Classic Flying in War Within

Considering the number of bots in ZC currently it doesnt appear to hinder them at all. And again, if DR is ok from launch then real flying should be also. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


This feels like Ion and Co are not only still holding a grudge over WoD, but now that they have created a new form of flying they want everyone to sing praises of it since it’s their creation, and since old flying didn’t come from their minds they want to kill it.

Hell look at what Ion said at Blizzcon, he actually said he was hoping players would say dynamic flying was amazing and it could replace old flying, sadly that didn’t happen and he is salty so of course they restrict it. He wants everyone to sing praises of dynamic flying and be able to kill old flying.

What’s even worse is, they keep putting developer resources into making it more accessible, but they already have an accessibility option available called static/TBC/old flying, so just open it up from the start like dynamic flying and just accept that some people either can’t use dynamic flying or don’t like it.


I already play a class with an energy bar. Don’t need the reject version to use a mode of transportation that is Dragon Riding.


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


You hit the nail on the head …its maddening that they are going to hold normal flying hostage again like they did with DF.

I would say Normal flying been held hostage since WoD came out with having to do Path Finder each and every expansion since WoD.


Ditto! <10chrs>

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They also made it clear that dynamic flying is going to be considered the main default way of flying into the future of WoW and will be the one they choose to focus on developing from here on out. And also designing the game around.

Both types of flying can coexist in the same time frame…neither takes anything from the other in any way…if a player wants to go zoom zoom they can…if player wants to putt along smelling the roses they should be able too…one doesn’t hurt the other at all.

But if Blizzard wants to remove old flying completely they will lose many players now…that is a fact…

Dragon flying didn’t stop the bots from farming …they were able to farm a couple days into Dragon flying going live…and they are still doing it now to this day…so the notion that DF stopped or slowed it down is a lie…go down into ZC and mine down in the center area of the map…as soon as you land on a node you’ve got 10 bots landing on it too…your lucky if you get a tap in before they do now.


They have no intention of removing TBC flying. Delaying the fact that you can use it, is not removing it from the game. And not developing anything new for it is not removing it either, or developing the game around its use.

I get the idea that we don’t have account wide ignore because so many of the white knight posters are blizz staff assigned to sock puppet the forums…


So other players that just don’t agree with your point of view are now somehow paid people hired by Blizzard to someone post in their favor. That is really reaching, The world is not all 100% only what you want to hear, specially in video games. If one doesn’t care for hearing other peoples idea’s or thoughts or even disagreements on forums, maybe they shouldn’t be reading the forums in the 1st place, specially if it upsets them so greatly.

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I think its staff assigned to white knight.

they sock puppet thru multiple accounts to defend Ion.

you’re welcome to your opinion.

and yes, you do seem a bit upset, maybe you should take a break…


Unless flying is mandatory, you can stay on the ground until max level, like almost every expansions, even prior to pathfinder.

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We don’t know
They mention you unlock regular flying at max level and finish the campaign so it could be just the main quest for the first patch or it could be for the while main campagin for the expansion in which case we won’t get regular flying till near the end of the expansion.

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Actually I am not, to me WoW is just a game, a way to waste you spare time. Nothing more, nothing less. When we leave this world behind no one is going to put on anyone tome stone that they was a world class WoW player with ##### amount of mounts that played ##### amount of hours. Because in the end really doesn’t it matter, its not a earth changing event or accomplishment.

The ball is in BizZard’s court if they want to clarify.


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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no one’s actively trying to hurt you.

It’s a rewawrd for playing the game. Play the game and get the reward. The only thing I would change is to require some campaing (perhaps a shorter one) to unluck dragon flying as well.

By that logic, both forms of flying should be locked the same way. Either both are available from the start or neither are.


Why? They’re different forms of flying. Old flying is far more versatile, so it makes sense to require more effort to unlock it. Time vs reward.

Both are a form of convenience, so both should be treated the same, stop trying to defend this Blizzard BS.