Classic Flying in War Within

Well isn’t this just dandy now…right off everyone can fly dragon flying style on the first day of War Within…but can you fly classic style…nope nope nope…this is what they posted about classic flying…"Dynamic Flight will be available from the start in Khaz Algar and players will be able to unlock the TBC style of flight at maximum level by exploring the zones of The War Within and completing the campaign. "

So those of that don’t like dragon flying are going to get stabbed in the back again just like in Dragon flight and have to wait …what a whole dang year again like we did in Dragon Flight…this really sucks…I can’t stand Dragon Flying it hurts my hands to use it while trying to gather ores and herbs…now I am going to be stuck with it again…I just about regret already buying the new expansion now.


Its a hill Blizzard likes to stand defiant on.
For reasons I suppose.


It is so rude to people with motion sickness.


There’s literally no reason both couldn’t be available right from the start. I think Blizzard has done some great things in DF but they’re so stubbornly stuck with this war on regular flying it’s hard to think it’s anything but pure spite at this point.


They never forgave the players for pushing back so strongly against the removal of flying in WoD. Never.


Logic doesn’t exist at Blizzard.

It would make more since if you got the old flying at the start, and had to pathfinder the faster flying.


Blizz said in an interview that dynamic flying engages more with the world and the content. Thus, they want you engaging with said things.

This is still a thousand times better than locking it to the last major patch of the expansion.


I do fully agree with this though. Definitely better than WoD-SL that’s for sure.


There was no reason in Dragon Flight either but many of us put up with the bull and used it till finally they opened up normal flying…which for me was a God Sent…and was for many other players esp those with motion sickness happening from it…I myself get a bit of motion sickness too from it…


Beta will be interesting this time around because more people will have access.

I have my popcorn ready because that will probably be the #1 topic in TWW beta.


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


Honestly it is pretty asinine.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they are convincing themselves they are right. 90% of people use dragon riding, because no one wants to bother grinding out regular flying.

I still think they should’ve just left dragon riding for dragon mounts. They really should explore and lean into mount families.

  • Striders - water walking
  • dragons - dragon riding
  • turtles/under-water mounts - water speed
  • horses - faster ground speed

Stuff like this.

I’m actually ok with the initial leveling experience being on the ground. Once I’m capped - no more stupid/pointless hoops to jump through.


Funny thing is that despite all that effort the feedback was loud and clear. TBC normal flying is still popular with players. I am proud of you all for standing up for TBC normal flying during the DF beta. We were very close to losing it!

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


This isn’t even the end of it. There’s also the whole “5 seconds to switch between modes” thing when right now I just have normal (flying) mount and dragonriding mount on two different buttons and it works fine. Pointless and entirely regressive change.


This I could work with no issues…like how it was in MoP and TBC…get …go get flying…this mess of locking an ability behind path finder or now they use whole campaign lock is just awful to player base…cause these locks are usually over a year long to get to and get done.


I agree with you on principle, but… why is it going to take you a year to explore the zones and complete the main quest? Most of us will have it unlocked in the first week.


There is absolutely zero reason other than Blizzards hubris and spitefulness for this to happen. My flight form in my opinion is far superior to that garbage called dragon flight.


Blizzard says a LOT of stuff that is bunk. Like how they don’t design the game to sell tokens, or MAU’s in mind but yet we know that to be a falsehood.


Pretty sure they mentioned somewhere in a post about classic flying and that there would be a toggle for Dynamic flying and classic flying. Because they know people would want either…

Standard Flight: Steady Flight

If you prefer a more laid-back and traditional flying experience, you have the option to switch from Dynamic to Standard Flight modes. This flexibility extends not only to your preferred mounts but also allows your Dracthyr to enjoy a relaxed Steady Flight when desired"

Here you go.

Edit: i think some people need to pay attention and do research.

Even says it in this wowhead post too.

Here’s a list of all 464 flying mounts that are able to Dragonride in The War Within!

“In-game, you are able to toggle between dynamic flying (Skyriding) and regular flying (Steady Flight) in your mount journal window.”

Speaking as someone who vastly prefers dynamic flight for most situations…

Yeah, man, I really don’t understand why they’re doing this. When you unlock TBC (“steady”) flight it becomes a toggle. I think you hit f9 or something to switch between them. Why they are hiding this toggle behind a grind is mystifying to me.

Their old argument has always been that they want you with your boots on the ground, exploring zones and engaging with them for a while before they let you just fly over their carefully crafted content. But in Dragonflight and now War Within we’ll be dynamic flying from the start, speeding across maps like jets.

Is it just that you can almost kinda turn your brain off when steady flying? Is that the reason? That’s silly if so.

I think they should make the toggle available from the start and make Pathfinding reward a cool new flying/dynamic flying mount.


Yea, it’s crazy that they still seem bent over that. Of all of the hills to want to stand and die on is crazy. I’m fine with “dynamic” flying, it has its uses for me. But there are times that I find regular flight works better for what I’m doing. I’d love to see a way to have certain mounts do one or the other and not have to hit some button to switch between them. But I’d be surprised to see that happen.

I’m also at a loss as to why one is fine at the start of the xpac, but the other one isn’t. Well unless they needed some incentive for people doing the pathfinder achievement.

But yea, they should probably quit trying to put the flying toothpaste back in the tube.