Is bringing a high level elite mob to the city of Orgrimmar which then kills everyone in the city. Then continuously kite it around Orgrimmar so it kills everyone for a hour. Is this considered “griefing”?
From what I was told this is not griefing as it is a part of classic fresh experience.
Those questions are not orthogonal. They are not two mutually exclusive answers to a single question.
It could be griefing, if the powers that be decide it’s a form of actionable play disruption.
But it’s also traditional. Legendary world boss kites are part and parcel of the original WoW experience. It wouldn’t really be Classic unless someone could kite Lord Kazzak into Stormwind.
The issue is that you have to know who brought the mob there in the first place. If you do know that, then you can try reporting the behavior and a GM will make the determination from there.
If people are capable of bringing it down and it’s not lasting for days or a continuous thing, they may let it slide. But I’m not sure we can say for certain how they’ll make that decision.
There really can’t be a black and white answer to this, though. Back in the day, it was entirely dependent on whether people could bring it down or if they’d have to restart the server. It’s not any different now in that regard. Circumstances are going to differ and we can’t exactly say what the outcome would be.
As Sniperorc alluded to above, it’s much more complicated than a binary “Yes or No?” answer. Regardless, you are not going to get an answer here. You may get an answer if you ask @WarcraftDevs on Twitter, but there’s no blanket answer that a GM can give (and GM’s don’t post in this forum anyway).
Bringing Jademir Tree Warder which is in Ferales, to Orgrimmar. To kill low level people in Orgrimmar continuously for 1 hour. This may or may not be considered griefing depending but it all depends on the GM that suspends/bans me.
Yes. Because this is a peer to peer help desk with assistance from Support Forum Agents and there are no GMs here to determine the exact situation and give you an answer that is black and white.
Well, if you’re asking for permission in advance, I absolutely wouldn’t hold my breath.
Whether it’s held to be game disruption or not would be entirely in the eye of the beholding GM. I don’t even know if the perpetrators of historical boss kites were ever disciplined. I certainly wouldn’t try to predict how it would go now.
Not really. The GM will make the decision based on their policies and procedures, but you are not going to get a blanket yes or no to the question of “can I kite something to Org”. There are a lot of factors, and quite frankly, motivation could be one of the deciding factors. Saying:
Shows that you want to make people miserable, which could impact the decision.
No. While you are always allowed to appeal an account action, you: 1) don’t get to argue your case like you’re in a courtroom and try to get off on technicalities/semantics, and 2) should understand that a suspension for doing this is the exact answer you seek.
“Am I allowed to grief in this manner?” suspended for griefing in that manner
The answer would seem to be: no, you are not allowed to do it.
If you don’t want to risk a suspension, then don’t do it.
I like to go to Hillsbrad and kill low level alliance players on Nightslayer. Am I being nice? No. But I’m having a lot of fun. Will I get banned? No. Because it’s still considered World PVP.