Classic Hardcore and Trading Restrictions

I’m not talking about gold buying. I’m talking about trading.

If you don’t like playing with others, perhaps you should try Skyrim?


So, you’re saying if this hypothetical situation where this abnormal server suffers the same problems as normal servers, it will affect the population?

Let’s look at it legitimately, though. Buying gold on HC is already more of a gamble due to risk of gold loss on death. Death can occur to any circumstance regardless of the amount of gear you buy. Gear won’t save you from a power outage or disconnect during combat.

The population won’t lower due to goldbuying because it’s already a rampant problem on others servers, so they can’t escape it if it actually does start, and any player quitting over gold buying likely wasn’t going to actual play longterm or past a death anyway.

Price inflation only occurs if GDKP becomes popular, which it won’t due to PuGs being extremely risky for HC, due to the fact it spreads bought gold around the economy. If a small handful of players buy gold and hoard it themselves it doesn’t freely get exchanged and cause inflation.

My take is you’re being a doomsayer without actually thinking things through logically, like a large portion of the SSF and Official HC naysayers.

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I think you and I are being too extreme. Perhaps what will happen will be inbetween my and your theory.

Either way, I don’t see how effectively allowing gold buying could be a good thing. Only thing hard core will do is up the price. It won’t stop it 100%.

Modern Classic culture tends to take things to minmax’d extremes is the premise I’m working with. I’ve already seen Era, BC, and Wrath ruined.


Trading leads to gold buying. The only server that has stopped gold buying is Bloodsail Buccaneers due to the HC-addon policing trading.

Not to mention trading just makes the game too easy. But I don’t want to impose my playstyle on to others.

Why do you care how other people choose to level, if you don’t want to use the AH or trade, don’t do it, but why should you dictate how others play the game?

The scare of RMT isn’t even an issue on most servers and certainly won’t be an issue for those leveling up in HC. I mean imagine that someone might put something up on the AH that you can’t afford so you have to go out and quest, or maybe buy a slightly lesser crafted item instead. Exactly how will this impact you, especially if your one of those who wants to have no trading, so it has zero impact on you.

As for 60, and the fear of GDKP since you’re not blocking trading at 60, well you’re hardly putting a dent in that. That said do you really think GDKP runs are going to be common. Unless things go differently on the official server then what I have seen in SOM, or on BB, there will be a very small and limited raiding community, and on official it will be much more challenging since unlike the add on there are no appeals.

So no I personally can’t see HC players lining up with their geared HC characters to carry a group of under geared freeeloaders through MC so they can get some easy money, or make themselves easy targets for someone who has no gear and yet has the desire to grief the entire raid. (see the recent HC Elite raid for pointers) Its more likely the raiding guilds will be loading up alts with gear as protection for when one of their raiders loses a main, so they don’t suffer setbacks from losing a few key people.

But again, as this thread is about banning trades/AH/Mail pre 60 none of the GDKP stuff matters, because all that occurs at 60.


Cool. But the official server allows trading.


I hope events unfold as you imagine.

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Factually false.

You can buy gold with the addon by momentarily turning it off, opening your mailbox, and turning it back on

You are right but it wasn’t a rampant problem.

Probably because if you die it’s gone.

You think many people are in a position to light money on fire?

Or you could have a bank alt to store excess gold and items on incase you die. That’s only one idea off the top of my head. Can’t imagine what the mix-max crowd will come up with…

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I did just fine. All you gots to do is get a fishin pole and learn to fish up boxes for leathers. And other stuff drops from mobs if you farm em long enough. :expressionless:


How do you define Wrath, Era or BC being being ruined? I have a hard time seeing how RMT would have any impact at all on my experience in Classic, TBC or WOTLK. While I am sure there were people out there who bought gold, I can’t see how it had any measurable impact on me.

Personally I joined a progression guild, completed all the hard content prior to any nerfs, and while I did a couple GDKP runs here and there, I don’t know any progression guilds that use it, I know none of the guilds I ran with did, not that loot council is always a better option.

Thought this I can’t think of a single time that I would have even considered buying gold, as it was relatively easy to get consumables, as well as afford any materials needed for any crafted gear, it was simply always easy to have more then enough gold for anything I wanted. I always tend to go the more self sufficient route though as well as planned ahead.

Who cares?

If your 60 dies it’s dead wether you bought 1 gold or 10k

You guys need to stop obsessing over gold buyers. They live rent free in your head

Just play the game and have fun, if someone buys gold and puts it on an alt you’ll never be affected


How do you define Wrath, Era or BC being being ruined? I have a hard time seeing how RMT would have any impact at all on my experience in Classic, TBC or WOTLK.

in that case, we’re not even on the same planet idk how i can have a discussion with you

I can’t wait for this… to watch the HC players lose toon after toon after toon… can’t reset your add on and keep going this time…


people who want an authentic HC experience for all care :expressionless:
people like you on the other hand couldn’t give a toss because all you want is fresh. you are a fresh fiend.

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You can play with your P2W add on any server…

I am actually being serious, how did RMT really have a huge negative impact? I could certainly see it being more an issue for those who are from retail, where they were used to raid finder which provided an easy way to get free epic raid gear without having to join a real guild. But if you have been on classic since it launched, that really shouldn’t be an issue.

I can also understand people having some challenges in Classic making gold as it is a bit harder, but in TBC and WOTLK it’s relatively easy to make gold through a variety of different ways, if people have a hard time making gold in those expansions, they simply not trying or are spending money foolishly.

I can also see GDKP raids being a bit more an issue on the current ERA servers, because its likely difficult to motivate may people to raid, especially if there is nothing in it for them. While certainly RMT could impact this, at the same time, many of the people will also likely have lots of gold simply by having played wow for years, much of this due to WOW not really having any true gold sinks, even in classic.

The “motivation to raid” is an interesting take and perhaps valid.

Without massive gold inflation due to gold buying, gold and items have more value and feel more rewarding as opposed to just buying all the bags you need, for example.

EDIT: also the community challenge aspect. it’s more of a community wide challenge.