 and 8.3. By this point the power gamers will be at 60 and now on the honor grind. They wont really be inside the dungeons or in lowbie quest zones (except again, ganking or world pvp). At this point you’ll likely see the mainstay community begin to take shape and things will slow down a bit allowing space for more ‘vanilla’ communities and playstyles to take shape. This is when classic will probably see more of a return to normality of players just playing the game, running dungeons, doing a bit of pvp, exploring and all round just enjoying the vibe.
The toxicity will likely begin to die down (which is sort of ironic given that i anticipate this in the midst of the possible hell-scape that will be phase 2).
On Grobbulus People have been outstanding. The guild I am in, Is Large, and very active. Being an Officer is based on how we help others. Even the Horde/ Alliance show respect to each other. yes there are bad apples in any place Humans gather, but its very low on Our Server.
Playing the best you can isnt an elitist attitude.
No. Im not critical of people in a condescending way. I will try to help, but ill only do so much as sometimes theres no hope. Criticism isnt a bad thing.
Also, i was calling you out because you were being what you were complaining against. Saying ppl that put effort in their play have no life.
In the end, everyone should be striving to play their best when in group content. Its not just your time, theres other to take into account. If you dont care to try better and hold everone back or make things harder than they should be, you are the a$$hole for wasting others time and money.
In 2004, video games were still very much niche, especially MMO’s based in a fantasy setting. It attracted a certain type of person.
Now in 2019, gaming is one of if not the most lucrative media entertainment industry and it attracts people from every walk of life. You’ve got IG models and pro athletes that are streaming on Twitch. There are alot more douchey people in the community now as a result.
Agreed, on Grob as well.
I don’t know if OP is talking about the higher lvls, the furthest I’ve been is 23, but I’ve experienced almost all positives from people. I have’nt seen the blame game in dungeons despite the tanks losing aggro to eager dps, I’ve grouped with lots of people in the world and dungeons, regardless of class, with no one complaining.
The worst I’ve seen is trolls and rude people in general/trade chats but honestly even that’s tame compared to what I saw back when I played Legion, and it’s easy to ignore anyway. Outside of that? I’ve had a couple situations were people who just popped into an area will nab a chest from under you while your taking out a mob, or get angry because you got a quest resource they wanted, like during that scorpid quest in the Barrins, but the former situation is rare and I’ve only seen the latter once. Most people are friendly from my experience.
Also, the first main I’m lvling is a priest, simply because I’ve always wanted to try one and never have, even in retail. I never played Classic back in the day, and don’t watch streamers, so if priest is somehow “meta” I’d have no clue. I just picked it because I wanted to play it, and I’m enjoying it. I made and started lvling a shamen too, again just because I want to. No idea were they stand either. Some people DO just play what they want because they want to. Streamers are’nt gods and everyone who plays a “meta” class is’nt their worshiper. Though I’m sure plenty of people do follow them, just saying they are’ t the only people that exist.
Seems like there might be something to the pack.
So in classic you have a few different kinds of people, it hasn’t been out a month and there are still enough 60’s to start working on pre-bis.
Those are the hardcore. Those are progression raiders and all they care about is min-maxing and setting the content on fire so they can be first to 60, or first in full t1, or first pBiS
those people generally will be selfish, elitist pricks. Comes with the territory. A huge chunk of calssic wow’s player base is working SM, BFD, WC, Middling level. this is where I see almost everyone on my server. 25-35 Majority, 35-45 dedicated, 45-60 hardcore.
so yeah, going further and further from the community in leveling speed and you’ll be surrounded by elitists.
Not to mention, you could just not take it personally. There’s alot of people here on classic, funny part about that, there’s also alot of asshats. You need a thick skin for barrens chat. If you’re easily offended, start blocking.
Make your own group and run it how you like.
Expected response confirming exactly what i’m about, and no surprise you went on the offensive either.
I would rather wipe 50 times over and have the good people i’m with learn something than do 1 successful run with no wipes with people like yourself. Great times and a considerate attitude go a long way to increasing the enjoyment from the GAME.
It’s a game, not an esport, Each to their own etc, and it’s their time your wasting when you become abusive so readily.
Nah, no where near what is happening right now.
Post on your classic toon or else we can all assume you are just a retail troll
100% agree… And I think the reason people are so angry nowdays is exactly because they are following cookie cutter stuff on the internet. And even when they do find success, it’s not as good as if they had found it through their own creative endeavors.
This is modern gaming culture in a nutshell. No creativity, no soul.
Already been in serveral groups that overpull and behave like min maxed groups… Only to wipe because they pull too much.
Ive never been abusive, you have been the only one being abusive saying people that want to play well have no life. And its fair to say someone is an a$$hole if they are continually ruining a group even after being informed on how to overcome whatever you are fighting against. If you are causing 50 wipes in a 5 man, you are just trolling at that point, which makes you an a$$hole. And its ironic that you would say those that want to play to the best of their ability to shorten the amount of time in a dungeon have no life, yet you would rather wipe 50 times which could add multiple hours onto a run.