Classic Flying in War Within

Most campaigns take months to get done its a time gated event…look how long it took to do the Dragon Flight one we are just finishing it up now.

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Completing the campaign will not take a week, they will gate it like every other time and likely a year in you will get the last of it.



You could be stuck walking or on a ground mount like every other previous expansion. Count your blessings.

P.S. there are settings to combat motion sickness in the game options.


the war campaign in bfa lasted until 8.2.5 i think

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You missed or left out the part players need to get a pathfinder achievement BEFORE they can do either.

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Yup you can turn off all the visual effects now. Also extra flying key binds if you don’t like using the mouse.

There’s probably still some non-zero number of people who have issues with it, but I wonder how many people tried it at launch, wrote it off, and haven’t tried again with the added settings. Removing the motion blur and FoV shift has to have addressed some of the motion sickness issues.

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I’d rather ground mount, but often you can’t because the areas are designed for flying


I have no issue doing the game on a ground mount been there done that …got the Tee shirt many many times…my issue is they are allowing dragon flying but not normal flying…as for those things they put in game for motion sickness doesn’t always work for others.

Why is alright for one type but not the other in TWW…I can understand reason for DF even though it took bloody too long to allow normal flying but yeah DF is about dragons…TWW isn’t.


“In geological terms, a couple thousand years is a very short time indeed. So what I said was true, from a certain point of view.”


I don’t get the reasoning behind it. It just seems like petulance at this point.


There is a lot of things that are designed into the game for one reason or another that the design team never tells anyone strait up 100% why they choose to do it, or keep doing it that way. This pretty much goes true with every game out there.

I so don’t get where some thought that just because Microsoft was now owners, that somehow they was going to re-write the book on WoW. Or at least this single issue within WoW, when I doubt that any of the big shots at Microsoft even cares if or when anyone flies in WoW in the 1st place.

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AND… who cares? Let’s hope that only the 2 options can be done without having a damn NPC asking me to enable my Dragonjet flight again.

In any case, I would enjoy being normal, or with fast flight when I feel like it, and a middle finger to those whiny whiners who think old is dead.

Create the classic flight, they wanted a lot to calm down without so much trouble.

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I could understand that if they said no flight at all until a set date. Perhaps they need to finish rendering the zones or some other technical aspect I know nothing about.

To say you can have the new flying but not the old is weird.


You engage less with the world and the content, because you’re busy with both hands and constant hand to eye motion. How is it you look at a map while dragonriding to see what it was you just flew over? Do you have that keybound to a foot pedal?


Touch some grass please - carpel tunnel is no joke

I just… use my eyes? I know which direction the objective is typically when I fly, and I know about how far it is. When I get close I hover for a sec and look at the map - dive when appropriate.

There are a variety of reasons players might have difficulty with the dragonriding system, including mobility and visual issues.

So the solution is for everyone who has issues with dragonriding to quit the game?

So you never use a map. Curious. Or maybe not curious.


If its causing you actual physical pain? Yeah, stop doing that.

I can’t say what his technique is, but for me, the mini-map is part of my scan. Attitude, airspeed, mini-map.

That said, I still say that OG flying should be available from the start. It makes no sense to have deluxe flying available from the get-go, and delay the lesser-capable version.


So longterm customers who can no longer play the game without pain should accept the changes Blizzard made to make the game less accessible and quit. Because Blizzard must be right, and it’s always the customer’s fault.


They can wait :hugs: - it’s not that big of a deal