Classic is a bot playground right now

I decided to start leveling a new character in Classic today and was dumbfounded by the number of bots running around. In the few hours I was on, I spotted no less than 5 bots while going from level 1-9. And they are not being subtle at all about it.

One bot spent 5 min. running into a fence. I guess the script got confused and could not path them around it.

Another stood by a copper node staring at it like they thought it was going to bust out into a song a dance number any second.

Yet another was standing around spinning in circles tagging mobs.

Due to a lag spike at Stormwind, because everyone was there to get the world buff, another could not figure out how to walk down the Stormwind bridge.

It was just unbelievable how many were running around. I can never remember Classic or even retail being this bad.

Sorry, I just wanted to vent to someone!


Same happened to me, I was leveling an new character and in the first 10 levels I found like 6 bots killing mobs in durotar just outside of ogrimmar.

Later in the barrens I met a lot more also killing mobs around the north of ratchet.
There got to a point were I was meeting more bots than players while leveling.
It’s disgusting.


I’ve come to the point that I just assume every troll hunter is just a bot now. They could approach me, have an entire conversation with me, friend me on Facebook, and come over for dinner. Still suspect they’re a bot.


The sad part is the community. The general concensus in chat was do not report them as it does nothing.

Well if the large majority have that attitude then no reason they are everywhere, they know most people are not reporting them.


Shimmering flats on benediction is quite amusing. I got a full level tagging mobs as bot mages dosed them down.

Yeah, I understand you completely.
Now when I find someone while leveling my first reaction is to test if he is a bot or a player. Sad really.


The scarier thing is that for the 5 I did see, there were probably 10-20 more that I didn’t see because they have better scripts.

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Yes, it’s frustrating.

I suppose this thread is more for a “Call to Action” more than venting. I think everyone should get back into the habit of reporting any bots they see, even if you think it does nothing, do it anyways.

At the very least, you make a GM have to read them all, maybe after getting hit with enough they might get aggravated and do something.

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I’m pretty sure that blizzard is using an automated system for reports (like for many other aspects of the game), that’s why several reports are needed to just take action against a bot.
It is not enough with just one or two reports.
This is part of the problem, if we had active gms we would be better off, but they cost blizzard money to hire them…

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is TBCC Beta up yet , i see not forums about it

Yes, beta is up

false they are not up, both realms are offline

my bad, thought you just meant had beta started lol

They need to add a option for right click report for botting specifically. Also need to spend some of if the millions on some quality control. Pservers could keep their botting problem down and they had no barrier to entry and nowhere near the amount of resources a 70 billion dollar company has.

Do they not have a beta forum? Would this question not be better asked there? Not trying to be difficult here, but I would think you would get better answers from the forum setup for the beta.

If everyone stopped buying gold it would help a lot, but there would still be private botters.

I suspect the bots I saw are not for gold buying, but rather people buying leveling services. But either way, yes if there was not a market, they would not be around as much.

I’ve displayed every one of those characteristics multiple times, a couple of them pretty much every day and I’m not a bot.

Am I?

Beep boop.

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bots = money
money = Happy Bobby

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