Classic Flying in War Within

I agree they stand by the dumbest decisions. Nobody likes this, nobody wants this

Sure there are an incredibly small percentage of people who claim to, or just doesn’t care. So basically yeah, no one wants it.


I am well aware of that because I am mainly a ground traveler because I like to immersive myself in the World rather that fly over it. (Although Grizzly Hills is certainly testing that right now :grin: .)

However, that does not change the fact that allowing people without motion sickness flying right off the hop while denying it to people with motion sickness is inconsiderate and therefore rude.

In fact, now that I think about it, it is worse than rude, it is downright discriminatory.


Melodramatic much? No one is stabbing you in the back. From my understanding the ability to unlock regular flight trhough pathfinder will be available right at launch. You just have to play through the story/zones ones on a character.

And that still doesn’t make old flying so unbalanced that we need to wait on it. If anything, it should be the other way around.

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Because they have stated dynamic flying is the main style of flying they want to push for the future of retail WoW.

Normal flying is not available day 1 of TWW only Dragon Flying is…that’s the point I made…we are being forced right back into Dragon Flying even if it makes us physical sick or put us in pain.

Max level…fine that means days not hours of day one…

Do the Campaign…it doesn’t say do the initial campaign…it says Campaign that can and has meant full campaign which takes months to do, as they only release parts every so many weeks or months.

Explore the Map and zones…sure that is easy when they offer up dragon flying but again you still got rest of the stuff to do first…


Question — do you get exploration credit if you’re riding along on someone else’s mount?

Understand, I’m not trying to justify their baffling design decision, I’m just looking for a way I might be able to help out some of my fellow players who have difficulties with dynamic flight. I’d be happy to taxi folks around if it helped.

I’d be happier if we all got the choice out of the gate, but unless we flat-out quit, we have to play the ball where it lies.

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That I can’t tell you if you can or not …more then likely I would assume you wouldn’t get credit for it while flying with someone.

I wonder if people would pay for this service.

BlizZard is scared that more players will enjoy TBC normal flying.

:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

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At Blizzcon, Ion said “BCC Flying will open up shortly after max level”

Should be interesting what lawyer speak is used to change that to the .2 patch


I believe you do, actually.

I say this because I know i was getting xp while Fiona’s Caravan dragged me into new zones.

Yup which is why beta is going to be SPICY!


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

But that is a game npc doing it not a player in the game carrying you while flying…as I said not full sure but I would lean towards not working myself.

How is it being “stabbed in the back” when they’ve told you literally 8+ months in advance? You could hardly be given more warning.

It’s clear they consider dragonriding the “default” mount style now and relegated classic flying to “it exists because people whine about it not because we want it to”. I don’t particularly care one way or the other; it wouldn’t hurt me one iota for people to have classic flying available, but to claim that it “hurts your hands” is absurd, unless you’re a pacifist character that never uses abilities in combat too.

People should regret buying expansions months and years in advance, doing so rewards very bad behavior on behalf of companies and offers them zero incentive to do a good job in selling the features of the expansion. If you didn’t do so, you wouldn’t be in the position you’re in now, having a feature you don’t like sprung on you post-refund period. Stop buying products before the companies making them actually finish making them; there is a reason they blackmail people into doing so with shiny mtx.

I didn’t watch Blizzcon now…wasn’t interested in it…I only paid to get the goodies…and haven’t seen anything said what was said at blizzcon till now with coming out of how many mounts can dragon fly…

We ought to be able to test this with a fresh 60 as ride-along and someone else driving.

…are wrong.


How so?

This… might actually be true, although DF is superior to RF.

I disagree with this. Ideally I’d like to see no pathfinder at all and both versions of flying right from the start. I’ll 100% take dragonriding over being on the stupid ground any day.

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I will just stick to the ground as much as possible while leveling. Usually just explore using Prowl anyway. Even then it only takes 3 or 4 days to level.

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