Classic Hardcore and Trading Restrictions

Trading should be limited to people at level 60. Tell me why I’m wrong.


In a perfect world, trading seems like a great idea.

But then put it in the context of gold buying. Fast forward a few months and the server is ruined.

I think the success of the HC-Addon is because they successfully made a no gold buying server. Yeah the death = delete was the main thing, but the no gold buying gave it the feel that every player craves, weather they recognize it or not.


You are wrong.


That is not a reason why he is wrong :expressionless:


I really think a good middle ground would be add in Soul of Iron type buffs that you could enable at level 1, similar to the HC-addon “starting achievements”

Add a “no trading” buff that could prove to others that you never accepted a trade.

Yeah you could just self impose trading restricting but it seems kinda silly unless you had a way to track it or flex it, if that makes sense. Or let’s say you wanted a no-trading guild, the buff could monitor that.

No one wants to continue to rely on the easily hackable addon.

Because WoW is an MMO, and trading is a key feature of the game.


Look where that meta leads though, gold buying, carries, GDKP, no raiding with out gold buying, WoW tokens. It completely destroys the game. Be honest here.


You kinda have to explain your own reasoning on why it shouldn’t be allowed before asking people to disagree/agree. Making a subjective statement then saying “tell me why” is not at all inviting any real discussion and starts you off as sounding like someone prepped to argue in bad faith.

Troll thread.


Take my posts as arguing on his behalf…

Want to trade because it’s an MMO? There’s alternatives such as era, wotlk classic, dragonflight.


fair but not the point.

and WoW HC Official too!


Are you trolling? How is HC Official an alternative to HC Official???

The interface already has a built in auto-decline trade option. You don’t need to show off or “flex” that you’re refusing help from other players.

Being honest, if we really break it down its the players who ruin the game, so might as well just stop everyone from playing so the integrity of the game is kept intact.

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You know what, you are right. I read it wrong. Fair enough, I will give a better reason.

For one thing just off the top of my head, the lack of trading breaks tradeskills. Almost every tradeskill is designed to rely on other tradeskills at one point or another. Enchanting is particularly brutal in that you need blacksmiths just to make the stupid rods. There are quests in the world that require specific tradeskill items etc. etc. etc.

edit: If it were up to me, there would be no auction house and no gold trading. Whatever gold you earned in the world stays with you for mounts or repairs or vendor items, but will never be traded to another player.

You can barter with other players, but never exchange gold.


Trading isn’t a meta. It’s a feature in the game.


Sorry, guess I should have quoted his whole post.

Mentions alternative to “no trading” so I made a joke that HC Official will have trading.

The interface already has a built in auto-decline trade option. You don’t need to show off or “flex” that you’re refusing help from other players.

How would you monitor that your raid hasn’t traded? The honor system?

Being honest, if we really break it down its the players who ruin the game, so might as well just stop everyone from playing so the integrity of the game is kept intact.

Just saying an option would be nice to monitor it, not forcing any playstyle on anyone. Either way the effect is the same regardless of the cause.


Look at wrath, era, or BC raid meta. Tell me gold buying didn’t ruin it.

Why do you need to monitor it? This all, again, boils down to why do you care what other people are doing when it actually does not affect you?

The only actual reasoning I’ve been told is wanting to play with others that have the same restrictions as yourself, but that doesn’t hold up if you level SSF and at 60 if you continue to play the game because you will be required to trade in some capacity for dungeons/raids.

You could limit trading to solely profession items but that is a big ask to go through and recode every item in the game for a small set of servers.

Why does it have to be monitored if you’re not forcing anything on anyone? Again, nobody cares if you have/haven’t traded or used the AH if you keep your business to yourself.

And again, this leads to it being a player produced problem. I had never heard of GDKP until the Classic launch a few years ago, and I’ve played WoW for near the entirety of it’s lifespan and across multiple private servers. It was a player created design and now a player driven problem. It’s not the AH and trading that created this, they existed long before GDKP.

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Why do you need to monitor it? This all, again, boils fown to why do you care what other people are doing when it actually does not affect you?

If you want to run a no trading raiding guild, for example.

Why does it have to be monitored if you’re not forcing anything on anyone? Again, nobody cares if you have/haven’t traded or used the AH if you keep your business to yourself.

Just an option to accommodate more playstyles.

And again, this leads to it being a player produced problem. I had never heard of GDKP until the Classic launch a few years ago, and I’ve played WoW for near the entirety of it’s lifespan and across multiple private servers. It was a player created design and now a player driven problem. It’s not the AH and trading that created this, they existed long before GDKP.

Well if gold buying became rampant on Official HC, then a lot of players will be turned off by it. Thus affecting everyone on the server by lowing the population. It will inflate prices on the AH and restrict you from using the AH unless you buy gold. You will be restricted due to inflation. You can’t possibly farm up enough gold via regular game play.

You are imagining some perfect world scenario and kinda sticking ur head in the sand is my take.

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