Classic Flying in War Within

We shouldn’t have too…this is new expansion its not about Dragons like Dragon Flight is…we should be able to fly normal flying if Dragons can fly.

Those of us with medical conditions are being pushed aside and told you’ll have to wait till we feel you can use normal Leveling out too max level might not be hard but the part that says about the Campaign being done…that could mean till the whole campaign is finished which usually takes almost a year with patches cause its time gated.


The reason I say regular flying is like flying a helicopter is that you can fly really slow, hover and make precision landings on a spot. However there is a limit on how fast you can go. Fly too fast and you lose lift on one side of the aircraft.

Airplanes are like dragon flying because they go much faster but can’t slow down and hover like a choper can.

I agree… I don’t get the Blizzard hate for a feature they developed and added almost 18 years ago. It has been part of the game for the majority of its existence.


It all goes back too Ion and his hate of flying…he tried to remove flying all together with WoD and that caused a uproar for a long time here on the forums…why we ended up with that long long path finder in WoD…punishment for giving Ion flak about not being able to fly in WoD…

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I know the history. I don’t understand it. Seems like petty and bully behavior.


Yes it does…why its being allowed is beyond me…with Microsoft taking over I thought we see some changes to stuff like this…


Well they are trying the soft approach to try to remove TBC normal flying this time around.

But I think it is backfiring in a bigger way because player choice is the central tenet of the pro flyers since day 1.

If people want to use DR or TBC normal flying it should be a choice. No gating, no hoops, no waiting for patches aka patchfinders.


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


The problem is TBC normal flying has been in game for over 10 yrs before this mess of pushing to get rid of it and ground us…you just can’t expect players that have been in game for 10 yrs not to get upset with taking away an aspect of the game they are use too.


BlizZard is trying to use DR as a wedge against pro flying but it has backfired.

Why? Because it is about choice and always has been about choice. BlizZard trying to arm twist people into using DR when they physically can’t whether their health condition, disability or other personal reason is pretty scummy.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:


Iirc flying hasn’t been available until max level for most expansions. Didn’t you need to be max even in TBC? So this is pretty par for the course.

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Is there a way to “use Random Favorite Mount” without it always defaulting to using the dragonriding/dynamic flying?

Same but that will never happen because it is Blizzard.

TBC yes… Wrath for your first character yes… But then they had the Tome of Cold Weather Flight you could purchase for your alts and use at level 68. Cata we could fly from the get go. MoP was max level.

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That would be fine if the restriction applied to Dragonriding in future expansions as well.


I think that is splitting hairs. It is available day one you just need to get to it. Someone will likely have it day one. Saying it’s not in there day one because you can’t get it day one is very disingenuous in an argument.

Look you can complain that you don’t like having to get through the expansions lvl grind and do something to get it. Fine that is your stance, I think it’s a great in-between.

People want both, blizzard wants to design the zone and have people play in the new flight form while leveling. So it’s in the day one patch but you gotta level first. Seems like they did what they said they would and you thought something different and are splitting hairs to make their words mean something else.


holy crap…people actually enjoy just sitting idle in the sky?

sorry I like the play the games I pay for


So… Literally a week in you’ll get TBC flight.

You not looking at the information is not the fault of Blizzard, who provided it in significant advance. Nobody made you preorder, and there is zero reasonable expectation of no changes during the development anyway.

Stop preordering products on the basis of “goodies”, especially if overtly obvious features such as dragon riding are enough to destroy the game for you.

100% self inflicted.

So its fine to discriminate against those players that get physically sick from Dragon Flying …or cause pain to the player to use it…make them wait weeks or months till a campaign is over with and they are max level…where as dragon flyers don’t have any restrictions at all.


How does that even make sense… glad I haven’t bought the expac and am waiting only subbing every now and then for a month here and there to see if they learned anything…