Classic is a bot playground right now

Right?! I feel the exact same way about tauren druids.

Druids friends, not enemies.

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Retail is no different my friend.

Blizzard likes bots, they’re free money that never unsubs - or pays 20 dollars a month instead of 15.

Why would they want to get rid of that? The bots make up 35% or more of the classic population.

Since mid phase 3, it was a bot playground already. Full of hunters mages warlocks leveling everywhere. Mostly hunters and mages.

I remember after a ban wave last summer doing /who of zones and seeing literally dozens of “players” all the same class in the low level zones, its really the type of thing just having one guy paid to be on a server for a few hours would have eliminated, lol.

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All of this sounds like normal gameplay, people going afk or autowalking. But fear mongering is fun, too!

Wow tokens then?

WSG feels like a bot battleground. 80% of the players never type, and they’ll do stuff like watch EFC ride by while fighting someone else or go to FR from tunnel after EFC just picked up flag and is clearly going GY

I go into AV, all I see are bots. They don’t know how to cap towers or hold flags, they just run right into horde groups and die and usually just rush RH and then afk on the hill. I figured it was just battlegrounds that had this issue but then I went to wpvp and yet again, BOTS! Just so many low level bots running around searing. I figured I may as well kill and camp a few to show them we hate bots but there were so many! I saw one just running in circles trying to find a firebloom that spawns underground. Another just jumped off the cliff, I guess the script didn’t have edges marked out and he just died.

The joke went over your head, your house, your city, and probably the planet itself.

And alliance side it’s dwarves with dark-colored boars.
Saw one with a good script but was curious due to the rotation he used in Duskwood annnnd then he killed a mob on a slope. . . He was repeatedly going around doing weird jumps and everything to get to the body.

After I reported him, I went around onto the top of the hill by the mob and suddenly it happened. The person behind the account caught it stuck in its repeat, got on and looted the body. Obvious what was happening.


Should play on some asian mmos, it’s more bot than man now.

Hell, internet shopping is overrun with them. It’s not just Blizzard, botting in online video games and strategies against them is big business, number of studies have just released on the struggle against them

Bots don’t make Blizzard money, the fraudulent changes they have to reverse cost them money

1 bot = 1 sub

Guy has 20 bots = 20 subs

Sorry what are you on about cause you’re flat wrong.


Botting often uses stolen credit cards and compromised accounts. That is not good business.

Competing against botting is big business, but botting is an even bigger business.

Go try and buy a new graphics card

I mean, to be fair, this describes many actual players in random battlegrounds…

You think blizzard gives cares where the money comes from? It’s not on them to make sure the money is legal.

Yes I think their legal and accounting departments cares about where the money for a sub comes from when it’s fraudulent

Do they? Do you know the inner systems of their accounting and financial systems? I Don’t. Last time I checked, a store doesn’t get sued if a customer pays with a false bill.

Have you ever had a job? Yes, merchants often get left with the bill when it comes to credit card fraud. Credit cards are the promise of payment, like an accrual - not cash. Dealing with fraudulent charges costs money, it costs time. My account was hacked and paid for using a stolen credit card in 2009 for example