Classic Forever: The Future of Classic Servers

This post is a discussion for how Blizzard can best preserve the Classic experience going forward.

In a few weeks many players will make the move to TBC, leaving many Classic servers low population. Once all the dust settles and Blizzard has a good idea about Classic server populations they should take the following actions:

  1. Consolidate/merge Classic servers that become low population. This would result in a healthier player base on each server and fewer servers for Blizzard to maintain. These servers will have no progression. They will always be frozen in phase 6 forever, where you can continue to play the characters you have spent so much time on.

  2. Create new Classic Progression servers. The Progression servers will have a lifecycle of 2 years. They will start at Phase 1, and over 2 years progress through each of the Classic Phases, just like Classic did. At the end of the 2 year server lifecycle, if players want to continue playing their character they will be given the option to transfer off the Progression server and onto one of the permanent frozen phase 6 servers. Then the Progression servers will be wiped clean, and completely reset. Starting fresh again at Phase 1, and repeating this lifecycle forever.

The Classic experience isn’t only about playing on a frozen phase 6 server. The Classic experience is also about progressing through each of the phases. It’s getting pre-raid bis in dungeons, world pvp in phase 2, AQ gate event etc… This experience shouldn’t be reserved only for those lucky enough to play Wow in 2004, or in 2019. But should be preserved and available for all players forever.

I know Blizzard is hesitant to create new servers. Start out small with only 1 Progression server if you must, then create more if needed just like at Classic launch. In order to preserve the Classic Wow experience it is imperative that these Progression servers exist.



I definitely support both options. I think it’s not sustainable to throw people who want to play classic onto a dead post-naxx realm with zero new content and expect the realm to carry on raiding Naxx forever. It’s just not practical. Seasonal servers is basically what option 2 and is used in plenty of MMOs, black desert online, wow pservers with great success.


probably merging servers to preserve activity and prevent the perception of the game dying.


I certainly hope they run another two-year cycle, but I would be surprised to see it before Classic WotLK comes out.

both actions are pretty good and reasonable , but i doubt they will do number 2

Originally I had thought that no.2 would have been the best choice. On further contemplation; I think no. 1 would be the best choice. Consolidating the players would be best, imo. Having more players to group with, and pvp with, is always best.

Hard no to fresh realms for me.

Most of us go through different phases to reach our end goal to enjoy endless high level open world interaction, pvp, and raid. The only people insenctivized to restart everything are gold farmers. Fresh realms will shut off 70% of the population who have a full time job becaus you need so much time investment playing less than 8 hours a day is not even possible.

If Blizzard keeps and consolidate classic forever realms, the working adults will pay for the game, and between the working adults and the gold farmers, the former brings money to the servers and maintain a healthy game community.



No, it isn’t. That happened back in Vanilla ONCE. It did not happen over and over. Happening over and over is NOT “the Classic experience” or “the Vanilla experience”. New servers with added rules and restrictions are NEW, not “preserving” anything.

If we all had time machines and customized games, maybe. Do you want to also “preserve” other old experiences? The first smartphone? The first home PC. The original internet? That is not Blizzard’s business.

These options make sense. Have permanent museum servers essentially, and seasonal servers to feed into them, pretty much how diablo works now. I don’t think you necessarily even have to do 2 year servers, you could add XP modifiers or other things to speed the game up. If they do stick to 2 year servers I’d hope we’d have to realms open at least once a year and not having to wait 2 years before a season.

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I’m dreading the CRZ/Connected Realms/Virtual Realms Feature. I’m hoping for ACTUAL Server Merges, but we’ll see.

Otherwise, Blizz you can make more money by:

EDIT: ^ IMO THAT is worth $35 or MORE LOL

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Really there is only one good short term option that Blizzard can do without spending any actual money on development, that would be to identify a core server of each type PvP, PvE, and then allow people to free transfer to it.

While Seasonal servers, and Server merges might be options in the future, that functionality doesn’t exist today, and while its certainly something that people could push for, they bring lots of challenges that could potentially require a significant amount of development effort.


You should wait at least two tbc seasons to see how classic servers are.

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If they merge / connect servers, the following issues need to be solved first.

  1. Names

Who decides who will keep their names? What about clones, that some day may or may not join the realms. What if TBC players become bored and now all want back to their original realms? We could end up with tons of duplicate names and too many players, like on release of Classic.

  1. Spawntimes

No matter if flowers or rares, but also world bosses. On a single realm this is manageable, as very seldom everyone is online at the same time and you can have turns too as you know each other.
Lets assume, the players of 10, maybe 15 realms will now be merged, then we would have a much higher compeition for goods than in the past. Especially if one of these realms does have a bot army or somekind of powergamer guild. Everyone else would no longer be able to find anything, as the spawn rates are not made for this type of competition.

Having to fight for a black lotus spawn can already be tough, now imagine this on connected / merged realms. This would be a nightmare.
But also the fishing event where right now maybe 50 players compete, could become a 500 players battlefield, again giving those in large groups a major advantage.

Some of us players might play on a casual realm, where we can casually collect things. I for sure wouldnt enjoy being thrown into such a competition and it would maybe lead to more players leaving than a skipped raid or dungeon group.

  1. World Bosses

At Vanilla, world bosses dont spawn right after they died. Instead, they are on a very long cooldown of several days. This limits massivly how many guilds can kill a world boss each week. On my realm, guilds took turns, which worked fine as only 2-3 were actually geared enough.

On connected / merged realms we will not only have a few guilds but many, I would imagine that at least one guild on each relam will remain active, either by clones or not transfering to TBC. This would lead to a massive inflation of potential guilds that attempt the world bosses each week and there is no way that this would work out, unless the respawn system is massivly altered which would be against the spirit of classic.

  1. pvp

Besides the obvious issue with world pvp that we see on retail, where people hop realms all the time, the Vanilla pvp system allowed 4 players towards the end to go for Rank 14. This works fine on a realm with a limited amount of players. By connecting or merging realms, the amount of players competiting would also increase, so that the cap of 4 might no longer work.
Needless to say, while in the past one dude or 4 dudes blocking rank 14 on a single realm, this could now happen on all realms due the merge.

We need to have multiple realms to avoid rude players, again, on my realm we never had something like that, I would prefer it to remain like that.

  1. Questing

Due the nature of connected realms, Blizzard added a group tag system, but also upped the spawn times. We need to ask ourselves, if we truly want to go that path now as well, as it will be coming if we merge our playerbase to a few realms.


I did choose to play Classic as we had no connected / merged realms. For me this is a key point of my motivation to play. I enjoy selling my goods, I enjoy knowing my buyers and I enjoy knowing that at 5 pm my turn on picking flowers is. Its a community and I prefer not to lose this, just because we lack a system to build groups for raids or dungeons with people outside of our realms.

Here it would be much better I think to add a tool that allows you to meet players from other realms inside a raid or dungeon, so those that are afraid to lack members for their raid, can find others in such a tool.

The realms, however, should remain their own economy, you dont need a few hundred people to do a quest, level to 60 or do dungeons. Only the 40 player raids could become an issue, but this can be solved by a less destructive way than merges or connected realms.

Besides that, I am confident that those who remain on a realm, will form a new guild and just keep going.

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Personally I hope that blizzard doesn’t go the CRZ/connected realms route for the Forever Classic servers. I think that server community/identity is one of the core parts of Classic. I think the best option would be to actually merge the low population servers together so that they can have a healthier community.

I realize that merging servers could create character name issues. But I would hope that there would be a creative way around this.


it’s probably the only way. i leveled a horde priest, and 2 ally rogues 0-60 on 3 different servers, and each time the other faction of the pvp server left. 3 times! after all that time committed to leveling them i finally, exasperatingly, begrudgingly, paid the $50 to transfer each of the 2 allies to a balanced medium/high pop pvp realm with no guarantee a faction won’t leave in the future and gave up on the horde entirely. I will quit before i pay another penny to transfer. They need to fix that.

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I think you missing a point, connected realms, like in retail wow, shares the same world.

I know (from my experience) that Brazil has 2 connected realms, TolBarad and Nemesis, and both shares the same world, the only difference is the -RealmName after your character name, everything else works like you are in the same realm, same auction house, same world, both realms share guilds, it would be same pvp ranking pool in classic as well…

So world bosses, spawntime, questing and pvp will not be a problem in this case.

They have other brazilian realms like Azralon that u can play together, u even see them walking around in the world, cities, u can quest with them, but those dont share guilds, auction house, spawn times…

I believe when blizzard said they want to connect classic era realms, they want to do something like the first case, where both realms share everything, it will be a single realm, just with -Realmname added to preserve character names

Yes - especially #2!

Well, I’m lucky because after I left Herod I went to Earthfury in Sept 2019 which went from 55% alliance to like 58% horde at one point. However, the other faction was always there.

What an idiotic and selfish assessment.

Lots of people simply enjoy the experience of re-rolling fresh. Mind blowing, right?

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Lots of people!? Did you pluck the numbers out of wonderland?

Really. Coming from a level 45. Stop complaining about fresh when you haven’t even reached 60 yet.