Classic Fresh GDKP Ban Thoughts

There’s gdkp runs who can’t clear and are progressing there’s runs where people are gearing and raidng steady there’s runs where people are speed clearing.
You don’t understand the basic fundamentals of gdkp allowing people to be fluid all week long and raid where their heart desires or schedules allow them

Everyone who can not be apart of a guild run can not take pve end game seriously without gdkp

I do understand that. I’ve suggested that Blizzard add an official PUG DKP as a compromise a few times. All the GDKP shills seethe about it, because ultimately the shills are selling gold and it’s a useless system to them.

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40 man raids require alot of organizing

You still need to make gold to play. If you are only raid logging and getting wbuffs you’re screwed.

That’s where the relationship between people who play alot and people who can’t come together in gdkp

You can make it one-way exchange-able for gold. Go away.

What’s exchangeable for gold ? Dkp ? Is the goal to attack gdkps or stop gold buyers.

thats great im glad people who enjoy GDKPS made you not play wrath sounds like the game is better without you

I’m glad that people like you won’t be allowed to ruin the anniversary realms. Cheaters like you make the game worse

i mean i can say it as much as others but your to ignorant to accept it but not everyone who did GDKP bought gold

and im still going to level incase they remove the anti GDKP nonsense

I’m sure the outlook of having players like you is great for the folk who would be carrying the logistics in raid building.

I’m better than you at the game, and I’m consistent. I’m a pretty good addition if I don’t just run the group outright

Citation needed

I don’t need to cheat and buy gold for gear*

Now make sure that boosters are also banned and then we can play in peace. When i started playing classic all you saw were people selling dungeon boosts…mauradon etc and if you didnt buy a boost there was no lvling via dungeon groups… basically because you had so many people afk getting boosted almost no one was around to quest or get into a dungeon group… so boosting ban gdkp not being about money making and trying to make it look like a community lol neither have any redeeming value

That’s what we thought lmao.

Lmao you’re a gold buying cheater no one cares what you think

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I mean it’s not really an opinion… Facts are facts…

My guild uses loot Council… This has already been said repeatedly…

On my server people are SELLING potions on the Auction House! Can you believe that? People not even leveling multiple characters to farm and craft their own raid consumables? But selling them for MONEY?!? The auction house should be banned!

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