Minor nitpick, not helpful to describe the gameplay as “modern.” That type of gameplay has been around since games have. “Action” would be more descriptive, more familiar.
not at all how sharding works, especially since half of the reason for sharding is if there is TOO MANY people in a zone, and they need to be seperated, we had sharding removed on our server for a reason, cause too many people in a zone for an event would cause lag.
funnily enough when the darkshore prepatch and also when arathi warfront came out, we had an issue of MASSIVE lag because they were “old world zones” but new content, meaning that EVERYONE was going there, and it made arathi insanely laggy trying to do anything the first time the alliance got to go there for world quests and rare kills.
The problem is that I feel like I’m obligated to log in to do my dailies with quests I’ve done over and over. I still love arena and raiding but the rest of the game is just whack.
Me: Hey guys I’m back after a log break, how do I catch up?
Guildies: Well you’re gonna have to do this time gated content every day for 2 weeks to get ur neck level up and farm three difficulties in order to maximize your upgrades. Even PVP is timegated by dailies rather than playtime.
On vanilla I can play any of my characters any time I want without feeling like I’m being punished for not doing content I’ve done every day for weeks. Retail is like a checkbox/chorelist to get your allowance.
Yeah they are definitely starting to drop some layers on realms now. Seems like each layer holds around 2-3k people. You can tell when they’ve been doing this because you’ll be used to a normal queue time at a certain hour of the night during a certain day of the week, then suddenly, that number is jacked up by 2-3k or 4-6k people. Those are layer sizes basically.
ALSO: They said something a while back about the full/high/med/low pop status being based around the largest server size or something. I’d have to dig around to find what they said about it, but I do remember they said it only applies to classic.
There is zero reason for Blizzard to announce that they changed it unless they are pestered about it, players would only give negative feedback.
There is also all the reason for Blizzard to change how the layers / pop cap work in the first place. Artificially creating queues will allow Blizzard to keep their promise of no layering by phase 2, and not saying anything about it allows them to not spark outrage from players on realms like Faerlina/Herod who just want to log in and play.
This also helps Blizzard address the problem they were having with their new realms like Earthfury, where you could previously log in and have less than 100 other players online in your faction on the entire server.
Because you can be everywhere at once. Including all end game areas, both factions on a fresh character. Or does simply going to SW or Org make your opinion valid? LuL
I’m an RPG fan as well. Funny part is I don’t believe that Classic carries anymore RPG weight than BFA does.
The only difference is ability bloat and arbitrary talent points post level 10. All abilities/passives that have been baked into the character.
To add more to the RPG aspect I’ve petitioned to bring back Legion classes with a new mastery system I’ve outline multiple times while also bringing back reforging. That would out some of the character building back into the game. There was something to say about being able to equip tier, an artifact, relic upgrade rolls, legendary items, and talents. Built a character that felt strong, immersive, and yours.
That’s definitely an enormous part of it. I loved reforging.
I was specifically talking about the action component. Retail is basically a Mario or Zelda type game, whereas classic can be played by a one-armed man missing fingers.
Imagine if you were playing Final Fantasy 7 but every time you got in combat it was a Street Fighter battle. Wouldn’t feel much like an RPG.